Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference

16 May 2019


Joanmarie_Diggs, carmacleod, Irfan, melanierichards, carmacleod_, Matt-King
James_Nurthen, Mark_McCarthy, Harris_Schneiderman, Curt_Bellew, Jon_Gunderson, Peter_Krautzberger, Scott_OHara


<joanie> agenda: this

<joanie> agenda: be done

<scribe> scribe: melanierichards

New Issue Triage

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/core-aam/issues/46

joanie: asking vendors for input, blocked on that. I've already triaged as 1.2

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/979

joanie: clarifying the use of tooltip, if no one is doing the right thing with it, that seems like a problem

mck: at this point not super actionable, I don't think anyone has a clear idea of the utility of the role. We've had this discussion multiple times in ARIA Practices, I've even said get rid of it (might be draconian). Purpose of the thread is, if ATs were going to do something with it, what would it be? That's why not super actionable yet
... I'll add to the convo
... may add some editorial notes on use of the role in Practices, where I see this going

<dbass> when is it needed? when should it be used? should we be using something else instead?

carmacleod_: like Matt, not sure where it's going. I wanted to make our use case known. For the sighted user we don't bring up tooltips on focus, only on hover...[cut out audio]...it would be nice if AT or UAs would say "there's a tooltip here". If they're on demand, nice to know that you can ask for them.

joanie: I have triaged as 1.3 since it's not role parity

<dbass> alt? title?

<dbass> title work on all browsers and no use for tooltip?

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/978

joanie: Undefined behavior for Element and FrozenArray<Element> reflecting IDL attributes
... AOM people have been contributing IDL reflection, if there's problems with it I think we need to fix it. Putting it on 1.2

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/977

[murmurs of agreement]

joanie: #977, this isn't triage, this is editorial

carmacleod_: it looks old, agree with removing it!
... we could ask Simon to do a PR

mck: he may not have strong feelings even if raised the PR

joanie: I can rip it out

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/976

joanie: aria-atomic doesn't say what its missing/invalid value defaults are
... that's something we're working on in general now. 1.2?

carmacleod_: yes

mck: if it's in the prose but not in the table that's a problem and easy to fix

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/975

Consider adding "restricted owned elements" definition/role characteristics

carmacleod_: it's a large amount of work, I think. And probably not required for 1.2
... it could go to 1.3 I think because it means adding a new category in the attr table for every role

mck: there's this thought I had of should required mean restricted? But that's something we should explore carefully
... say tabs in a tablist. Sometimes people want to put buttons in a tablist, sometimes not focusable. It's just a mouse target for context actions for the tab. But if you said tabs are are required own el and that means it's the ONLY kind of element that can be in tablist, we might run into problems
... I think this is a weakness in the spec, we've been unclear about what Required Owned Elements means
... I agree this is not a trivial issue

New PR Triage

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/971

joanie: has anyone had a chance to review?


joanie: asking people to review for next time


<joanie> https://www.w3.org/2019/09/TPAC/

joanie: registration is open, that page includes the link
... it's earlier this year, in September
... our actual meetings will be earlier this time around, on Mon and Tues
... the hotels seem to fill up quickly, so start registering yesterday

Issues blocking next publication

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/wiki/Plans-regarding-role-parity#parity-in-progress-roles-that-are-now-in-the-aria-editors-draft

joanie: if you look at parity in progress, we all have stuff to do. For the most part, I've added everything in Core-AAM. I'll do implementations and write the WPT test suites next week. But we need authoring practices for all the roles that are in there

[referring to content under "Parity in Progress" header]

mck: we have code for meter, sub and super going to be easy, pretty sure we don't want people to use those. I don't know about deletions and insertions
... label is in progress right now. I feel good about label, meter, sub, and super. Not sure about insert, delete.
... code is another easy one
... what's our goal, timewise?

joanie: we already missed it, we wanted to freeze on the 13th
... Soon? If possible?

mck: thinking realistically about APG stuff...the next 2 weeks are pretty nuts. Could we aim for the first week of June?

[scribe note: attribute "Could we aim for the first week of June?" to joanie]

mck: label might be June 11th. We're making progress but the section it's going in is a monolith, all that other stuff needs to be in good shape before I merge
... we didn't have anything about naming or describing the APG prior to this

carmacleod_: what are next steps for generic role?

mck: I thought we were going to reduce aria-textseparation to just "style" and "none"

joanie: I thought we wanted to separate textseparation from the generic role, even though that role would want to have it. We can land generic role without textseparation

carmacleod_: that I can do

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/issues/141

joanie: other thing we're blocked on without mappings is insert and delete. We want to do what HTML does if possible
... will need Melanie's review

melanierichards: will do

mck: is there a good reason to use these roles on spans?

joanie: would have to defer to those with authoring expertise

mck: with paragraph I was comfortable saying you should never use this (turning divs into paragraphs)
... insertion and deletion, I have no idea what's justifiable

joanie: I think Aaron was interested in it for G Docs etc and had valid use cases

mck: might ask Google for help with the examples

Tree Inclusion focus/activedescendant requirements need clarification…

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/950

carmacleod_: I pinged James Craig about this one
... maybe give him a few more days

joanie: it's fine to me but I wasn't that confused by the text before
... the only thing that felt confusing was something that you didn't actually change
... if text nodes means text leaf node, there's only one UA that exposes those and I'd like them to stop doing those

carmacleod_: I don't know if it's an actual leaf or an element with the text in it

joanie: right now not in Gecko or Webkit GTK tree
... if we have a statement that says UAs must include something they're not including, that would be a bigger problem. Better to just phrase the bullets a different way
... I'll go ahead and comment on it even though it wasn't what you set out to do, I think clarity around what text nodes mean in that case is useful.
... it's not a MUST, there's some platforms...

Remaining supported/required PRs

melanierichards: might want to just defer to next week, I haven't been able to re-review these in the past week or so

mck: they're probably straight forward

carmacleod_: could send the links to the group after you've reviewed those comments, so that people review

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/946

<joanie> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/971

joanie: if people could review and comment on 971, that would be great

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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Present: Joanmarie_Diggs carmacleod Irfan melanierichards carmacleod_ Matt-King
Regrets: James_Nurthen Mark_McCarthy Harris_Schneiderman Curt_Bellew Jon_Gunderson Peter_Krautzberger Scott_OHara
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Found Date: 16 May 2019
People with action items: 

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