<jeanne> required guidance
<jeanne> scribe: Peter
jeanne: reminds folks - if you work for W3C org., charter comments close 8Oct
<CharlesHall> i am on airpods in a noisy environment, so apologies in advance for any audio issues
jeanne: if you haven't voted,
please do so soon, and comment about Silver. Still short votes
needed to get charter passed.
... not 100% sure not sufficient votes, but encourage all to
... anyone have updates on silver content for FPWD?
Cyborg: just starting to think about what is the MVP for Nov., vs. what can be done afterward. Guidance on this would be helpful.
jeanne: once we have FPWD, go onto a regular schedule of publishing updates every 2-3 months.
Cyborg: discussion around this
has been focusing on what is silver-focused vs. WCAG 2.x. So
focusing on user-needs components, explainer language for that,
new tests & methods to give flavor of that.
... also to show that it can be done differently. And for
contrast piece, include some of the new math on this (testing
still needed)
... lots to get done by FPWD, so helpful to know what needs to
be done for FPWD, how much can wait until after.
jeanne: would prioritize user
needs and tests & methods. Wouldn't prioritize putting math
in for contrast.
... expect lots of comments on FPWD; what is most useful is to
get comments on overall structure (and not on specific
<bruce_bailey> mvp == minimally viable product
jeanne: should we be showing scaffolding of user needs approach? Have multiple documents supporting thinking, but not yet coalesced.
(Cyborg for last, not jeanne)
jeanne: thinks can put some in explainer document. How to do needs work.
<Zakim> janina, you wanted to note there's active work on enhancing MathML (and ChemML) for accessibility via the Dpub WG
janina: note that math, chemistry
are area of active discussion
... probably at cross-purposes to look at math & chem right
now; don't want to be at cross-purposes with that work in Dpub
<CharlesHall> my update is that I have no update. I have not started a draft for Point of Regard. but will this weekend.
Cyborg: may be able to show some work next week
jeanne: thinks a lot of procees
work will be evaluated after we finish FPWD. Folks will have
experience with the process we used, and so we'll have learning
from that for future.
... may put process in explainer doc.; but what we are
publishing is content.
... did work earlier today on "clear words", and will meet
again on Monday.
jeanne: update from meeting
earlier this week from ACT (testing for WCAG). They are close
to formally publishing their official rules (thinks in ~6 week
countdown to be full W3C recommendaion)
... they are eager for silver to use their tests & are
eager to help.
<jeanne> Rules https://act-rules.github.io/rules/
jeanne: they would like us to send them links of work underway; find if they have tests to match.
<jeanne> https://act-rules.github.io/rules/c4a8a4
<jeanne> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xqYWtUOc_kn-owXsrWiTY8qh0sF_KgbkyxvHWvPSA9s/
jeanne: W3C has a best practice
for what should be in an explainer, and used that as structure
for draft
... put in goals to explainer. Would like opinions on
... we don't have a formal set of goals; so took from
requirements doc. and turned some into goals.
<jeanne> https://w3c.github.io/silver/requirements/index.html#design-principles
jeanne: also took from design principles (URL above)
Michael: want to expressly call out #8 from Requirements (facilitate global participation & feedback)
janina: is that goal of spec., or
goal of process?
... so maybe if part of explainer, be in a section on process
rather than section on spec.
Cyborg: feels that #9 from
requirements should be part of explainer goals
... feels we should reflect including PwDs throughout the
process - quite important.
<jeanne> Cyborg: THe definition of plain language was sent in an email earlier
janina: wants to speak up in
favor of having 2 separate sections - help clarity to keep
process section separate from the guidance.
... if lump two together, obscures, and you need to dig deeper
to understand the spec
jeanne: explainer-explainer more oriented to APIs, not guidelines. So adapting that to our needs
<Cyborg> So these are goals for content specifically? In that case: data-informed and evidence-based is important, where possible. And that guidance will be updated as new research comes in.
janina: groups tend to tailor
explainers to indivitual groups' needs.
... believes folks will appreciate our work to be more
inclusive - useful in explainer (but in a sectino focused on
<Cyborg> I like that - inclusion goals +1
jeanne: perhaps call those "inclusion goals"?
janina: offers to help creating that section
<Cyborg> +1 to goal restructure
jeanne: will work on grouping
process stuff together, for folks reading explainer wanting to
learn how we got to where we got
... next section is "Non-Goals" (explainer-explainer language)
or "Out-of-Scope" (jeanne's preferred)
Cyborg: for out-of-scope piece, where does the line lie for non-web emerging. Is IoT in/out?
jeanne: if web-based IoT, then
clearly in scope.
... where line is between web & non-web... thinks we will
stumble across that as they get to it. In discussion in W3C
... feels at least some things are clear - IoT info rendered in
web browser is in scope. Immersive work pulled from IoT, also
in scope.
janina: sometimes see "mini-apps" that plug into browser; not sure how to handle a11y of that
Cyborg: so for phrasing what is out of scope... is it clear enough?
Michael: Out-of-Scope language
may be slightly more restrictive than intended.
... can circle back to it later - may change as charter is
jeanne: perhaps useful to say more here? E.g. "not doing normative guidance for platforms"?
Michael: May well make sense to state that in explainer.
janina: also, we should be careful about making guidance for emerging things - may not understand them well enough to make that guidance
Cyborg: is there a way to point to discussions about what is/isn't in scope? Way to link to them?
jeanne: took place on a
member-only mailing list.
... also taking place in verbal discussions
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