SVG Working Group Teleconference

15 Jul 2019


krit, AmeliaBR, sairus, myles, stakagi
chris, tav
myles, krit


<myles> ScribeNick: myles

<sairus> not hearing anything, for some reason

<sairus> OK. I can't hear you... let me keep working on figuring that out

Revert change from SVGRect/SVGPoint/SVGMatrix to DOM equivalents

GitHub: https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/706

krit: there are multiple problems. For context, SVG 1.1 had their own geometry information. SVGRect, SVGPoint, SVGMatrix, etc. Then we combined them with CSS objects. There was a CSS Matrix, CSS Rect, etc. This would be DOMPoint, DOMMatrix, etc.
... And replace all the types with the new types.
... Robert from Firefox sees issues with this approach and requests that we change it back to SVG*** from DOM***

AmeliaBR: The issue is the implementations in Firefox and maybe other implementations, the DOM classes were done in a lightweight way that the individual values within the object are implemented as literal values in the underlying C code, so they can't be used for getters and setters that have side effects, which are necessary if you're going to do attribute reflection

<sairus_> on phone :)

AmeliaBR: as I understand it, the concern is that if they change that implementation so that attribute reflection would be supported, it would reduce the overall performance of the geometry interfaces in other contexts.
... I didn't add this to the agenda expecting a decision. We need to get more feedback from more implementors about looking at what is in your code, what are the blockers for combining the two sets of interfaces, and if there is a decision that nobody has an intention to combine these interfaces, then what's the best way to go forward?

krit: Or, rephrasing: We have those properties in the SVG DOM, which means that any change that comes from anywhere are reflected everywhere.
... Usually a property that returns an object, it has no bindings to the original value that created the API
... But, instead of a new object, it gives you an object that references the internal value
... that's waht we call "live-ness"

<AmeliaBR> `el.viewBox.baseVal` returns an SVGRect/DOMRect which remains live-linked to the `viewBox` attribute.

AmeliaBR: The viewbox attribute is reflected as an object. If you change that object, the attribute updates. But, if you change the attribute somewhere else, the object that you're holding a reference to needs to update to. So, internal to the implementation of that object, it needs a poitner back to the element. Instead of storing the values in a permanent way, it needs to have getters and setters that check the current values on the DOM element.
... The other use case for these geometry properties as something you can do math with in a way that, you call a method and it returns an object htat has X, Y, width, and heigh tproperties, and you can do transforms on it
... And if you do math on it, it doesn't have a conection to the original element.
... So, if you make it live, it gets slower

krit: myles, can you ask shallawa for advice?

myles: yes

AmeliaBR: We need feedback from implementors before we can proceed.

krit: Let's wait for the WebKit investigation

AmeliaBR: the SVG*** interfaces are the live, previously impelmented interfaces, though they also work in a detached way if you want. The DOM ones where defined to replace the SVG ones but the implementations that went ahead only focused on the detached use cases, and don't support the live use cases.

krit: All the SVG ones are live.

SVGAElement implements two conflicting interfaces

SVGAElement implements two conflicting interfaces

GitHub: https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/312

AmeliaBR: We've discussed this before. We know how we want the spec to work for backwards compatibility needs, but we need a way to make it correctly defined in WebIDL. I put it on the agenda because we got a bug report that it was breaking some Web Platform tests that were trying to create automatic tests based on IDL and our IDL is broken.
... We're using an HTML mixin which defines an href property, but we also have our own mixin that defines a different version of the href property. The SVG <a> element uses both of these mixins, and there's nothing in WebIDL that says which one should have priority. For backwards compatibility, the SVG version needs to have priority even though its less useful.
... My suggestion is maybe we can somehow introduce a "dummy" interface just so that we can inherit from the dummy interface in a way that it makes it clear that the SVG href is overriding the HTML href. It's kind of an ugly way to do it, but it's an ugly situation. The important thing is the end result spec is clear about what should happen.

krit: The problem is that href is defined in two interface objects, and HTMLAElement implements both.

AmeliaBR: And WebIDL doesn't define which one wins.
... But if you both inherit and override, then WebIDL does define which one wins.
... So if we created some sort of interface that implements HTMLHyperlinkUtils, and inherit from that, and then override it ....? It's going to be ugly either way. The other way is to take this up with WebIDL and get it officially specified somewhere in IDL that if you have two mixins, there is a priority order. This is a cleaner solution.
... It requires a dependency on another spec.

krit: Is it possible to inherit from a non-interface object?

