October 9, 2019 ARIA and Assistive Technology Community Group Telecon

09 Oct 2019


Matt_King, michael_fairchild, spectranaut, shimizuyohta, Jean-Francois_Hector
Matt King


<scribe> scribe:shimizuyohta

Plan update

Valerie: Go forward looking into CSS working harness.
... Met with maintainer of CSS harness and find it optimistic to expand the use of this harness.
... I'm trying get support from this maintainer.
... First step is figuring out update, and also make sure I have support from maintainer to lead software.
... Starting next week, I have two days of working for ARIA AT. Next time we meet, I hope to have more clarity of how we can use CSS harness.
... And for next week, I hope I'll have more detail of test harness, and run it locally in detail.

Matt: When you say the format of the test, that would be essentially the assertion that we're making about the case?

Valerie: Yes, what example we're looking at, what we're testing etc...

Functional requirements for test harness

<Matt_King> https://github.com/w3c/aria-at/issues/8

Michael: If the CSS harness doesn't pan out, do we have plan B?

Valerie: There's one another open software test case management system on Kiwi. If its generally accessible out of the box, it might be worth exploring.

Matt: Plan C would be going bespoke code, might be Michael's or something else. Bespoke is always options, unless we sufficiently investigate avoiding the downside of custome solutions by using someone's work.
... The whole licensing thing can be barrier, due to financial resources.

Valerie: There's two lists. The first one would be 'How customizable the tes can be'
... Can we branch? What is the requirement?
... When things faield, do we wanna know exactly why that failed?

Matt: This could be potentially done without branching out, by having many options.
... The ability to capture more than pass/fail/comments would be critical. Must have in other word.
... The first question would be pass/fail/partial. Depending on the input of first quesiton, prompt would go to optional input.
... There's concrete lists of customization we need in order to make it user-friendly.

Michael: Sum up, adding comment is critical if results is failed.

Valerie: Second question would be"Can we correct output from SR."
... I'm envisioning some feature users can copy SR output, as opposed to automated capturing.

Matt: This would be nice to have, I don't thing we need to investigate this more than necessary.

Valerie: This would be field in the case of partial/failed.
... Next question would be "Can we correct the input command"

Michael: I think that would be out of scope.

Discuss interoperability and metadata collection of the testings.

Matt: There's multiple layers of test aurhoring.

-Accessibility assertion -Assitive technology command generic data -Assemble those two together to create actual instances of the test.

Matt: We need to be carefull what metadata to include. If AT changed their interface, we need to figure out the new versions of the test for updated AT.

Valerie: Next would be 'Expectation of abitlity for testers'

Michael: Testers don't need to be packaged into the same system.

Matt: Maybe there should be login capability before testers submit data.

Michael: I agree that to avoid misguided input. Probably by having review step before submit?

Matt: It could be opened to anybody with Github ID, or have to be a member of our community group?
... Given the nature of data, we want knowledge of who's testing.

Valerie: Requirements is we want to know where users came from, and maybe preapproved users can access. Perhaps we can adopt the result don't go directly into the database, and having them stored to reviewable test collection spaaces (Michael's approach).
... Next issue is "Ability to track change history over time"

Michael: My thinking for this is a nice to have. Being able to summarizes overview of changes over time would be helpful, not necessary detail.

Matt: There's cases not having detailed history will leads to unusable data, such as version issue.

Valerie: Anythign else people can think of for harness?

Matt: Use cases for test runners, there's something you can easily see which tests have been completed.Is there any way to see which test we want done but not complete?

Valerie: I'm prioritizing that.

Matt: Test authors can mark as needed. Can we mark them based on technology, such as 'needed for JAWS'?
... Our requirement here is that system needs to be able to present list of tests based on two factors :1.SR 2.Browser

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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$Date: 2019/10/09 17:02:59 $

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Present: Matt_King michael_fairchild spectranaut shimizuyohta Jean-Francois_Hector
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