<scribe> Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/May-28%2C-2019-Meeting
<mck> CHAIR: Matt King
<scribe> scribe: AnnAbbott
Issue #998: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/998
jg: problem due to
... if title is used for name, it is same as description
jn: need to provide to kbd users also
<MarkMcCarthy> +1 jamesn
mck: no support for tooltips in a touch interface
jn: title doesn't make it workable for everybody
mck: needs review by group of #998
jg: accessible name & description seem redundant
mck: if title exists, does it automatically turn into description?
jn: yes, if no other
... aria-describedby over-rides title
mck: title is meant to inform iconography
jn: if name and description are same, screen readers shouldn't announce description
Carolyn: thinks needs redo without title
mck: how to action PR?
jg: will take on as he wrote code
mck: text label for tooltip
<jamesn> Here is the codepen https://s.codepen.io/Moiety/debug/LaPvWy
<jamesn> this would be like :"Tooltip as main label" example
Carolyn will update PR
<D_Bass> Practical Support: aria-label, aria-labelledby and aria-describedby
<D_Bass> http://www.w3.org/TR/using-aria/#label-support
Issue #1018: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1018
mck: reviews requested - needs more eyes
jg: thinks jn wants bigger target area for buttons
<jamesn> (I'm getting a 404 on the githack link btw)
<carmacleod> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/971#issuecomment-492719504
mck: strictly editorial changes
have been made by mck & Jemma
... thinks there is no preferred naming technique
Carolyn: thinks depends on usage
mck: discussed "Cardinal Rules of
... keep & to HTML techniques
... asking for review of 5.3.4
... what more needs to be added to table? Like why name an
... some guidance written doesn't currently appear in
... "Name required" = always, recommended, optional,
... optional = allows dev to ignore
... guidance for always and never will have similar
... seeking feedback in PR
<D_Bass> if it is more work to add optional and can be harder for a diff developer to read. job security. alway use the optional if it reinvents the wheele.
jg: suggest using img element for all examples
<D_Bass> title has worked better than alt in browser we support.
<jongund> got to go
Next meeting June 3
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