AmeliaBR: I don't think so. That should be a mixin rather than an interface.

krit: righ.t
... Another alternative is we don't use HTMLInterfaceHyperlinkUtils

AmeliaBR: I don't think we have any implementations. I haven't tested

krit: What if we make a resolution depending on testing? We can make a resolution now, and then re-discuss if there is an implementation of HTMLHyperlinkUtils

AmeliaBR: That probably makes sense
... If we don't have implementations, we can drop it. Though, one of the reasons we don't have implementations is because of this confusion, and implementors don't know what to do.

krit: Are those requests coming from implementors?

AmeliaBR: ....

krit: We should bring this back to another Working Group. Or WHATWG?
... Maybe someone can follow up on public-script-coord

AmeliaBR: They have a github repo, this is the best place to go.

<AmeliaBR> https://github.com/heycam/webidl/issues

krit: AmeliaBR, can you follow up with heycam?
... AmeliaBR, and possibly bring this up on the mailing list?

AmeliaBR: Okay I will 1) confirm that we don't have any implementations 2) follow up with WebIDL with two conflicting mixins.
... Then we can come back and make a decision with more information.

xlink:href in <animate>, <use>, etc. doesn't work in sourceless iframes

GitHub: https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/700

krit: Do we need to discuss any non-<use> elements?

AmeliaBR: It's not specific to <animate>, it's just about xlink:href in general

krit: Is there a difference between <use> and <animate>? Or will this apply everywhere

AmeliaBR: It will apply everywehre
... The issue is about URL resolution. An iframe srcdoc doesn't have its own URL. It's defined in HTML to behave as the parent frame's URL applies to the srcdoc. But if you put inline svg which needs hrefs to its own document, then that's the wrong base URL.
... so #target inside the srcdoc doesn't work becuase it looks for one in the main page instead of the local page.
... This is similar to SVG inside shadow dom. The rules there say, first, look in the main document. Initial implementations' SVG cross references weren't working inside the shadow dom. There is a general acceptance now that for shadow trees, hash-only URLs should look in the local trees first, but some of the details there are still undecided as well.

krit: For the shadow dom discussion, rniwa and annevk had different opinions, but eventually resolved on something. Would it be possible that we ask rniwa and annevk to comment on this issue as well?

AmeliaBR: Yes.
... Getting feedback from HTML would be useful because this whole thing comes from an HTML situation. It's important to try to coordinate with the shadow dom behaviors. I'm not sure how much of that has actually gotten reflected into specs.

krit: There are similarities with shadow dom. Hopefully we can get a solution soon.
... AmeliaBR, is there something else you are looking for?

AmeliaBR: I can't remember.
... one option is to go like CSS and just say if the URL starts with a hash, treat it specially. But if we can have more general rules, that would be helpful anyway.
... At this point, if you can follow-up with anybody relevant, that would be great.

Referencing SVGs through USE from other domains

GitHub: https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/707

AmeliaBR: Should we add a cross origin attribute to the use element.
... Right now, none of the browsers support <use> references to cross-origin files. But they do support it to the same origin.
... When SVG introduced the cross-origin attribute for <image> and <script>, it was added to <use> but it got pulled back because it was unclear how it would work with shadow dom, and how that would affect cross-origin. I think that is cleared up now. The way we agreed that <use> should be a closed shadow dom where you can't access the internals

krit: I don't think we have consensus on that

AmeliaBR: I thought we agreed? I can dig up the issue

<AmeliaBR> https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/363

AmeliaBR: Everyone agrees.
... But! Neither of those really make a difference. All those complications would be the same. The use case brought up in this new issue makes a good point, that because cross-origin <use> isn't supported, the workaround that authors have to use is to fetch the cross-origin file with script, and then inject the markup directly in their page, because this is less-secure than <use> cross references, we say things like "don't run scripts"

krit: But if there is a less-secure method, then providing a more-secure method isn't necessarily a win for the users

AmeliaBR: There are two risks. 1) Allowing the current webpage access to the content from the other domain, but I'm not suggesting that we should allow free origin; it should be based on CORS
... This is security for the webpage author when you're referencing a 3rd party domain, where the content on that 3rd party domain might change.
... We get a little bit of extra security if the page author opts into it. Like CSP.
... Also, it's easier for the author (less lines of code)

krit: We already define cross-origin attribute for other elements. Specification-wise, it wouldn't be a big deal to add it. Do you think implementations would implement it? Or should we move it to SVG 2.1.

AmeliaBR: I'd like to resolve that we'd like to add this, but then ask implementors whether they think it can come in the short term or whether it should be delayed

krit: Any concerns for adding the cross-origin attribute to <use>?


RESOLUTION: Add cross-origin attribute to the <use> element in a current or future spec

RESOLUTION: Add cross-origin attribute to the <use> element in a current or future spec

krit: Since we resolved on that part, we can at least have a note with our intentions into SVG 2.

