<Wilco> https://auto-wcag.github.io/auto-wcag/pages/design/rule-template.html
wilco: back up and change log missing
... rule type is not done consistently
... rename test aspect
... and no issues list
anne: heading or applicability was removed?
wilco: yes, applicability and expectations update
... asking if those who aren't working on rules could update
anne: agrees to putting together a task group to make these edits
... a student could do the update
wilco: will schedule a call to discuss with auto-wcag and ACT groups
anne: would help student with making updates if student found
... preferred timeline?
wilco: start within 2 weeks, finish in 4 weeks
... to fit with CR timeframe
maryjom: put exit criteria into the form for tracking of status and progress
... each section is for each section of the spec
... shadi said "all rules follow the rules format" is needed
wilco: where is page with actual exit criteria?
maryjom: will link it
... shadi had some other questions in his email
... from shadi - some criteria were diff from originals, numbering of pull requests
... didn't see the numbering due to bikeshed issues
... shadi numbered items when he added them
Moe: having issues with wai-aria ref
<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/352/files#diff-9ac0a6633720a5535b0a53cba04ababeR749
wilco: numbering is in spec
... C1 to C26
maryjom: paraphrased some criteria but will edit to match
wilco: as we update rules, fill out the tracking doc
... what implementations would be used
... siteimprove alpha and deque axecorps
... both do semi-automated
... that's 2 implementations
cpandhi: ibm not available
... ...for development but will confirm if ibm tool could run against the rules
<anne_thyme> Have to drop, bye guys
wilco: can trusted tester run manual tests?
the trusted tester training development prevents anyone from doing this in 4 to 6 weeks
wilco: maybe rgaa? we have automation but manual will be difficult
... allen hoffman?
he would test with a screen reader
maryjom: microsoft?
wilco: good idea. will ask.
wilco: missing a resource?
... next step is update act rules and move to w3.org/wai and list where to incorporate them
... how do we approach this? 2 step model: community group design rules, make sure they're valid and have implementations
... submit and authoring group will answer questions
... second: all rules sent to ACT task force, tf reviews and batch rules to send to AG for approval
... ACT will communicate about the rules
<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/353
wilco: feedback requested
maryjom: no date for publishing yet
... shadi is traveling so next week's call is cancelled
... bikeshed issues may be a problem
... should be this month
moe: bikeshed issue is short links. fixed wai-aria references
... exit criteria and numbered section links are treated as macros also
wilco: maryjom and shadi will be out
... work is on hold until CR published