August 27, 2019 Authoring Practices Task Force Teleconference

27 Aug 2019



Jemma, Matt_King, MarkMccarthy, jongund, Sarah_Higley, carmacleod, CurtBellew, ZoeBijl, Siri
Matt King
MarkMccarthy, link to this issue - https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/727


<MarkMccarthy> scribe: MarkMccarthy

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/August-27%2C-2019-Meeting

Future meeting agendas

<Jemma> Next meeting: September 3, No meeting on Sep 17 due to TPAC

mck: [reviewing agenda for the day]
... we have this milestone for the third working draft to include things for the fast approaching release of the draft
... I want to make sure we stay focused and these are the most important things we can be doing

Third working draft review

mck: i merged a bunch of PRs, JamesN had one that was merged two days ago
... review 1.2 IDL... I thought we talked abou thtis last week - don't remember if we had a todo
... there's some implementation issues but not related to our button. do we have anything left to do for this? i thought we talked about this, does anyone remember?

group: [silence]

mck: don't see any comments asking for changes to code, so...
... ready to close?

group: [silence]

jongund: not sure what this is about, what would we do with this example that'd be different than another button?

mck: just the way this is written, so we have a way to test. main differences are in JS
... looking at the example... it appears to be in the 1.2 branch, so it's merged

ZoeBijl: is this the normal button example we're looking at?
... the role=button example?

mck: yeah, it's done using .role in the JS, that's the only thing that's different

jongund: so any role can be set that way

<scribe> scribe: link to this issue - https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/727

mck: we have made changes to the button example, ... it might be good to have some people look at this. i wonder if there's enough information on this page to go off of

carmacleod: we need info for other dot notation used

CurtBellew: the HTML source, shouldn't it reflect the JS?

mck: no, the source is the static source, so you won't see the button role as its set in the JS

jongund: it'll be harder to tell if it's accessible by looking at source, becuase lots is done in the JS

CurtBellew: I might be looking at the wrong thing then...
... I see a div with tabindex...

jongund: all thta will be gone, you'll just see a div. the rest is added through JS

mck: this is interesting, so why is the role.button there?

carmacleod: we also used aria-pressed

mck: so maybe it wasn't declared using IDL?

siri_: if we're using this via JS and people are coming here and not seeing a role (if they can't see JS) they might be misled

mck: that's kind of the point of the ex. maybe we just used the idl interface for the pressed property? is that correct?

carmacleod: we used it to read the role but not to set it

ZoeBijl: can I ask why we're setting the role via JS instead?

jongund: because you can [laughs]

mck: in this particular example we're not, we're just reading the role of it, setting the pressed property

<carmacleod> https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria-practices/apg-1.2/examples/button/js/button_idl.js

ZoeBijl: i was wondering why though

<Jemma> https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria-practices/apg-1.2/examples/button/js/button_idl.js

mck: to illustrate the use of the technique and to give a simple test, to find out if it works in the particualr browser/AT combo you're using
... if you're building virtual components in avirutal DOM, this is how it'll work

ZoeBijl: I agree, but I'll think about it - thanks

mck: strictly illustrative

ZoeBijl: aren't there better examples though? like accordian maybe?
... I'm getting a little meta though...

mck: the idea was to do the simplest possible thing to illustrate IDL
... might be a good idea for us to add more to the intro, maybe like what carmacleod was saying
... if people comment or make a PR with enhancements that'd be good

carmacleod: i can take a stab at a PR

<Jemma> role - button, state - ariaPressed in js

jongund: i think the example should dynamically create the button. that might make for a better example
... it'd illustrate a more dynamic behavior
... as is, it might be illustrating a poor pattern

ZoeBijl: that sounds more like a technique than a design pattern. it's good! but maybe should be separate
... if we're going that route, we'd have to change many patterns

jongund: just saying maybe this one example could be better if it also did the above

mck: that makes sense to me
... this isn't a design pattern per se

siri_: a quick question, when talking about IDL, what's different?

jongund: it's just JS dom properties. you can now do that via JS rather than having to put it in the source

siri_: oh cool, thanks

jongund: like a shortcut using JS

mck: this is defined in ARIA 1.2, a new feature if you will

jamesn: it's not really quite there yet, but it's useful where there's references to something else, you can just ref the elems
... rather than having to find the IDs

jongund: that's future though, let's focus on the now

jamesn: yeah

mck: so carmacleod will do a PR with some updates
... if someone could write something in the issue saying we discussed

carmacleod: i did

mck: draft meter pattern, who had that?

<siri_> Can you give me some good website about IDL?

