<bruce_bailey> Scribe: Bruce
<Zakim> bruce_bailey, you wanted to ask if we are on for CSUN
<bruce_bailey> Bruce asks about CSUN
<bruce_bailey> Silver and AG meeting might be too crowded
<bruce_bailey> still exploring options
<bruce_bailey> still TBD
<bruce_bailey> http://docs.google.com/document/d/17ByXEqqXuqWtDzxq2J6Vch27n4RWMZig7P426aPiIto
<bruce_bailey> Challenges with Conformance for Large, Complex, and/or Dynamic Websites
<bruce_bailey> Peter Korn and Janina to speak to this
<bruce_bailey> draft by PK
<bruce_bailey> PK: we have been thinking a lot about conformance in Silver
<bruce_bailey> ... useful first step to look a challenges for large dynamic sites
<bruce_bailey> ... applications as well, also perhaps also non-web ICT
<bruce_bailey> ... document aims to try and capture issues in this context
<bruce_bailey> ... thanks for many comments and edits, pk has not review yet
<bruce_bailey> PK: questions and comments?
<bruce_bailey> Jeanne: for people 1st looking at document, an overview please?
<AWK> Challenge #1: Specific WCAG Guidelines & Success Criteria Expecting Human Involvement
<bruce_bailey> PK: Good idea, there are four buckets
<bruce_bailey> ... many SC requirements involve human involvement
<bruce_bailey> ... from a time point of view, exponential time burden for dynamic sites
<bruce_bailey> ... anything which requires human review is huge challenge
<AWK> Challenge #2: Large, complex, and dynamic websites are always “under construction”
<bruce_bailey> ... content being added and changed faster than can be reviewed
<bruce_bailey> PK: may be updating a flow
<AWK> Challenge #3: 3rd party content
<bruce_bailey> ... conformance section of WCAG does not make allowance
<bruce_bailey> PK: even smaller sites, e.g., dating, will have lots of editors
<bruce_bailey> ... users not well education about accessibility
<bruce_bailey> ... ex 1.4.1 not only using color, how could that be moderated?
<AWK> Challenge #4: Non-Web Information and Communications Technologies
<bruce_bailey> PK: things that cannot be automated much wider for non-web ICT
<bruce_bailey> PK: document has abstract in each section
<bruce_bailey> ... several SC captured, but by no means complete
<bruce_bailey> ... very much a work in progress
<bruce_bailey> ... please do comment
<bruce_bailey> Jeanne: Work is building on what we learned 3 years ago in Silver research project
<bruce_bailey> ... thanks PK and others contributing.
<Zakim> alastairc, you wanted to ask whether a more declarative approach would be desirable, or should we explicitely allow for that in the conformance?
<bruce_bailey> ... we have not returned to anaylsis in a while, so this is very helpful
<bruce_bailey> Alastair: Recognize all challenges from work with FaceBook and other companies
<bruce_bailey> ... wrt to testing automatically, organziation address by creating processs
<bruce_bailey> ... "how we do things" instructions / guidelines
<bruce_bailey> ... so not fully automatic, but oriented to in-house processess
<bruce_bailey> ... would this kind of approach be supported by Silver?
<bruce_bailey> ... Or would you see tests being more declaritive and testable?
<bruce_bailey> PK: This is coming up in conformance meetings
<bruce_bailey> ... one thing that can be effective strategy is abstracting from raw HTML
<bruce_bailey> ... ex, wiki -- where tool does not allow ed user to create large text size distinct from named style
<bruce_bailey> ... helps force structure
<bruce_bailey> ... another example, cannot contain H3 under H1 without there being H2
<bruce_bailey> ... can imagine constrained environment where tools help with conformance
<bruce_bailey> ... does not work everywhere, no use of color is counter example
<bruce_bailey> Alastair: That is helpful, but I am still not clear how Silver conformance model allows for this
<bruce_bailey> PK: Focus is on capturing challenges as opposed to conformance approach
<bruce_bailey> ... an organization might define its own accessiblity standards, and Silver might allow that
<bruce_bailey> ... one example is how 508 permits equivalent facilitation
<bruce_bailey> ... that is outside WCAG 2.0 conformance model
<bruce_bailey> ... WCAG currently very strict about what is conforming or not
<bruce_bailey> ... But might Silver be able to stretch or stray from this approach?
<bruce_bailey> Alastair: Concerned with more of a continuim between how organizations address conformance
<bruce_bailey> ... if Silver varies widely, harder to have conformance with Silver
<bruce_bailey> PK: Might be resolved by looking at Guideline or Principle level rather than stricly looking at tests and methods
<bruce_bailey> Alastair: Organizations might take an approach to force heading with CMS, so easier to efforce accessibility
<bruce_bailey> ... Still not sure how Silver might endorse organization approach.
