WAI Coordination Call Teleconference

14 Aug 2019


jamesn, janina, George, MichaelC, Judy, Joanmarie_Diggs, CharlesL, Katie_Haritos-Shea


<scribe> scribe: George

Scribe, rrsagent, agenda, next meeting date

Next meeting date will be August 28.

<Judy> And following one will be Sept 11th

Upcoming announcements & publications

Team side mentioned COGA that may need special atention. Roy and Sean will be helping.

Janina: Two items.

Captia ready and draft message and waiting for that.

Three public drafts from the pronouncination TF.

Light announcements for the three items there.

Careful about asking staff help prior to TPAC.

<Zakim> jamesn, you wanted to say looks like new version of APG 1.1 is published today

Michael: WAI authoring practices 1.1 note coming out.

James: Matt may have some tweats on the announcement. Sean needs to be connected for that distribution.

James will ping Matt to connect with Shawn.

Reviewing status of details, longdesc, etc

JB: as background there was originally contreversay. Then there was good conversation about using "details".

Janina: my reaction is fine if it goes away, but if there is still content out there, then it may be too early.

Michael: There is no owner so the TAG would act on it. This is why we were pinged about this so we can comment.

JB: I thought we had discussions about a migration path?

Janina: I think the direction is towards details and summary.

JB: I have a question.

Jonie: I agree with Janina. I would be concerned about obsoleting it.

There may be used by Timed Text.

<Zakim> joanie, you wanted to ask if we have user agents other than Firefox implementing support for it

Joanie: I do not feel strongly, but I thought FireFox was the only agent

Mozilla has indicated accessibility support for macOS is not amongst their active priorities.

Apple has been opposed to longdesc, so VoiceOver does not support.

Katie: It may be relevant in timed Text something to do with language.

If it stayed as debreacted, it would be easier to transition to move to something else.

JB: Proactively, if people are still using it, we need to inform them to use something better.,

If they are stillusing it, and it is obsoleted, then would the content be lost?

Janina: I don't know if we can run something that would allow distribution.

JB: Is it technically to recognize a previous feature and pull it in to a new feature?
... I am concerned that we would lose content that is valuable.

Michael: This would be a good reason to not depreciate.

JB: Michael, please ask the TAG to hold on, while we look into technical feasibility of a pass-through to another feature

<jamesn> WHATWG has 2 kinds of obselete

<jamesn> Obsolete but conforming features

<jamesn> Non-conforming features

JB: there has been an accessibility guidelines charter in development for several months.

Update on a few questions arising from AGWG charter discussion

we sent this team side that this work is coming.

<MichaelC> Draft AG WG charter

There are quections from AC preview about the scope of Silver.

Vr and emersive web are items. And these may be of interest for people to watch.

We may suggest techniques that are non normative.

also be included?Should applications

Any questions or suggestions on this?

Application in particular.

The version that goes may have "application" without web as a modifier.

Where does the line get drawn?

Upcoming incubation work on Immersive Captions

Looking for constructive feedback.

XR Access Symposium last month. Emersive caption was discussed.

<scribe> New Timed Text charter that includes these new technologies.

Katie: This is what I was thinking about in the captioning is where longdecs was possibly to be used.

A more extensive description can be added.

Katie: There is this thing with captions, which language and a greater explanation, a more robust explanation. This is where the techniquue comes u. Extended captions.

JB: Was this mentioned in the TTML charter?

Katie: Extended captions is content that should be available to everybody.

One element that would work for both?

Katie: they want a way to have an extended explanation about anything.B: new animal

<Judy> https://www.w3.org/2019/08/ttwg-proposed-charter.html

JB: How much do we now about this and we should look in to it.

<janina> ~~q+ to mention AAC

We are seeing more interest in captions in W3C space. We may have more involvement from the deaf community.

Janina: APA personalization may drift in the direction that timed text.

We are looking at potentially developing symbolic language codes data sets.

Are there ISO codes for some of these things, such as sign language codes.

The augmentative communications should also have codes.

JB: Gary and Nigel are the folks Jana should connect with at TPAC.

Janina: Michael, please help me get the email addresses of the folks I need to connect with.

Community Groups check-in?

Janina: in APA we recall we are not happy about our matrix. We have a volunteer to go through the list to see where we need coverate. Becky Gibson is the voluntter who stepped up.

filtered should be August 28.Janina: The eta for the groups

<Judy> JB: Placeholder agenda item for Community Group review end of August meeting

TPAC break-outs all set?

JB: No pending issues? Checking in.

Janina: not set but rolling.

James moving forward and we will make it work.

JB: TPAC is early this year and it may take a bit longer.

James: we are getting the pieces together. Draft agendas are getting put together.

JB: let me know if there are areas where I can help.

Input to WAI 2020 priorities?

At the team level, we track priority issues.JB has been putting together some areas for 2020.

For example other sectors that don't know they can use our materials.

What should the staff be tracking?

Katie: Silver is bothering me. The new 2.2 put in new requirements by changing the old requirements.

I understand that we will keep adding new success criteria.

The charter should be making it real. We need to track the 2.x series and Silver.

JB: would love to get emails with suggestions.

Infoshare WGs and TFs

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/08/14 19:52:20 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.154  of Date: 2018/09/25 16:35:56  
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Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/Sean/Shawn/
Succeeded: s/aria-details/using "details"/
Succeeded: s/Mizzola said they are not supporting/Mozilla has indicated accessibility support for macOS is not amongst their active priorities/
Succeeded: s/.Joanie/Joanie/
Succeeded: s/only/not/
Succeeded: s/hold on./hold on, while we look into technical feasibility of a pass-through to another feature/
Succeeded: s/XR Rx/XR Access Symposium/
Succeeded: s/transforming/potentially developing symbolic language codes/
Present: jamesn janina George MichaelC Judy Joanmarie_Diggs CharlesL Katie_Haritos-Shea
Found Scribe: George
Inferring ScribeNick: George

WARNING: No meeting chair found!
You should specify the meeting chair like this:
<dbooth> Chair: dbooth

Found Date: 14 Aug 2019
People with action items: 

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