Automotive Working Group Teleconference

13 Aug 2019


Ted, PatrickL, Daniel, Rudi, Don, Ulf, Harjot, Peter, Magnus, Gunnar


VSS documentation

VSS documentation

VSS doc pull request for comments

Daniel: I added a bit of introduction and explanation, using the wording we settled on before the Summer break
... the earlier readme grew and became too complicated so restructured it and want to get input
... please provide feedback on the pull request

Ted: agree with moving away from README and tools should be separate but maybe keep the other chapters on one doc

Daniel: under personal repo for now but will move to the main one after review

Ulf: looks great to me and agree the previous grew to point of confusion and support this

Rudi: haven't had a chance to look in detail but happy you did this

ViWi v1.9 submission

<PatrickLue> https://www.w3.org/Submission/viwi-protocol/

ViWi protocol v1.9

earlier ViWi submission including specific services

PatrickL: as promised we got the internal version ready for public consumption and wanted to go over some of the changes
... bunch of housecleaning, we extended the formats, updated coordinate handling, paging if you get a larger dataset
... we are closer to http spec
... paging we looked at extensively
... we introduced something called complex types. it has a service resource element structure which can be a tree like structure itself
... we worked on the security model including tokens

Ted: possible to get a changelog?

PatrickL: lots of small commits is the problem

Ted: I will include a htmldiff in minutes https://services.w3.org/htmldiff?doc1=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FSubmission%2F2016%2FSUBM-viwi-protocol-20161213%2F&doc2=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FSubmission%2F2019%2FSUBM-viwi-protocol-20190718%2F

PatrickL: for authentication there is more details on how we are handling that. it is user centric
... in short it is quite similar to oauth. you have an entity that can grant tokens JWT
... we did a few fixes for CORS handling and wanted to stick with as many HTTP features as possible
... earlier spec section on signatures for authentication tokens was harder to follow
... we came up with a version mechanism for a service, for example you could support multiple clients and opt when to deprecate older
... we communicate that via content type

Ted: can you elaborate on the complex type some more?

PatrickL: instead of just a string you can send a struct or object
... struct can be built out of the same elements that a resource is
... allows for creating a tree more or less

Ted: in addition to these changes perhaps experiences based on experiences from production vehicles

PatrickL: all these feature changes are influenced by our experiences and developer feedback
... we extended datetime format instead of using unix timestamp
... paging needed to be reworked
... authentication influenced by need to support mobile devices
... versioning came from our endeavors to roll out new versions and not alienate existing clients
... we did not want to have multiple independent servers running for the different versions concurrently
... the changes came mostly from our core customer group

Ted: any AGL influences or they just implement it?

PatrickL: no, they just implemented the earlier 1.6 version without our knowledge and only more recently started coordinating with them
... we have alot of developers and using this throughout various units
... some of the more embedded developers are adverse to a different protocol

Ted: those former embedded engineers or current being encouraged to use ViWi instead of more direct (vehicle specific) means

PatrickL: latter, they don't like ascii based protocols
... we have a few changes in mind for a November release but not substantive more for increasing understandability

Gunnar: I read through the specification but not side by side with the old one
... this is tweaks as described but very much similar. unsure which are the major changes

PatrickL: multiple version support and authentication
... it is an evolution not overhaul

Gunnar: for the work we've done not much is changing but to use the best out of ViWi and VISS for Gen2

Ted: actually there has been some discussions anew about trying to leverage ViWi more for Gen2
... our momentum and progress on Gen2 is slow and no clear indication any OEM will implement yet
... this group has been clear in their commitment to VSS/VSSo
... AGL also implemented ViWi
... if we can figure out a way to accommodate VSS within ViWi and perhaps improve subscriptions via sockets and other lessons from VISS/Gen2 then combined with efforts to get other standards bodies to adopt VSS we have a better strategy for widespread adoption

Gunnar: tree level still an issue?

PatrickL: the complex types might allow a deeper tree

Gunnar: does that show up in the URL or the JSON payload?

PatrickL: JSON

Gunnar: how much have you been working on ViWi and how much Gen2?

PatrickL: both and there has been influences. we feel it better to be broad than deep in data description
... we wanted to keep depth limited as such

Gunnar: tree could influence the path

Ted: please correct me if I have this wrong
... JLR implemented VISS in IVI, using ViWi for applications interacting indirectly via cloud
... Volvo implementing VISS on TSU but not planning to expose to head unit
... BMW more interested in seeing VSS adopted than implementing Gen2/ViWi/VISS at this point
... VW clearly using ViWi and Patrick would need to persuade VW to implement a second, parallel Gen2 service and would likely need to demonstrate wide support

Daniel: we do care about the protocol but the data model itself is more important, first priority and secondary is protocol
... taxonomy is more important to me. transport and protocol will be different for different use cases
... complex type, ok we can discuss
... what I am missing is an example on how to use VSS in this context
... depth and structs might be sub-optimal
... want to avoid to go back to the beginning of the debate but would like to see this with VSS

Peter: correct that we have not made commitment to Gen2 and what we want to see is wider adoption, we see VSS (data model) as the most important with the ontology
... we are interested in subscription as we do with VISS presently and want to see how to do that in ViWi

Gunnar: it should be fairly clear that we want to see a REST interface to VSS data model
... and makes sense to start with the data model. we expect W3C standard to be building block therein

<PatrickLue> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/automotive/gh-pages/charter-2018.html

PatrickL reviews the charter

Ted: next step?

Daniel: for me the first thing is to define that graph but also to be able to link them together
... we need to define this graph and see what it looks like

PatrickL: I'm not saying this current version into the group
... not sure the order you propose is the right one. this was not designed from VSS in mind

Gunnar: are there more property descriptions than we can see in the submission?

PatrickL: there can be as many properties as you would like, it is open in that manner
... you can describe the world as detailed as you like

Gunnar: there is no public descriptions of data models

PatrickL: they were made available as part of the initial submission

<PatrickLue> Media: https://www.w3.org/Submission/2016/SUBM-viwi-service-media-20161213/

<PatrickLue> Vehicle Data: https://www.w3.org/Submission/2016/SUBM-viwi-service-car-20161213/

<PatrickLue> Mixer: https://www.w3.org/Submission/2016/SUBM-viwi-service-mixer-20161213/

PatrickL: we think in microservices, there are multiple domains
... I will work on getting a VSS representation in ViWi

Daniel: please feel free to ping me

PatrickL: the current vehicle.vspec what I should be looking at?

Daniel: position reorg is pending but will send link to that issue

Rudi: interesting that we are revisiting this discussion
... VISS is not completely be incompatible with RSI/ViWi
... there should be a way to bring them together

Gunnar: we will wait for Patrick's proposal

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/08/14 14:26:32 $