<bruce_bailey> PK: How to organizational address 1.4.1?
<bruce_bailey> Alastair: Has to be instructional
<Lauriat> +1 to Alastair, that first group seems more of a testability question than a conformance model question (I also commented on this in the doc).
<bruce_bailey> PK: So how to address chat with "meet me at the corner, I will be wearing a red hat"
<bruce_bailey> DavidMcDonald: Have you looked at WCAG EM
<alastairc> https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG-EM/
<bruce_bailey> PK: not yet
<david-macdonald> https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG-EM/
<bruce_bailey> DM: WCAG EM has quite a bit of overlap with questions this document asks
<bruce_bailey> ... might be useful as you EM tries to answer many issues raised
<bruce_bailey> ... EM is not a page-by-page approach, uses sampling
<bruce_bailey> AWK: agrees EM is on point
<bruce_bailey> PK: not sure that sampling alone address issues
<bruce_bailey> ... what if sample hits "under construction" or user content?
<bruce_bailey> ... will review
<bruce_bailey> Janina: Exercise is what can we build to evaluate sites?
<bruce_bailey> ... human need side we understand
<bruce_bailey> ... for example, alt and synchronized alternative not going away
<bruce_bailey> ... describing problems of organizations is new to us though
<bruce_bailey> Detlev: Distinction should be made between users and editors and 3rd party users
<bruce_bailey> ... bold and emphasis are not show stoppers
<bruce_bailey> ... dialogs and forms are a bigger problem which WCAG EM does not address
<bruce_bailey> ... EM just oriented to page testing
<bruce_bailey> ... need is for addressing building blocks
<bruce_bailey> ... example focus and triggers can be managed in building blocks, which defeats arguements about dynamic content and size of site
<bruce_bailey> PK: Those are important strategies, and we are using them
<bruce_bailey> ... but with process from software development (includes JavaScript and HTML) and organization can do good job with testing those
<bruce_bailey> ... but they will not be bug free, and bugs effect accessibility
<bruce_bailey> ... these strategies still run into 100% non-errors bar that is in the conformance model
<Detlev> Fully agree that 100% may not be doable at that scale!
<bruce_bailey> ... conformance is page-based, so one error falls conformance
<bruce_bailey> ... current model does not provide for less-than-perfection
<bruce_bailey> ... current model does not credit catching most problems most of the time
<bruce_bailey> Katie: We are having push back from browser developers, and maybe they only care about browsers, so can we focus maybe on building blocks?
<bruce_bailey> ... if we focus on authoring process, that is where we can get most of work done, especially with large websites.
<bruce_bailey> PK: Agree. These are all useful and important strategies and lead to getting arms around problem.
<bruce_bailey> ... still, none lead to zero SC failures
<bruce_bailey> Katie: Focus can be on improvement, and fewer errors.
<bruce_bailey> ... still need a bar. Can we talk about it differently?
<bruce_bailey> Janina: This conversation really helps get us clarity on where the problem lies.
<bruce_bailey> ... with the tool, with the tech specs, with the practice and policy?
<bruce_bailey> AWK: Next steps?
<bruce_bailey> PK: From the larger Silver plans, we would like to publish this document with FPWD of Silver in November.
<bruce_bailey> ... Question for this group: How much of this document (and its concerns) be bundled with Silver?
<bruce_bailey> AWK: It could be part of Explainer Doc
<bruce_bailey> ... It could be a separate note
<bruce_bailey> ... which would make more sense if it is applied broader than Silver
<bruce_bailey> PK: We are just trying to outline issues, it seems like it could be a stand-alone note.
<bruce_bailey> Micheal Cooper: Speaks against notes proliferation
<bruce_bailey> ... could easily be part of Silver Requirements document
<bruce_bailey> Detlev: Seems like this could apply to building blocks requirements, then does matter if millions of pages tested
<bruce_bailey> Katie: agreed
<laura> +1 to Detlev
<bruce_bailey> PK: Building blocks might not speak to flows
<JakeAbma> +1 it's the way most companies start doing tests anyway
<alastairc> +1 to *enabling* the testing of template level building blocks, but would need to have a view on how they are put together.
<JakeAbma> Make the building blocks accessible as a start
<Detlev> you's still have to have confromance req "complete processes" is some other form...
<bruce_bailey> ... can i log in, can i find the things i am searching for, can i complete X process, can I buy Y
<bruce_bailey> ... an analysis of what use is of App is important
<alastairc> Could be a method of 'sampling'.
<bruce_bailey> ... this also mirror how software is currently tested
<Zakim> Lauriat, you wanted to suggest next steps
<bruce_bailey> ... are all of these flows accessible?
<bruce_bailey> Shawn Lauriet: Suggesting for going forward...
