ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group

26 Jun 2019


Matt-King, Jean-Francois_Hector, michael_fairchild, shimizuyohta
Matt King
MF, mck


<michael_fairchild> JF, did you get the new Bluejeans url?

<michael_fairchild> scribe: MF

<michael_fairchild> Matt: My conclusion so far is that this is getting way too complicated to be executable

<michael_fairchild> Matt: the level of complexity is so high, that I don't think we will be able to make quick progress and it might turn potential contributors away

<michael_fairchild> Matt to Yohta: do you have any ideas on how you might be able to make it simpler

<michael_fairchild> Yoha: no, but I agree it should be simpler

<michael_fairchild> Matt: I have some ideas, mostly around how to present the data

<michael_fairchild> Matt: when I test something, I read and operate it in reading mode, and read and operate it in forms mode (4 different things). I might press 50 different keys or commands, but in the end I'm just doing this 4 things.

<michael_fairchild> Matt: When you capture a problem, you should provide details

<michael_fairchild> Matt: the high-level thinking is that every test is either a reading or operation test, and mode matters, and for each of these tests there are assertions related to states, roles, and properties.

<michael_fairchild> Matt: For example, I don't think we need to say there are 30 menu items.

<michael_fairchild> MF: Can you explain what this would look like applied to the checkbox example?

<michael_fairchild> Matt: we have 4 tests that we will perform. One will be that we will read the checkbox in reading mode. We will check if the name, role, and checked state are all reported correctly. That's 3 things.

<michael_fairchild> Matt: there are many ways to get to the checkbox while reading (jump to next checkbox, down arrow, etc)

<michael_fairchild> MF: Matt, can you execute this on the simple two state checkbox example and work up a spreadsheet or wiki page that describes the output? We can then discuss further next meeting.

<michael_fairchild> Matt: yep

JF Use Case Work

<mck> scribe: mck

Sent out email for everyone to review what JF posted on wiki.

Includes high-level summary of all prior sessions.

JF: want to make doc as short as possible, still very long.
... shorter than previous version.
... Open to suggestions for improvement.

Still long due to the total number of audiences that it addresses.

There is TOC at top that lists the 5 groups of use cases.

With this structure, we can point people to a specific section.

Also looking for feedback to know whether people will understand what we have done.

Because this is not a task-based analysis, it might feel different from what some people might expect when they hear "use case".

This is describing people's situational struggles and helps be sure we address those.

<michael_fairchild> JF: I was thinking that we would create an interface for data collection and reading. What are next steps for design and user experience?

<michael_fairchild> JF what is the best way to share sample designs?

<michael_fairchild> JF: are implicit html roles and attributes in scope for this project?

<michael_fairchild> MF: I think that has yet to be decided, but I think they should, if they are included in the APG examples that we are testing

<michael_fairchild> Jon: ARIA 1.2 is working to achieve parity with HTML roles, so there will also be less of a gap there

<michael_fairchild> JF will start exploring designs and UX, with the goal of providing an example next week.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/06/26 16:58:27 $

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Present: Matt-King Jean-Francois_Hector michael_fairchild shimizuyohta
Found Scribe: MF
Found Scribe: mck
Inferring ScribeNick: mck
Scribes: MF, mck

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<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

People with action items: 

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[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]