AmeliaBR: Sure. We can add a note and open issue, requesting implementor issue

krit: That's part two. For now, let's resolve on a note.

<some general discussion about the merits of a note vs normative text>

AmeliaBR: We should start the request for feedback right away, on the issue therad.


RESOLUTION: Add the cross-origin attribute to the <use> element to SVG 2, and mark it at-risk

RESOLUTION: Request implementation feedback about the cross-origin attribute to the <use> attribute

[svg-native] Decide whether reusable graphical elements are needed

GitHub: https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/689

<krit> ScribeNick: krit

sairus_: SVG OT spec does not support pattern, marker and symbol
... but not banned either
... The use element is specifically used as an example in the spec though

myles: We can probably agree on patterns
... Apples implementation is the only implementation as far as I know that supports it and we didn't find any content that uses it. We can remove.

AmeliaBR: Depends on the use cases for SVG Native.
... if the idea is that the files are individual icons or small things in general then Wouldn't expect anything of that to be in.
... otherwise I would imagine that you want to reuse shapes to simulate shadows w/o rewriting the same shape.
... for patterns there is even more
... For patterns, every dot can add a lot of markup in comparison of using a pattern once.
... making the SVG larger and less easy to work with it

myles: file size vs supported features is a trade of
... There is no content that does use patterns for fonts.
... and that makes sense since the files are so small
... there is a point for supporting it on the other hand: 1) there is no wide support for fonts and 2) there is a way to do visually the same w/o patterns

sairus_: There were discussions to add patterns to the OT table. IT would be a competitive advantage to support it in SVG Native.

myles: will all implementations update to do it?

sairus_: Patterns doesn't seem to be a minimal subset. Though SVG Native is not really "minimal".

AmeliaBR: Myles point is that it is easier to add features later.

myles: there is a CGPattern... an API to draw patterns in CG. The pattern space is different from the document coordinate space and it is tricky to match the 2 spaces and that part is not in the API

RESOLUTION: Patterns are not part of SVG Native

AmeliaBR: markers and symbols we were leaning to not support?

myles: A tool that generates SVG Native file would know the geometry for markers. So we can omit it. Not much markup anyway
... And as far as I know it does not have wide support in OT implementations

RESOLUTION: Markers are not part of SVG Native

myles: I think we have to support use. There is much content out it that uses it.
... Apple does not support symbol.

AmeliaBR: Symbol to me is very similar to nested SVG.
... as it affects coordinate system and internal coordinate system. They should be treated the same. So I would say no symbol either. But there definitely are use cases for symbol.

myles: symbol doesn't let you do what you can't do otherwise.

AmeliaBR: It allows creating a new SVG viewport
... that is why it is similar to nested SVG.

krit: I would be ok with removing.

AmeliaBR: use is still useful w/o symbol.

RESOLUTION: Symbol and nested SVG elements are not part of SVG Native
... Allow use element in SVG Native

myles: gradients sharing color stops?
... we support it in our implementations.

AmeliaBR: used a lot in Adobes SVG export.
... Ai ends up with using lot of gradients but all sharing the same color stops.
... shouldn't be a large implementation addition.

krit: inheritance and currentColor might be the biggest issue but that applies to everything

myles: don't think anyone considered it
... IMO if SVG OT doesn't mention something it is supported since it is SVG 1.1 minus stuff

AmeliaBR: It would be useful for fonts to define stops once and use it at different positions for different glyphs

myles: does Adobe's OSS implementation support it?

krit: it does.

RESOLUTION: Support href on gradients referencing gradients

trackbot, end telcon

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. Add cross-origin attribute to the <use> element in a current or future spec
  2. Add cross-origin attribute to the <use> element in a current or future spec
  3. Add the cross-origin attribute to the <use> element to SVG 2, and mark it at-risk
  4. Request implementation feedback about the cross-origin attribute to the <use> attribute
  5. Patterns are not part of SVG Native
  6. Markers are not part of SVG Native
  7. Symbol and nested SVG elements are not part of SVG Native
  8. Support href on gradients referencing gradients
[End of minutes]

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$Date: 2019/07/15 21:08:14 $

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Succeeded: s/???/coord/
Succeeded: s/support/agree on/
Succeeded: s/CTPattern/CGPattern/
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Succeeded: s/at different/at different positions for different/
Default Present: krit, AmeliaBR, sairus, myles, stakagi
Present: krit AmeliaBR sairus myles stakagi
Regrets: chris tav
Found ScribeNick: myles
Found ScribeNick: krit
Inferring Scribes: myles, krit
Scribes: myles, krit
ScribeNicks: myles, krit
Found Date: 15 Jul 2019
People with action items: 

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