Automated WCAG Monitoring Community Group Teleconference

28 Mar 2019


anne_thyme, Wilco, Kasper, audrey, EmmaJPR, Dagfinn


<scribe> scribe: anne_thyme

<Wilco> https://github.com/auto-wcag/auto-wcag/issues/365

Update Rule: ARIA state or property has valid value

<Bryn> Meeting link?

<EmmaJPR> Second email Wilco sent

<Wilco> https://github.com/auto-wcag/auto-wcag/issues/365#issuecomment-453154912

Wilco: There is a proposal to split up the WAI-ARIA state and property has valid value into different rules that map to different success criteria
... Who wants to work on this?

Anne: I worked on it already in https://github.com/auto-wcag/auto-wcag/pull/441
... The rule as a non-WCAG rule: https://github.com/auto-wcag/auto-wcag/pull/464
... We have discussed it already, and don't find that the original rule can be reliably mapped to any WCAG success criterion. Therefore we have talked about having it as a WAI-ARIA, not WCAG, rule...

Wilco: Our implementation has many more required states and properties

Anne: Yes, but they all have fallback values
... Link to scrollbar role spec: https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-1.1/#scrollbar

Wilco: And you think because they have these fallback roles, this is enough?

Kasper: Yes, we have already discussed this with the WAI-ARIA working group last year. You raised the issue yourself.

Wilco: Well, nothing really came out of that
... But we already have an implemented rule for this

Anne: But if the rule fails something for 4.1.2 that is not a failure for 4.1.2, that is a problem
... e.g. a heading that does not have an aria-level, that is not a failure under 4.1.2, since that is for user interface controls, and headings do not fall into this category

Emma: I am a bit confused as to why we are writing rules to test for valid WAI-ARIA, we don't write HTML validation rules
... I would assume there is a WAI-ARIA validator out there
... When I write my rules, I assume that people write valid HTML

Bryn: There is a WAI-ARIA validator on its way

Kasper: And it is slowly being integrated into the NU Validator as well

Wilco: Anne, please continue work on these rules. And we will have a discussion about how to remove or deprecate rules later.


Anne: above rule suggestion was me trying to split things out like suggested in the issue that was on the agenda

Emma: Yes, maybe it should be making it more specific to 4.1.2 instead of more general to WAI-ARIA

Proposal: create "ACT Heuristics" as an "Accessibility Requirements Document"

Wilco: This was on the agenda last week, and I did not see it in the notes

Shadi: We did not discuss it last week
... I think it is relevant to discuss if some rules are more indications of failures, not actual failures
... We are addressing this along the way

chore: WCAG ACT RULES CG Website Update

Wilco: Jey has been working on an updated website. I just want to remind everyone about it

<Wilco> https://gracious-goodall-6ccd8e.netlify.com/pages/about

Wilco: This relates to the community group renaming, that I want to start next week
... there is also a proposal for the "About" section. It's agenda item 7. If you have any comments, please leave them before end og next week, so I can incorporate them

Shadi: Can you tell more about the time line and what everyone needs to do?

Wilco: For a new community group, we need a description, so that is why I have written the "About". Then I would like to open the new community group on Monday
... Then we have a week to transition, and then we can launch the website

Shadi: I would like to check this timeline with my colleagues, and find out if W3C wants to do some kind of communication/announcements

Wilco: I would like to have this in place before the ACT Rules Format goes into Candidate Recommendation

<Wilco> https://github.com/auto-wcag/auto-wcag/pull/437

Bryn: I have noticed a problem with zoom on the website. How would you like these accessibility issues reported in?

Wilco: Just on the pull request: ttps://github.com/auto-wcag/auto-wcag/pull/437

Shadi: I was wondering about the logo. I would like to brand it under the W3C, rather than have its own, specific branding.

Wilco: Can you write it on the PR?

Shadi: I have already contacted Jey about the licensing etc.

ACT Rules CG Mission statement

<Wilco> https://github.com/auto-wcag/auto-wcag/issues/466

Wilco: I hope you have had time to look at it, though it came a bit last minute
... Shadi, you had some concerns

Shadi: Yes, I emailed them
... My primary concern was to get words like "harmonization" and "alignment" in there, so it doesn't sound like anyone can just come in and propose anything
... I think we do more in the group than documenting each others' things, we also discuss and align
... I think the goal is to suggest rules in hope to have them W3C vetted
... And then we are mentioning Trusted Testers, but no one else. Usually that raises a flag with the W3C.

Emma: I don't think we are documenting first and then aligning afterwards. We are not documenting them, but trying to find common ground and documenting the commonalities

Wilco: I have been talking to different vendors, and the concern is that we are trying to tell them how to build their tools

Emma: No, we are trying to tell them how to interpret WCAG, what outcomes to get

Wilco: I would rather know what different organisations are doing, than having them not show us because they are afraid of pushback
... I haven't seen a group be successful at telling everyone how to do

Emma: My point is that we are not telling them how to built the tools or write the tests, but which results to come up with
... If I am testing with two tools, I expect them to come up with the same results for the things they both test

Wilco: The question is: If you get involved in this community group, does that mean that you now have to start changing your product?

I think Kasper and I got kicked off. We can't hear anything...

Shadi: I disagree with Wilco's characterisation of why projects in the past failed. I don't think the commonality was that we were trying to tell people what to do, but that we did not have involvement from tool vendors in W3C
... Tool vendors saw their interpretations as intellectual property
... The movement is now that we want to contribute to a more harmonized interpretation
... Tool vendors don't have to implement wha WCAG says either
... We might end up with the competing rules because WCAG requirements are ambiguous, but this should be the exception.
... My concern is that if we don't have discussion or alignment in the community group, we might as well not have it.
... Vendors - or anyone - could just document their own stuff in the ACT Rules Format

Wilco: But how will we know what the consensus is, if we don't have the vendors here?

Emma: I have heard vendors express concern that someone could steal their ideas if they got involved here

Anne: Siteimprove has joined Auto-WCAG to improve our rules, not to document what we already have

Wilco: So probably more emphasis on finding a common understanding rather than document

Shadi: We should maybe stress that we are not trying to tell people how to implement things, but working to find a common understanding of the WCAG

Wilco: That approach requires changes to what we are doing. We will have to go out and collect information
... We will have to go out and hunt for commonalities

Emma: At what point do you think we have been documenting someone else's way of testing?

Wilco: Both Deque and Siteimprove have contributed rules based on what we already have

Emma: Yes, maybe as a draft, but then it is reworked into a common understanding

Shadi: My hope is that there will be a pull when rules are adopted by W3C and published as official W3C rules, for tool vendors to get more of their rules in

Wilco: I will rework the "About us", taking in these comments, hopefully by end of this week

<Wilco> trackbot, end meeting

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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$Date: 2019/03/28 10:08:26 $

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Default Present: anne_thyme, Wilco, Kasper, audrey, EmmaJPR, Dagfinn
Present: anne_thyme Wilco Kasper audrey EmmaJPR Dagfinn
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Found Date: 28 Mar 2019
People with action items: 

WARNING: Possible internal error: join/leave lines remaining: 
        <scribe> Anne: Siteimprove has joined Auto-WCAG to improve our rules, not to document what we already have

WARNING: Possible internal error: join/leave lines remaining: 
        <scribe> Anne: Siteimprove has joined Auto-WCAG to improve our rules, not to document what we already have

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