<bruce_bailey> SL: like this as Silver requirements document
<bruce_bailey> ... Building block instead of pages makes perfect sense
<bruce_bailey> ... addressing less than 100% conformance, less than 100% testing of all pages sensible
<bruce_bailey> ... from quick review of EM note, that note does not completely address, but is helpful
<bruce_bailey> PK: Do people think this document is helpful in 2x world?
<alastairc> not sure, need to think about that
<bruce_bailey> SL: Yes, which is why concerns could be migrated into EM note.
<bruce_bailey> PK: Who is editor of EM note?
<bruce_bailey> discussion...
<Lauriat> Not concerns into the note, but some of the things we discussed, like building block evaluations and authoring tool level methods.
<bruce_bailey> MC: Evaluation Framework from ACT in formal process
<Lauriat> https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG-EM/
<bruce_bailey> Evaluation Framework seems to be a little different
<bruce_bailey> AWK: There was an Evaluation Methodology taskforce, which no longer exists
<bruce_bailey> discussion that probably EM lead to AF ACT work
<bruce_bailey> AWK: ACT work is trying to capture a complete process
<pkorn> I need to step away from the audio conference for a few moments. My ability to send audio dies about 45 minutes into every conference... (sigh)
<bruce_bailey> Katie: ACT work much more focussed on automated testing
<pkorn> OK, I should be back now.
<bruce_bailey> Jeanne: Silver is looking at both
<bruce_bailey> ... Silver looked at EM doc at beginning
<bruce_bailey> ... updating EM does not seem likely, but it can inform Silver work
<bruce_bailey> PK: Updating EM does not seem likely in near term, so what is home for this content?
<bruce_bailey> AWK: We have not considered updating EM, might or might not be sensible
<bruce_bailey> ... this document important, but the right fit is still under discussion
<bruce_bailey> ... If this is going to be published in coordination with Silver FPWD, time is tight.
<bruce_bailey> AWK: How can WG help?
<bruce_bailey> PK: I see many comments, so there is work to resolve and respond to comments
<bruce_bailey> ... document needs revision and expansion
<bruce_bailey> ... time seems too tight to be part of Silver per se
<bruce_bailey> ... but can work on it simultaneously
<bruce_bailey> AWK: Everyone has link. Please read and offer suggestions.
<bruce_bailey> ... we will raise the topic on this call soon
<bruce_bailey> PK: If publishing week of 11/25, need review by 11/5 or 10/29
<bruce_bailey> Jeanne: Still working on scheduling.
<bruce_bailey> ... this doc is part of that. I will moved to Silver GitHub.
<Zakim> laura, you wanted to ask why does it need to be published in November?
<Lauriat> +1 to Laura, that seemed to come out of nowhere.
<bruce_bailey> AWK: We have Silver First Public Working Draft in November
<bruce_bailey> Laura: Understood, but why does this doc need to published then?
<bruce_bailey> AWK and Janina think this document important to context for Silver
<bruce_bailey> AWK: Topic very much of interest. Again, AGlers, please review.
<bruce_bailey> thanks from PK and Janina
<laura> Scribe: Laura
<david-macdonald> test
awk: I had some qiuestions. So did detlev
detlev: difficult to measure.
awk: I had question on second bullet
AC: needs to be thick or separated from the component.
<bruce_bailey> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g9_WBgfhViWAaRFIWWt10CP5rBsEVIWm3vT1vWqrHvI
detlev: don't see that in the SC text.
ac: adjacent colors doesn’t work with focus indicators.
<alastairc> https://alastairc.uk/tests/wcag22-examples/focus-visible-enh-examples.html
awk: felt like focus was not as
promentent as others in nomensa example.
... not on example page
... red area looks like it gets shorter.
ac: technically passes.
awk: the get in touch example has a similar problem.
ac: that is example 6. I put that
down as a fail.
... Nomensa could be an implementation if improved.
awk: stumbled on 3rd
... maybe something we can do in the normative text.
ac: adjacent to the user interface component.
<david-macdonald> last bullet last word should be "pixels" not pixel (nit)
ac: one of the techniques is to do an outset.
awk: is there a quantity that we
are trying to achieve?
... 2 px thick.
ac: assumption that it is a
... will come back to thatl
awk: strange that we are not
talking about area.
... suggested edit in survey.
ac: contradicts bruce’s suggestion.
awk: think area is a concept people will understand.
<Detlev> http://3needs.org/en/testing/code/focus-visibility.html
<alastairc> Did you see this? https://alastairc.uk/tests/wcag22-examples/focus-more-visible-2.html
Detlev: example seems to meet the
... if so maybe set the bar higher.
AC: test page is at:
... 1 px on the longest edge can just mean an underline.
... careful not to set up difficult targets.
... happy to increase. what would you suggest?
detlev: not sure require a gap, stronger contrast...
ac could increase to 4.5 to 1
scribe: could increase the surface area.
