ACT-R Community

11 Apr 2019


MarkS, carlos, anne_thyme, audrey, Dagfinn



Migrating the Auto-WCAG repository

<Wilco> https://github.com/auto-wcag/auto-wcag/issues/471

Noted - password no working for everyone

Wilco: has everyone here signed up to ACT-Rules CG?
... we will maintain both groups for a little while, no longer than necessary
... Github repo migration needs to happen.

<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act-rules

Wilco: Shadi has offered to host at ^^
... under the W3 umbrella
... Other option to keep and rename existing repo
... upside of W3 is being under that umbrella and appearing more official
... downside is it's not possible to just move the repo with existing issues and pull requests

Emma: seems odd that a repo can't be moved under an organisation

<Jey> https://help.github.com/en/articles/transferring-a-repository

<audrey> +1

Jey: I think a transfer will take the history etc with it

Anne: would that make W3 Github members automatically repo members?

Wilco: no, think we would still manage that
... would also be under W3 administrative control (pros and cons)

<Wilco> https://github.com/auto-wcag

Wilco: auto-wcag has more than one repo

Jey: deployer has moved to Circle CI, so can be archived
... is it worth putting the test runner in a tools repo?

Wilco: possibly
... I do have a slight preference for keeping separate so it is easier to create new repos if needed

Carlos: how hard is it to create a new repo under W3?

Wilco: it would need permission, and think Shadi can admin that
... a simple vote? Any other comments?
... I propose we stay separate

Carlos: this doesn't prevent changing later

<anne_thyme> 0

Vote +1 for separate

<Wilco> +1

<Jey> +1

<Dagfinn> 0

Emma: I'm neutral

<MarkS> +1 for simplicity

<audrey> +1

<carlos> +1

Wilco: that looks like staying separate for now

<MarkS> https://w3c.github.io/faq.html#repos

Updating the rules format

Wilco: ACT Task force is about to publish candidate recommendation that includes a couple of changes to the format our rules currently use
... Looking for a few people to focus on helping make those changes

Anne: May be able to provide a few student helpers after Easter

Wilco: That would be cool

Anne: They could do changes that don't need much knowledge and we can review

Carlos: We could also help with that

Jey: Same here
... Might be able to script it so it can be done quickly

Wilco: I'll send a message to arrange a time to meet

chore: WCAG ACT RULES CG Website Update

<Wilco> https://gracious-goodall-6ccd8e.netlify.com/pages/about

<Jey> https://github.com/auto-wcag/auto-wcag/pull/437

Wilco: if no objections would like to publish new website

Anne: can we double check colour contrasts

Emma: can it be checked on different devices

Jey: it has been checked on different devices

Wilco: the scroll menu is not so good when magnified 200%

Jey: let's pair later and work out tweaks

<Wilco> https://auto-wcag.github.io/auto-wcag

Wilco: OK, this'll go live noon tomorrow, where current auto-wcag site is

Rule: SC4-1-2-iframe-unique-name

Jey: need Brain for this, hoping Anne can help

<Jey> https://github.com/auto-wcag/auto-wcag/pull/225#issuecomment-481594996

Jey: Brian made a comment near the end

Anne: nothing to add

Wilco: vaguely recall an article about this. Will try to dig it out.

<anne_thyme> http://davidmacd.com/blog/is-title-attribute-on-iframe-required-by-wcag.html

Wilco: yep, that's it
... any other thoughts?

New Rule: ARIA required context role

<Wilco> https://github.com/auto-wcag/auto-wcag/pull/255

Wilco: was it Anne who added the label?

<anne_thyme> https://github.com/auto-wcag/auto-wcag/pull/255/files#r260232420

Anne: Dani questioned if an empty list element is ignored, but our testing found that screen readers don't ignore it

Carlos: I tried it yesterday on VoiceOver with Chrome and it didn't read the empty element

Wilco: It might be a difference of how it is navigated

Anne: It is in the accessibility tree and the list of list items

Wilco: Carlos, could you share what you did.

Carlos: Maybe because it was the only thing on the page.

Anne: Ours was possibly the same. Not extensive testing, just trying it out.

Wilco: My experience screen readers often do mention empty elements. Different for different screen readers.

Anne: Maybe take a not that some screen readers will ignore empty elements but keep in rules

Squash, merge or rebase

<Wilco> https://github.com/auto-wcag/auto-wcag/issues/457

Wilco: Github has 3 ways to deal with pull requests.

Jey: I prefer "squash and merge"

<MarkS> +1

Anne: So does Casper

Wilco: same, unless doing a release

Emma: Is the a reason to prefer one method and not the appropriate one?

Wilco: adjusted preferences to remove unneeded buttons

Adding a changelog to rules

<audrey> I need to go, sorry ^^"

Clarification about "Final Call" phase

<anne_thyme> https://github.com/auto-wcag/auto-wcag/issues/463

Anne: Introduced final call phase a few weeks ago and been trying it out.
... getting lots of comments, some that mean the rule gets changed.
... should those changes trigger another final call?

Dagfinn: Are there changes, is 2 weeks too long?

Anne: The idea was to give all organisations an opportunity to object
... don't want to keep sending out final reviews

Carlos: Can we distinguish between changes that need another final call and those that don't?

Emma: +1 ... someone who hasn't followed the rule creation may request a change that is significant, or the comments might simply be grammar or error corrections

Anne: So possibly a second 'final call' if there are significant changes

<anne_thyme> Got kicked off Webex...

Carlos: a second 'final call' could maybe be 1 week

<anne_thyme> I'm back...

Mark: in development, during last call, there is a distinction between a substantive change and a non-substantive change - the person requesting it could point out which they think it is
... this would give others an opportunity to object to a requested change

Wilco: I like that


Anne: will do a quick write up of approach

<Wilco> auto-wcag/auto-wcag/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+review%3Anone

Wilco: if you have time, please review stuff that is asking for reviews
... final call

<Wilco> https://github.com/auto-wcag/auto-wcag/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+review%3Anone

Anne: Please review, there are lots waiting

Jey: same

Carlos: nice productive meeting, I'll be on holiday next time

Dagfinn: thanks for the nudge, I'll try to do some

Emma: I'll try to comment on final calls and distinguish if anything is substantive

Jey: nothing further

Mark: just getting up to speed

Thank you all

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/04/12 12:46:54 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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Present: MarkS carlos anne_thyme audrey Dagfinn
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Found Scribe: Emma

WARNING: No date found!  Assuming today.  (Hint: Specify
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<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

People with action items: 

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