Sarah_Higley: that was me, i haven't gotten there yet

Jemma: me either

mck: looking for some time in Sept if possible
... looking at colindex, that's me, and I don't think i can make that for now
... now looking at insertion and deletion roles, there's' output from discussion but i don't think we captured that. we need to get this in
... jamesn, can you do a PR for this?

jamesn: yeah

mck: grouping in menu... right now do we have a plan?
... issue 914

jongund: in our menubar example we have groups of controls

mck: we already do?

jongund: well we have the groups of controls for fonts etc., checking it now
... we're already using group

carmacleod: that'd be great

jongund: yup, role=group for menuitem radios

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/914

jongund: also for underline, colors, etc.

mck: oh the editor menubar!
... are these groups labelled jon?

jongund: yes, an aria-label

mck: so this is basically done!
... adding that comment now
... i wonder if i should just close this then and refer to the editor menubar

carmacleod: +1

mck: so that's good!
... and the listbox example, issue 913. that's also new in 1.2
... not sure that we have a listbox where grouping would make sense at this point, might have to change the internals of it

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/913

mck: anyone have ideas for this that'd be a good way to illustrate this? something realistic?

group: [thinking]

Sarah_Higley: countries grouped by continents?

CurtBellew: time zones?

mck: a listbox to choose timezone... so states are ordered and grouped...

CurtBellew: yeah

ZoeBijl: i've seen OSs, versions of Windows or MacOS do that too

jamesn: that sounds better

carmacleod: or cities and timezones

mck: lots of data for timezones though

<Jemma> this was assigned to Sarah according to the issue.

mck: can be illustrative, doesn't have to be concrete

carmacleod: toronto and NY for eastern [laughs]

mck: it'd be good to see something that we see in real life that makes sense
... normally a bunch of options, a visual separator, and more options - is that how the visual presentation goes?

CurtBellew: sometimes more like a hierarchy

MarkMccarthy: I've seen both

mck: sounds more like a treeview that way, but maybe that'd work too

jamesn: can't we just use the example on MDN for optgroup that has dinosaurs?

<jamesn> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/optgroup

group: that'd be good [laughs]

mck: when they did that jamesn, does it have the visual labels for a group and some options?

jamesn: that's how optgroup works in a select

Sarah_Higley: that was my plan, to just pick some content and mirror the selects

jamesn: sometimes, more abstract is better

Sarah_Higley: got it [laughs]

jamesn: i just don't want to have to copy states and sort by timezones, that'd be a lot

Sarah_Higley: cats sorted by internet popularity

group: [laughs]

mck: really we just need like two groups. i think we should just update an existing listbox, not create a whole new example
... objections to that?

Jemma: I think jongund used to have the example for pizza toppings, maybe that's good?

mck: that's a tree

Jemma: oh ok

<jamesn> +1 to separate (but related) example

ZoeBijl: this could be a separate example because the HTML and JS will be more complex, more things to keep in mind

mck: okay, sold.
... Sarah_Higley, you were saying you could do this? is that right?

Sarah_Higley: I did say I'd do it [laughs]

Jemma: i assigned Sarah_Higley a while ago, don't know why I did [laughs]

Sarah_Higley: I said i would! [laughs] it's all good

<jamesn> btw created https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1140 for Insertion and Deletion

Sarah_Higley: remember end of sept being a reasonable timeframe, i can do that

group: [laughs]

mck: we have a nam and plan for every item here now, woohoo

Tab carousel

mck: jon, can you give us a quick update?

<jongund> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/issue955-add-tabbed-carousel-example/examples/carousel/carousel-2-tablist.html

jongund: sure. i'll put a link in the chat [above]
... planned this for the last release. this is dfferent than the others because they had next and prev buttons. many carousels have dots indicating how many slides that are clickable
... this example doesn't have buttons but it has six little dots that are basically implemented as a tab pattern, can use arrow keys to move between tabs, etc. just a variation of another way to implement a carousel
... we have some live regions indicating when slides change too

carmacleod: i think this is beautiful and it works really well. tried it with kbd and NVDA

mck: i see you put in some feedback about typos

carmacleod: yup and jon fixed them already

<carmacleod> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/issue955-add-tabbed-carousel-example/examples/carousel/carousel-2-tablist.html?moreaccessible

siri_: can we change the CSS for when buttons are not focused, it's difficult to see them if it's not focused

jongund: we've got the same features, two different view options. the second link moves the buttons off the image

carmacleod: i pasted that above

jongund: i think aria-current should be on there too

siri_: this looks really good, okay. thanks!

mck: so you fixed all the typos.. the checks are failing, do you know why?

jongund: not sure, haven't written tests yet. didn't think it had failures though

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1120/checks?check_run_id=204777760

jongund: some problem between regression tests, my test has no errors

mck: looking at the PR, that's where there are errors. maybe we just need to rerun the test

Jemma: there's a CSS linting error and HTML linting error, meant to redo, haven't done it yet
... pasted link of results above
... we can look into it in detail later

mck: i'd love to get this merged, we have carmacleod's review - more people can comment and provide reviews in the PR

combobox pattern

mck: we've got the heavy duty discussion here, this is just follow up closing the issue
... we all agreed that the esc behavior should be optional and only if combobox is already cleared
... so i made a minimal change

<Jemma> one of html build error is "tr is starting of table body"

<mck> new wording: • New wording: Escape : Dismisses the popup if it is visible. Optionally, if the popup is hidden before Escape is pressed, clears the textbox.

mck: making sure before merging, is this wording clear?

carmacleod: looks good to me

ZoeBijl: this is saying that if focus is on the combobox and you press esc, anything you did put in is cleared?

mck: yes, optionally

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1129

<siri_> can you paste the link ?

carmacleod: only if the list isn't showing

ZoeBijl: wouldn't it make sense to just remove focus?

