Automotive Working Group Teleconference

08 Oct 2019


Peter, Glenn, Harjot, PatrickL, Ted, Gunnar, Benjamin, Magnus


Reschedule of WG meeting



Agile spec advancement

Peter: if you look back on our history we have not been productive on advancing Gen2 but thought we can speed things up with a couple high level features as a sprint
... not real agile

Ted: for those not at the f2f, we agreed to draw more from ViWi readily less the depth piece to get some momentum. there may be interest in drawing the functions from VISS for sockets for backwards compatibility

Magnus: key is to have focus items to retain group focus

Peter: yes, I think there is frustrated at lack of progress

PatrickL: one issue at a time makes sense. I am wondering if VISS is the right starting point

Gunnar: there was work on splitting the spec in two, generic description and then how it applies to VSS
... some initial structure is needed and then step by step approach

PatrickL: would it make sense to take ViWi as the base

Gunnar: if we remove the depth limitation

PatrickL: we will wait for Ulf before ratifying that
... Gen2 was a clean start that drew pieces from each

<PatrickLue> List of features: https://www.w3.org/auto/wg/wiki/VISS-RSI-convergence-framework

<PatrickLue> Gen2: https://github.com/w3c/automotive/blob/gh-pages/spec/Gen2_Core.html

ViWi v1.9: https://www.w3.org/Submission/2019/SUBM-viwi-protocol-20190718/

<PatrickLue> Gen2 (rawgit for Ted): https://raw.githack.com/w3c/automotive/gh-pages/spec/Gen2_Core.html

VSS additions and versioning

Peter: I have heard some people wanted a vector of values per leaf but need to understand their request more
... as for VSS, is that to go on in parallel
... or align release

Ted: VSS2 isn't quite done yet last I checked, docs updated etc but not the positioning change. I will create a GH issue for versioning of the underlying data taxonomy in VISS, likely in getMetaData function and we may want both protocol (as ViWi does currently) and data taxonomy in Gen2

Gunnar: we have no maintainer identified for VSS1.0

Graph server

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. 11PST, 14EST, 20CEST
[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/10/08 22:07:33 $