SVG Working Group Teleconference

26 Aug 2019


krit, stakagi, AmeliaBR, myles
Tav, Sairus, Chris


<scribe> ScribeNick: krit

<myles> AmeliaBR: can you paste the link again?


<myles> <3


Agenda TPAC

krit: We should start collecting items for the TPAC agenda.
... Where do we want to collect the items to discuss. Are there any general topics we want to discuss beside spec issues?

AmeliaBR: We should make a status report... which parts of the spec are implemented, any blockers on the implementer side or other issues we need to deal with.

krit: To collect items we could use our Wiki, or create an MD file in GitHub

AmeliaBR: we could create an issue

krit: we could start with an issue though anyone can comment on it.

AmeliaBR: lets start with an issue and finalise the agenda on the wiki later

krit: I'll create a new GitHub issue for the agenda. Should I post it on www-svg as well?

AmeliaBR: sure

myles: we (apple) have some items we would like to add to the agenda as well.

krit: maybe agree on another CR at the end of TPAC

AmeliaBR: ... or a timeline and requirements at least
... Should do the same for the community group.
... ... haven't been very active. So hasn't gone very far yet.

myles: A status update would be valuable.

AmeliaBR: Not much involvement from implementers or W3C authorities yet.
... I'll create an issue in the CG GitHub repository and cross link it

vector-effect grammar should allow multiple effects

GitHub: https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/725

AmeliaBR: this came out of a review of tests.
... mostly parsing tests. The tests matched the grammar in the spec but not the logical grammar.
... ... you should be able to specify multiple of the effects
... stakagi commented that this is how the polypill implemented it.
... Though most browser implementations just support the keywords yet.

myles: there should be a set of properties that map to a certain behavior, not a list

AmeliaBR: they describe the effect but not the order of operation. We need to define the meaningful order.

myles: if all browsers are just implementing the one keyword are we waiting for implementations?

AmeliaBR: yes, at this point, the new content is at-risk

myles: polyfills count as implementation, do they?

AmeliaBR: yes
... at this point it is about changing the grammar

myles: all the descriptions could be in conflict but maybe I am complicated here. We maybe should describe in more detail which transforms apply in which order. But am fine with changing the grammar, the issue at hand.

RESOLUTION: Change the grammar of vector-effect property to allow multiple effects at once

krit: should the concerns from myles go into a different issue?

AmeliaBR: probably
... we could leave the text as is for now and wait for implementer feedback. However, this could lead to different implementation behavior

'autofocus' attribute support

GitHub: https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/726

AmeliaBR: this came up from an issue on Whatwg
... An HTML is currently only defined on elements that are focused by default like text area
... but the plan is to make autofocus valid anywhere that can be made focusable
... the proposal was to define it on the HTMLSVGElement mixin
... so that SVG elements also take tabindex and also use autofocus
... If this change goes in to the mixin the change is limited to IDL
... we should comment if we have concerns with this change to the shared mixin

krit: what would happen to SVG elements like refs, mask, clipPath that are not focusable at the moment?

AmeliaBR: they can have tabindex but would never receive focus since they are non-renderable elements
... I think the behavior of autofocus would fall out of that
... it triggers an algorithm
... we could add a comment to the HTML issue to make sure that this is cleat

krit: we do have a term for non-renderable term
... So maybe HTML could just reference this term for SVG elements

AmeliaBR: we have a definition in the interaction section about focus. It defines which elements are focusable. This should match the term of a focusable area within an element of HTML.

<AmeliaBR> https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/interact.html#Focus

AmeliaBR: It does reference the definition what a renderable element is.

krit: seems fine if HTML is referencing focusable areas and if SVG is defining what this means for SVG.

RESOLUTION: Accept the change to the shared HTML/SVG mixin to add autofocus and agree to make a matching global attribute

AmeliaBR: We should try to coordinate things. Maybe with a draft PR that can be merged quickly after the HTML changes.

SVG Native merge with SVG 2

<myles> https://github.com/litherum/svgwg/commits/svg2rebase

myles: making progress with doing the edits to SVG Native. Sharing the progress.

Meetings before and after TPAC.

AmeliaBR: Won't be able to meet the week after

myles: Will be out 2 weeks before and 1 week after TPAC

AmeliaBR: Next Monday is a holiday in the US and CA

krit: We agreed not to have meetings between now and TPAC and the week after TPAC

trackbot, end telcon

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. Change the grammar of vector-effect property to allow multiple effects at once
  2. Accept the change to the shared HTML/SVG mixin to add autofocus and agree to make a matching global attribute
[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/08/26 20:41:27 $

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Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/Change the grammar/Change the grammar of vector-effect property/
Default Present: krit, stakagi, AmeliaBR, myles
Present: krit stakagi AmeliaBR myles
Regrets: Tav Sairus Chris
Found ScribeNick: krit
Inferring Scribes: krit

WARNING: No meeting chair found!
You should specify the meeting chair like this:
<dbooth> Chair: dbooth

Found Date: 26 Aug 2019
People with action items: 

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