scribe, Sam
<irfan> Scribe: Sam
<janina> chair: Irfan
Irfan: To send a list of agenda Items - Janina responded with additions (inc. Joanie, re: meeting with CSS).
Irfan - requesting resending of email from JF
Irfan: will add another item in the APA group: working groups not in attendance at TPAC.
Janina: Suggest to include
additional items on APA Agenda. ARIA and CSS are primary
meeting participants for the day's later meeting.
... Inform TTML and Web VTT working group , suggest
availability to meet at TPAC
Irfan: Attention needed for this today. Feedback received from Dee. Structural and grammatical corrections needed. Q to TF. Is this ready for review?
Janina: Fine with draft, all
documents are in progress and ok to send as public as public
first draft. Editorial items can be addressed ongoing.
... GitHub is sufficient for reference to working versions of
document drafts.
Dee: Wanting clarification - are we still ok with incomplete sentences not completing key concept.
Janina: the actual review is
approx. 4 weeks. Irfan: Timeline is critical at this
... Suggest a resolution for this group to request a formal
review. Irfan: Do we agree if it is ready?
Dee: If there are empty sections that's ok. Concerned with incomplete sections. Janina: Constraints can be captured in resolutions
Janina to provide an example of a resolution.
<janina> DRAFT RESOLUTION: Pronunciation TF requests that APA Call for Consensus to publish our Gap Analysis as a First Public Working Draft, with the understanding that we will complete all content currently present which doesn't completely express our concept.
Janina will send the call for Consensus.
Irfan: A similar resolution will
be applied to all documents
... Any disagreements to the DRAFT RESOLUTION?
RESOLUTION: Pronunciation TF requests that APA Call for Consensus to publish our Gap Analysis as a First Public Working Draft, with the understanding that we will complete all content currently present which doesn't completely express our concept.
Sam: There are stylistic changes
and consistency in voice (UX, Agile, Declaration). Sam will
incorporate Dee's feedback.
... I will rework the verbiage to also be gender-neutral
Paul: Comfortable with editing
content. Thinking of VTT concepts, AT reading, etc. As long as
they address the core concepts.
... Providers of AT related technologies will be supportive if
we can be inclusive with scenario coverage.
Sam: will provide links to group by EOW
Sam/Irfan: anyone in disagreement to publish as working draft? No
RESOLUTION: Pronunciation TF requests that APA Call for Consensus to publish our User Scenarios as a First Public Working Draft, with the understanding that we will complete all content currently present which doesn't completely express our concept.
Paul: md version available, last edit is cleaned up, requiring HTML format
Roy: Conversion work done last month on all documents.
Paul: Please reach out if there are any cases missing/needed.
Roy: will convert to HTML. Abstract needed.
Dee: Suggest the abstract from the User Scenarios as a guide.
Paul: The status is indicated in the current document.
Irfan: Are we ok to publish the working draft?
Paul: we should have Mark review the draft document.
Irfan: Will email Janina via email with the resolution request, once consensus reached.
Paul: Conversation started with Brian Kardell (into Standards). He's keen to know more - should he be invited to participate?
Janina: If Brian is interested he would need to follow the same process for group inclusion.
Paul: will offer information to Brian and to follow up
Irfan: reached out to from Peter Ramsdell from TextHelp, received positive feedback. Others from TextHelp attending TPAC2019.
Janina: TextHelp can be important in one of the implementations of the Standard.
<irfan> rsaagent, make minutes
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.154 of Date: 2018/09/25 16:35:56 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/JF/TF/ Succeeded: s/AT-lreated/AT related/ Default Present: Irfan, sam, Roy, paul_grenier, Dee, janina Present: Irfan sam Roy paul_grenier Dee janina Found Scribe: Sam Inferring ScribeNick: sam Found Date: 14 Aug 2019 People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option. WARNING: IRC log location not specified! (You can ignore this warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain a link to the original IRC log.)[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]