ARIA Authoring Practice Guide

01 Oct 2019


ZoeBijl, carmacleod, sarah_higley, Jemma_, jongund, jamesn
Jemma_, Matt_King
ZoeBijl, Zoe


<ZoeBijl> scribe: ZoeBijl

<Jemma_> meeting: ARIA Authoring Practice Guide\

<Jemma_> meeting: ARIA Authoring Practice Guide

<Jemma_> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/October-1%2C-2019-Meeting

JK: I released a first draft of the meter example

ZB: Do you have a link to that?

<Jemma_> Scribe: Zoe

MK: I added the example and the pattern

JK: Jon wanted to know where we are for the tab panel

JG: Where are we for the regression tests for tab panels?

Also what are we doing with tabstops for tabpanel

Future meeting agendas

MK: If you know you have something ready for the following week, please let Jemma know

Third Working Draft Milestone Review

<carmacleod> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/milestone/10

MK: We have five issues open

And ten closed

So awesome work

I have a question for Jon about the menubar

Everything was good except for the note I left in the PR

<carmacleod> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1160

JG: I got some help from Val, but I guess she didn’t have time since we last discussed

It used to work

the test doesn’t even know the test exists

JN: this was marked as failing, but now it’s marked as passed

Is it just flakey?

MK: We can have Val look at this.

JG: I looked at the code, but didn’t quite understand how it worked

Guess I want to talk to Val and understand why it’s failing

*something about aria-selected and font sizes*

MK: We’ll get some more time from Val for the rest of the year

open examples in CodePen

ZB: I’ve done some work on this, it’s basically positioned it next to the text of the heading.

It uses the style from our button example

Need to some further testing to make sure it works everywhere

MK: OK, cool, let me know when it’s done. I’ll have Jesse make a PR to add it to all examples.

Issue 1150 - support warning

PR: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1186

github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/1150

MK: We got an updated text from Mark

Pretty happy with this

Have to fix spelling of AT

> Widgets implemented using this pattern may not currently be fully supported by assisitive technologies operated based on touch interaction.

ZB: “fully supported by touch based assistive technologies”

JN: Should point to the interaction part

ZB: So maybe “Interaction with widgets implemented using this pattern may not be fully supported by touch based assistive technologies”

*group agrees*

MK: Does that make sense to you Mark?

<MarkMccarthy> I like it, I can change that this week

MK: OK, sweet

<MarkMccarthy> Thanks for the feedback friends

JN: Are we OK with the horrible looking alert icon?

ZB: No!

<MarkMccarthy> I also had an objection to that icon, or at least changing a little bit of the styling. Glad it’s not just me...

MK: How would we solve this?

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/respec/blob/092e9788b58c342da35378ec29ef26fbb002b4c7/assets/issues-notes.css#L25

JN: I think Marcos would accept a PR if we made one against respec

ZB: I can make a PR.

<Jemma_> +1 to jame's solution

<MarkMccarthy> On mobile sizes it looks rather janky.

<Dorothy> Dorothy is a CSS expert

RESOLUTION: Dorothy would work with Zoe to create PR to fix this CSS.


<Dorothy> dorothy.bass@wellsfargo.com

Meter pattern and example

<MarkMccarthy> Awesome, thanks Dorothy and zoë

Mete example: https://rawcdn.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/1f7d940ca9872ff2f240c65ce4520338fbdbd3c6/examples/meter/meter.html

<Jemma_> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/979-meter-pattern/aria-practices.html#meter

MK: Let’s take a look at the pattern first

I think Car submitted a review

<Jemma_> +1 for Carmleod

CM: Should we use the “meter element”?

ZB: Where do we use that?

Oh, here: https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/979-meter-pattern/aria-practices.html#wai-aria-roles-states-and-properties-15

MK: We use “pattern name widget” sometimes

JN: But it’s not a widget

<Dorothy> The following roles act as standalone user interface widgets or as part of larger, composite widgets.

<Jemma_> group discussion on whether meter is a widget or not..

<Dorothy> receive user input and process user actions

MK: So meter is supposed to be under structure?

JN: Yeah I think so

I’ll log an issue against ARIA

<carmacleod> http://w3c.github.io/aria/#namefromauthor

<Dorothy> roles describe structures that organize content in a page. Document structures are not usually interactive

MK: We should look at how we use the word “widgets”

<carmacleod> http://w3c.github.io/aria/#widget_roles

<MarkMccarthy> +1 to MK

MK: Might want to create another issue to address this

Discussion about the first sentence: An meter is an element that allows authors to define a scalar value within known minimum and maximum limits.

MK: This doesn’t really tell me what a meter does.

CM: Gas meter

<Dorothy> low, optimum, and high

JG: Light meter

CM: Something like CPU usage for example

MK: Can we make this definition a bit more descriptive.

ZB: The term “scalar” isn’t the most friendly term

MK: What’s the point of a meter if the value never changes?

??: Visual presentation

JG: *something about SVG*

MK: If we say define a value in a range

ZB: “A meter allows authors to present the current value of something within a range with a known minimum and maximum value”

MK: I like that, but needs more examples

CM: maybe drop the “current”

<Jemma_> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/issue979-add-meter-example/examples/meter/meter.html

MK: Should it specify that it’s a graphical presentation?

ZB: Don’t think that should necessarily be a requirement

MK: Not entirely sure what a meter is

ZB: for example on my laptop’s menubar it currently says “16%” and next to that is an icon of a battery. Inside of that is a bar that is now pretty low. It’s a graphical representation of the percentage. That’s a good example of a meter.

CM: Should a meter be focusable?

It’s not interactive

MK: A meter doesn’t support any interaction

JK: So remove the tabindex

MK: Yes


<Jemma_> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/1105

<sarah_higley> I prefer "Not applicable", though the alert pattern uses the "does not require" wording :P https://w3c.github.io/aria-practices/#keyboard-interaction-0

MK: Found a bug in JAWS because it threats this a live region

ZB: Might be related to the shared aria attributes. Would be interesting to test.

Test what happens when we remove the meter role?

MK: Still a bug in JAWS tho

ZB: Yes

<sarah_higley> in UIA, progressbar and meter share mappings -- could be what's causing it (though they're different IA2)

<sarah_higley> @ZoeBijl would you be opposed to me sneaking in an alert "Keyboard Interaction: Not Applicable." update in this PR?

@sarah_higley go for it

<Dorothy> dbass2

<Dorothy> i can see this

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. Dorothy would work with Zoe to create PR to fix this CSS.
[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/10/01 19:05:59 $

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Succeeded: s/topic/Topic/
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Present: ZoeBijl carmacleod sarah_higley Jemma_ jongund jamesn
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Inferring ScribeNick: ZoeBijl
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Scribes: ZoeBijl, Zoe

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