scribe Chris
Jason: CAPTCHA merge the
editorial work and draft changes and merge. Addressed by
... how to deal with remianing changes? Could handle as
separate branch
Janina: Heavy editorial changes
are in the editor draft. group should review
... Other issues exist
Jason: questions surounding
bio-ethics, and privacy and security concerns
... Do we want to make further changes?
... Proposal for other issues
Janina: URL is reposted response
to lead developer of RECAPTHCA. They're taking issue with our
proposed fallback
... the current fallback mech in v3: recaptcha invisible
... API without proper description of inner workings. Group
should review.
... this is an outstanding issue
Scott: Google leaeves the door
for alternative fallbacks. It should be stated that v3 is an
... Janina to create draft of response
Jason: will add Scott's
... group to review remaining issues before next meeting
Janina: should invite W3C Privacy and Security groups for review
Michael: horizontal review should
start now to give the groups enough time to review
... it will take time for those groups to schedule a review
Jason: unified draft by next week and make decision then
Jason: W3C workshop on web games - link posted to a draft position paper we should commnet on
Janina: draft should be reviewd by this group and APA
Jason: add to agenda for next week
Janina: these wroskhops are not just one offs. They can often lead to additional W3C activity
Jason: work going on which will need our review at some point
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