Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference

30 Jul 2019


jamesn, evan, Sarah_Higley, Jemma, ZoeBijl, Curt_Bellew, Matt_King
Jemma Ku


<jamesn> Meeting: ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/July-30%2C-2019-Meeting

Future meeting agendas

<Jemma> Topic : ARIA-APG Release 4 Publication

<Jemma> scribe:Evan

ooh I haven’t done this in a while

<Jemma> Scribe: Evan

<Jemma> we need to ping Michael regarding the publication status

<Jemma> Topic : Disabled Days in Date Picker Dialog

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/commit/ecdb87a55dceed94ce0460bafc80d99c96757f3a

<Jemma> Days from the previous or next month in the grid are disabled, e.g., are not focusable. Clicking them was generating an error.

<Jemma> The fix causes the calendar to display the previous month if a day from the previous month is clicked or the next month to display if a day from the next month is clicked.

<Sarah_Higley> the jackhammers, right? Or aggressive woodpeckers? :D

<Jemma> Is this the behavior we want?

jemma: is the fix what we want?

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/July-30%2C-2019-Meeting

<Jemma> http://w3c.github.io/aria-practices/examples/dialog-modal/datepicker-dialog.html

james: why couldn’t I use the keyboard to go to the next month?

matt: what’s the least jarring when the user clicks on a date from the previous month?

james: I think it should choose it and move to it

matt: selecting/choosing causes the dialog to close
... should you need to select the next month, then click the date, then close it?

james: I’ve noticed that nearly every travel website avoids this by displaying two months at once

Sarah_Higley: jQuery UI selects and closes at the same time

<Sarah_Higley> jQuery UI example link: https://jqueryui.com/datepicker/#other-months

matt: it sounds like we might want to do something else

james: I can’t find a date picker that displays dates from a different month

<Jemma> Topic : Escape behavior in combobox

jemma: james will add a comment in the PR with examples

<Jemma> Issue 1066: Combobox: Why escape key should clear current selection

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/1066

<Jemma> Matt proposes that escape should not clear combobox entry

matt: this caught me off guard because I thought escape clearing text entry was fairly common
... if what we’ve done here isn’t consistent, we should compare to native as well as the web

<Sarah_Higley> sorry, I'm having some trouble hearing Matt as well

jemma: usually if you want to clear the selection or input contents, you usually click the “x” button next to it

sarah: I asked around a bit and people didn’t expect that behavior
... on some windows apps, the first escape closes the menu and a second press clears the value

evan: the mac finder search does both at the same time

matt: we might have it written one way in the pattern and implemented differently in the example

<Jemma> https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/examples/combobox/aria1.0pattern/combobox-autocomplete-list.html

<Jemma> Escape Clears the textbox. If the listbox is displayed, closes it.

evan: the pattern says, “Escape: Dismisses the popup if it is visible. Optionally, clears the textbox.”

sarah: if it were switched to describe two escape presses, that would make sense to me


<Jemma> Thanks, Evan

matt: let’s put this on our agenda for TPAC

ARIA list structure

<Jemma> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1011

matt: what’s the reason for ever using group inside of list?

<Jemma> "Neither the definition of the roles list, listitem and group nor the definition of aria-level in the specification contains any indication of how nested ARIA lists are created. Is the use of group sufficient or is aria-level required? If there is an element with role=group in role=list, this could be used to group or nest the list entries...? Unfortunately, the specification makes no statement about this. Therefore I would like to know how"

matt: my intuition is that it’s allowed but shouldn’t be done
... i would like to know if there’s a use case for doing this (visually)
... you have three different boundaries when doing this, which would be very difficult for screen reader users
... is this an accidental side-effect of the ontology?
... you can group items inside a listbox but you can’t nest listboxes inside of listboxes

james: this is not a result of the ontology, which clearly outlines how it’s meant to be used

curt: it seems like the case here is that someone wants to label sub-lists and grouping them seems like the way to do it

matt: is there anybody opposed to removing support in the spec?

james: we should look for more usage examples first

matt: even if it is being used, the ability to perceive its meaning seems unreasonable

curt: you mentioned the menu earlier, and in that case the semantics would be menu, not list/group
... …which supports matt’s assertion

<Jemma> Topic : Guidance for aria-level

<Jemma> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/issue259-aria-level-guidance/aria-practices.html#aria-level

<Jemma> "Discuss type of language to use for aria-level guidance for tablist and grid."

matt: I wanted to walk through what Simon/Valerie wrote and get feedback about aria-level

<Jemma> related aria issue is https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/915

matt: what I’m curious about is whether aria-level has any value on tablist or grid
... james had a potential example on grid

jemma: evan and sarah will take a look at this

matt: what I’m looking for here is what we should say about the marginal cases
... we potentially need some standard language where the value or support is not yet well understood

Reflect on release 4 cycle

matt: I was hoping to have more people for this discussion!
... I like to take some time after each release to reflect on what’s working, what’s not working, github tools, etc.

sarah: it would be nice to have some sort of chat channel for active collaborations
... aside from that, everything was smooth

matt: not everyone is on the same platform, which makes it harder

curt: we’ve been using Slack, which seems to be what people are standardizing around

zoe: how would we keep Slack open for public discourse?

jemma: Slack could be more for internal work-in-progress

sarah: it’s possible to make Slack public

evan: it’s possible to use webhooks with Slack channels to connect GitHub issues

matt: that could potentially get messy but it could also be very helpful

<Sarah_Higley> I'm sorry, I have to drop. Thanks everyone!

matt: maybe we should experiment with Slack

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/07/30 19:02:44 $

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Succeeded: s/Matt proposes/comment on the issue proposes/
Succeeded: s/comment on the issue proposes/Matt proposes/
Present: jamesn evan Sarah_Higley Jemma ZoeBijl Curt_Bellew Matt_King
Found Scribe: Evan
Inferring ScribeNick: evan
Found Scribe: Evan
Inferring ScribeNick: evan
Found Date: 30 Jul 2019
People with action items: 

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