<alastairc> Jake, did you see the place lower down with "Working out the surface area of a circular focus indicato"
jake: wondering about SC text.
Focused on rectangular shapes. What about irregular
... and shadows.
<alastairc> Example 13-21 are from material design: https://alastairc.uk/tests/wcag22-examples/focus-visible-enh-examples.html
jake: discussing examples.
... need non-retangular examples in understanding
ac: went with “surface area” for
... for shadows compare to background to get surface area.
jake: not always 2 pixels or
longest side.
... maybe go with star example.
<alastairc> For shadows / gradients: https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/non-text-contrast.html#figure-blue-circle-i-versions
david: worried about testing.
<Zakim> AWK, you wanted to ask about using a circumscribed rectangle to determine the longest side length
awk: for detlev- background does
need to be considered.
... line would need to be 2 pixels thick. still on the
... for an odd shape use a circumscribed rectangle to determine
the longest side length.
ac: would need to be 2 pixels or
... rather increase surface area compared to increasing
detlev: updated my examples but still hard to see.
awk: seems similar to 27.
detlev: looks thicker.
<alastairc> https://alastairc.uk/tests/wcag22-examples/focus-more-visible-2.html
ac: 15 comparing sizes of indicator
detlev: could be an either/or situation.
ac: 4 was easier to see than 9
detlev: gap makes all the difference.
awk: seems like we got some
things to figure out.
... we are close to moving to editors draft but some small
loose ends.
... Jake had a comment: G149 needs the update of course, so not
ready, and also add 'might' => "there's another (AA) SC for
which it might not be sufficient." (test it!)
jake: need to find this text.
awk: It looks like there is a different edit than described for G149. We need clarity on which way.
jake: there are sites where default browser focus is ok. need to test it.
ac: need to change google doc text.
awk: jake comment. “The SC is on the right track but needs more work.”
jake: Not rectangular shapes are
a concern.
... need an example.
AC: if I do an example would that help?
<Detlev> what is the alternative??
AC: will do.
<Detlev> +1 to rectangle around object
awk: longest edge is what we are targeting.
ac: need a mathematical term for
... any suggestions for text?
awk: will give it some thought.
<Detlev> "the longest side of the rectangle enclosing an irregular object"
Open issues are related to contrast and thickness, irregular shapes, and techiques updates.
RESOLUTION: leave open
awk: close but important questions.
s/promentent /prominent /
s/thatl /that /
s/jake comment /jake's comment /
trackbot, end meeting
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.154 of Date: 2018/09/25 16:35:56 Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/ Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/doid/did/ Succeeded: s/ out tha/ put tha/ Succeeded: s/simialr/similar/ Succeeded: s/adjecent/adjacent/ Succeeded: s/contridicts/contradicts/ Succeeded: s/undersrtand/understand/ Succeeded: s/thin area/think area/ Succeeded: s/incfrease/increase/ Succeeded: s/What a bout/What about/ Succeeded: s/compareed/compared/ Succeeded: s/ had a comment/Jake had a comment/ Succeeded: s/dont /don't / Succeeded: s/adacent /adjacent / FAILED: s/promentent /prominent / Succeeded: s/nomensa /Nomensa / Succeeded: s/implementartion /implementation / FAILED: s/thatl /that / Succeeded: s/tagets/targets/ Succeeded: s/rectangula /rectangular / FAILED: s/jake comment /jake's comment / Succeeded: s/open issues related to contrast and thickness , irregular shapes, and techiques updates./Open issues are related to contrast and thickness, irregular shapes, and techiques updates./ Default Present: AWK, Janina, Bruce, AlastairC, Chuck, Fazio, jeanne, Lauriat, Rachae, Detlev, Laura, Raf, MichaelC, pkorn, JakeAbma, MarcJohlic, KimD, johnkirkwood, Katie_Haritos-Shea, david-macdonald WARNING: Replacing previous Present list. (Old list: Rachael, alastairc, Raf, Detlev, Fazio, Justine, Laura, Jennie, Brooks, Chuck, MarcJohlic, stevelee, Katie_Haritos-Shea, mbgower, david-macdonald, janina, bruce_bailey) Use 'Present+ ... ' if you meant to add people without replacing the list, such as: <dbooth> Present+ AWK, Janina, Bruce, AlastairC Present: AWK Janina Bruce AlastairC Chuck Fazio jeanne Lauriat Rachae Detlev Laura Raf MichaelC pkorn JakeAbma MarcJohlic KimD johnkirkwood Katie_Haritos-Shea david-macdonald Regrets: JustineE Found Scribe: Bruce Found Scribe: Laura Inferring ScribeNick: laura Scribes: Bruce, Laura Found Date: 15 Oct 2019 People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option. WARNING: IRC log location not specified! (You can ignore this warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain a link to the original IRC log.)[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]