<Jemma> "Makes clearing textbox optional, an only if the popup is not displayed."

mck: that's a different behavior not related to the combobox, depends on context of the combobox, haven't seen it many places on the web

carmacleod: maybe a dialog

mck: i think this is a behavior we'd say is part of the combobox

ZoeBijl: but because we're overriding what they key does I was just curious

Sarah_Higley: I don't think i've seen esc move focus out of a control that's conditionally available

ZoeBijl: that's what I meant, say i'm in a form and i'm in an input field, esc would just take my focus out of that

mck: that'd be undesirable for me

carmacleod: where would focus go?

ZoeBijl: i'll have to look into it

mck: ZoeBijl is it okay if we merge this and you can add updates later?

ZoeBijl: yeah no problem, i'll come back to it if I find issues

siri_: so when you press esc, where does focus go? to next focusable or...?

mck: focus doesn't move, this bullet doesn't mention moving focus
... this is -only- talking about clearing text

siri_: but the next question is where focus goes

carmacleod: on the textbox in the combobox

mck: yeah, that's already addressed in the pattern
... the whole pattern is linked in the agenda

siri_: okay, thank you

coverage report

<Jemma> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/issue1123-roles-properties-states-coverage-report-script/coverage/index.html

mck: jon gave us this, it's awesome. you have updates jon?

jongund: i added more references to guidance sections, added headings, if the headings mentioned a role or property, you could also add a data-attribute
... ... to a heading, so everything is tied to the heading
... if there's a heading you want related to a certain role or property, there's a data-aria-props and other related things that the script looks for
... everything's on a heading
... now it's generating I think 6 groupings - roles w/o guidance or examples, roles with one, roles with more than one,

<Jemma> Roles with no Guidance or Examples / Roles with at Least One Guidance or Example /Roles with More than One Guidance or Example /Properties and States with no Examples Properties and/ States with One Examples Properties and States with More than One Example

Thanks Jemma

mck: i think the main thing I want us to discuss is the approach of having the data attrs on the headings

<jongund> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1124

mck: we have to think long term, my question being how much does it matter what the names are? i'm fine with them as is now, but asking for other feedback

carmacleod: can this info be generated automatically without the data-attrs?

mck: if you use a code tag in a heading...

jongund: well it doesn't look at code tags, if you just look for that property or role... it's just looking for a string match

mck: you excluded section 3 then, right?
... the examples section? with ID=aria_x

jongund: I don't think so, I think we have references

mck: i'll look into this a little closer

Jemma: what do you mean by ID?

mck: i was talking about the ID we exclude, it's aria_x or x_aria, something like that
... i'll look at everything

jongund: you could use the data attr if it's an issue

mck: thinking of how to augment our indexing with this... it'd be a good way to get info about roles, guidance, and patterns. not as part of this PR

jongund: this is internal

mck: other thoughts on the data attributes being rolled into the master? with these names? data-aria-roles and data-aria-props?

carmacleod: i foresee potential maintainence issues
... can't we just scrape the table? or is that too much?

jongund: just looks for headings, then for the text inside the headings, ignores other things on the page
... for the examples, it goes into the tables. for guidance, it just looks at aria practices HTML doc headings

mck: we can do the same thing for patterns which we've done for examples
... we just don't have a standard format right now
... that might be another source of information though that has some robust info

jongund: i guess keeping track of the last heading, using the heading before it for reference
... i don't think all the headings have IDs

mck: right. we have an issue with respec where adding IDs to headings in sections below a label - if they have notalk on them, it scrapes away IDs

Jemma: i think this is good enough as a first draft, why don't we keep this as is and start work on another version

mck: i just wanted to get some feedback on this right now

jongund: another approach would be to keep track of the most recent ID
... then you wouldn't need data attrs
... i like carmacleod's idea, less maintainence

mck: the more we can automate the better. there are sections we might want to point to where we don't mention stuff in the heading...

jongund: well after the heading, it'd just look in the content for relevant info, after the last referenced heading

mck: doesn't tell us whether or not we've covered a certain thing though. ther's some things where we have lots of mentions without describing issues etc.

jongund: that's true, you'll get a lot more things that aren't so relevant

mck: or useful
... so do we want an index that sends you everywhere or...
... for this, i just wanted to find gaps etc..

jongund: maybe data attrs are better
... if it's not mentioned in the heading, maybe it's not a good reference

carmacleod: +1

mck: right

carmacleod: we just have to note that we might need to modify the data attrs

mck: we might be able to do some checking for stuff like that, similar to what Valerie has done for regression test reports

carmacleod: that's a good idea

mck: thanks everyone! good work today.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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Present: Jemma Matt_King MarkMccarthy jongund Sarah_Higley carmacleod CurtBellew ZoeBijl Siri
Found Scribe: MarkMccarthy
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Found Scribe: link to this issue - https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/727
Scribes: MarkMccarthy, link to this issue - https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/727
Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/August-27%2C-2019-Meeting

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