Card Payment Security Task Force

12 Jun 2019



Ian Jacobs (W3C), Clinton Allen (American Express), Dean Ezra (Barclays), Jalpesh Chitalia (Visa), David Benoit (Reach), Jonathan Grossar (Mastercard), Peter St Andre (Mozilla), Tomasz Blachowicz (Mastercard), Ken Mealey (American Express), Adrian Hope-Bailie (Coil)


<scribe> Scribe: Ian

Issues list


IJ: Any agenda additions?



Issue 7


IJ: Where are the transaction types defined?

Clinton: Within that document there's a section on tokenization (is it section 6?)


6.4 Payment Token Transactions

Jalpesh: Maybe the terminology of "transaction type" is misleading. What I meant is that the payload can change (e.g., disbursement v. authorization)

Clinton: Another aspect to that that is probably important is that some transaction types don't have cardholder participation.

Jalpesh: What I'm referring to here is "cardholder present" transactions

Tomasz: Let me clarify from SRC API spec perspective...there we have an enumeration (TransactionType) with about 5 values
... they are largely based on the tokenization document
... but we decided to be more specific in SRC...see section 2.3






• P2P


Jalpesh: I would make this parameter optional.


- Include transactionType with this enumeration informatively; refer to EMVCo spec for authoritative values

- Rationale: Payload may change according to transaction Type


<scribe> ACTION: Ian to update the payment method

<trackbot> 'Ian' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., IFSF-EFT-WG-Lead, ijacobs).

Issue 8



IJ: Any updates from Jonathan or Ken?

Jonathan: The question is - is there a need to have a flag in the request data (in Mastercard system)?
... I think this is potentially useful for some implementations; in our implementation I don't think that we don't need a specific flag for the token usage in the request.

Jalpesh: I had clarified that for Visa's implementation, we would make use of the (optional) flag

Tomasz: I was wondering how this maps onto the SRC API?
... we don't have this parameter explicitly on the API in 1.0

Jalpesh: I understand that. But for our initial implementations, we will support this capability implicitly.

Tomasz: My question is more related to the approach here. When we define a parameter that is not explicitly defined in the SRC API.
... how will they map onto the API?

Clinton: Good point. I'm reading issue 8. I am hearing Jalpesh request a boolean.

Jalpesh: The default in my view is "guest"
... I agree with them that needs to be on the (SRC) roadmap
... question is how to map back to the SRC system...agree with them.

Clinton: I think there's opportunity to do more at a later date.

IJ: I am hearing three paths possible (1) do nothing (2) boolean (3) more complex algorithm

Clinton: I had highlighted that within the tokenization spec we have token requestor id and token requestor type...I was thinking that at a spec level, having token requestor id OR usage/requestor type would be valuable. But I am not hearing uptake of this at this time.
... those could be valuable in the future.

PROPOSED: cardOnFile boolean (default false).
... for future compatibility

Jonathan: Something to add to the description: (1) optional flag and (2) some implementations may not make use of it.

IJ: Can we characterize this as an implementation optimization?

Clinton: When we think about the time frame of these things, at the time of the request, whoever is making the request for the token...will that party know who is fulfilling the token provisioning?
... do I know which system this will be fulfilled by?

Jalpesh: No. This scenario is the DPA is making a request. I could be in a guest checkout flow or adding a card to a merchant account.
... SRC system selection happens at a later time.

Clinton: These optional values...how would a merchant be able to make a decision about whether they are necessary to specify?
... would a merchant use the feature if the merchant does not know what the capabilities are on the other end.

Jalpesh: A merchant could decide whether to use based on the SRC systems the merchant chooses to support.
... in a scenario where the merchant knows it's a card add flow, merchant might populate the value, and the merchant might know the value could change. The value may not change, but it could.

Tomasz: We may support the same feature but not through the flag.

Jalpesh: With or without the flag, SRC systems could do this optimization; Visa would like explicit option.

IJ: Does merchant need to say "I support these TSPs?"?

Jalpesh: I think supportedNetworks suffices.
... I support proposal

<stpeter> +1

Clinton: No objection

Jonathan: No objection


<scribe> ACTION: Ian to update the SRC description with a cardOnFile boolean and corresponding characterization

<trackbot> 'Ian' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., IFSF-EFT-WG-Lead, ijacobs).

Issue 10


"How keys are exchanged (during onboarding or at other times) to enable the encryption of part of the payload is outside the scope of this payment method."

Proposed: That edit and close issue 10

Jalpesh: +1

Tomasz: +1

clinton: +1

<scribe> ACTION: Ian to close issue 10

<trackbot> 'Ian' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., IFSF-EFT-WG-Lead, ijacobs).

Issue 11



Jalpesh: I am looking at Tomasz's points. I am hearing two things:

- one object is for UX and display

- one object is for processing

scribe: what I was talking about was panBIN and panExpirationMonth...
... does the user experience require panBin in practice?
... for display purposes

Tomasz: I think there are use caes.
... consumer only knows BIN; they don't know bin range or last four
... I think we need to display the obfuscated PAN data.

Jalpesh: I'm not sure we need panBin, panExpirationMonth, panExpirationYear
... this is a question about what data to send back to the merchant

Tomasz: When you look at the Payload definition (in SRC API)..it does not included masked card information.

IJ: You need some subset of MaskedCard in a response to the merchant

<scribe> ACTION: Ian to move masked consumer information outside of the encrypted payload

<trackbot> 'Ian' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., IFSF-EFT-WG-Lead, ijacobs).

IJ: I am hearing Jalpesh say we don't need all six things of MaskedCard

Clinton: I think what we need to do is articulate more clearly which data is going where.
... some data may be used within DCF, some data may go all the way through to the merchant.

Jalpesh: The w3c spec is only for what the merchant (or gateway) gets back



Response data

- Identification (srcCorrelationId)

- Encrypted blob

- Displayable blob



IJ: Should we just refer to "Payload" and be mildly informative?

Tomasz: +1

Jalpesh: +1

IJ: Where does assurance data go?
... sibling?

Tomasz: Yes, sibling.

IJ: Any others?

Tomasz: Event history, and also custom output data. I think we need to think more about mapping them to the DPA or not?

<scribe> ACTION: Tomasz to add two issues about event history and custom output data in response data.

<trackbot> Error finding 'Tomasz'. You can review and register nicknames at <https://www.w3.org/Payments/WG/track/users>.

Issue 16


How do we refer to assurance data in the response?

Tomasz: You also referred to issue 15.
... I would like to leave it open or even create a new related issue....
... we have a challenge in that both payment request and SRC can provide shipping address.

IJ: See https://github.com/w3c/payment-handler/issues/337

Tomasz: Good!

Next meeting

26 June

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Ian to close issue 10
[NEW] ACTION: Ian to move masked consumer information outside of the encrypted payload
[NEW] ACTION: Ian to update the payment method
[NEW] ACTION: Ian to update the SRC description with a cardOnFile boolean and corresponding characterization
[NEW] ACTION: Tomasz to add two issues about event history and custom output data in response data.

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/06/12 16:50:30 $