Automotive Working Group Teleconference

05 Mar 2019


Glenn, Benjamin, Ulrich, Gunnar, Laurent, Ted, Don, Harjot, Magnus


Transportation Data Workshop

Ted: I want to discuss a proposed Transportation Data Workshop, looking at last week of June 2019 in California

W3C Workshops

Ted explains W3C process, what a workshop entails. position papers, program committee, sponsors, host

Ted: we want to see if there are common needs, issues and proposed starts to solutions, goal is to scope potential new working group
... this will be separate from the W3C Automotive Working Group
... I have been meeting with some interested parties, will schedule a brainstorming call Thursday or Friday of next week
... looking to this group to see if there are interested individuals in being part of the program committee
... what's involved: setting initial scope, reviewing papers and attendee applications, setting agenda for workshop, participating in report


potential workshop topics:

-consent capture & policy language

-metadata - sampling, accuracy

-additional transportation ontologies eg profiles, trip data

-other transportation data - routing, traffic/construction/hazard, weather

-other off-boarding challenges and data marketplace enablers


Glenn: we have strong interest in this workshop and would be interested in sponsorship, presenting a position paper
... it is aligned with our interests

Ted: do you think someone from Geotab would be willing to be part of the program committee?

Glenn: yes, definitely and draw from a pool of people involved in this space

Gunnar: I want clarification on whether this would be part of current working group or new

Ted: it would be a new working group. the current one is chartered to deliver in-vehicle services

Gunnar: interesting but somewhat diverse set of topics, we are having some car to cloud discussions at GENIVI as well
... privacy policy and data contract is not in our scope
... would like to delve into what topics will be explored
... would recommend keeping the scope narrow

Ted: agree, the purpose of stating topics up front and having a program committee is to ensure it does not get too broad
... we try to compliment efforts instead of compete against them, avoid recreating wheels and leverage work at other standards bodies
... is there a writeup yet for car to cloud activity GENIVI is considering?

Gunnar: some, will be made more concrete at AMM in May
... we will have presentations on different companies views
... we will be looking at the whole picture, existing standards that can be leveraged
... we would like to see how to collaborate and promote each others activities

Ted: similar to our state then. incidentally I am not anyone communicated but we decided to have our next face to face in Munich ahead of the GENIVI All Member Meeting on 13 and 14 May so as to avoid competing with those attending AMM sessions

Gunnar: that makes sense, Tuesday is members only, Wednesday open day

Ted: not sure if one of the chairs asked yet but if there is meeting space we would be inclined, if not we speculated BMW, VW or INRIX could host

Gunnar: I'll have to check

Ted: as I will be unavailable on Thursday we will be cancelling the data task force call. I will try to circulate draft outline for workshop by then

VSS repo contributions

Ted: it is quite common to reference other standards within ours as mentioned, however we have two dependent pieces moving simultaneous (VISS Gen2 and VSS) at two different orgs (W3C and GENIVI respectively)
... corporate policies govern what projects and organizations people can participate in and unfortunately that is the case here where at least one and perhaps other individuals cannot contribute to GENIVI repo
... that can be a challenge even though we have full overlap of participants from VSS in W3C Auto
... I want to see if others have this issue, either on or off the record and see if we can come up with a solution
... we could have a convention where if an issue in the W3C spec stemming from underlying data model arises, the issue gets raised on W3C github repo
... I or others like Daniel and Benjamin can make sure it gets referenced in the GENIVI repo and resolved
... we could take this further and leverage the decentralized nature of git and have a checked out fork in W3Cs github where issues, commits and pull requests can be made directly
... we would want to routinely reconcile them in batched pull requests to GENIVI repo
... others have any thoughts, ideas or concerns?


Ted: my recollection was this stemmed from Magnus Feuer's Remote Vehicle Interface (RVI) project which is now defunct

Gunnar: unsure the exact history but it is not tied too closely to RVI but meant to solve general need to describe vehicle data

Gunnar: with open licenses it doesn't really matter where it resides
... the way I see it at present, VSS design decisions are coming entirely from the W3C group
... to the point of contributing to the different organizations, I would not cater too much to companies who cannot contribute to open projects
... technically speaking what you described is true, including using a common base between the different repos
... that would essentially make it one project
... is it possible to put this in writing to GENIVI so it is not second hand information

Ted: I can ask if person wants to bring it up with you directly, not expecting him back for a couple calls due to work travel
... are there other groups at GENIVI using and relying on VSS?

Gunnar: not offhand but alternative acces methods besides VISS like MQTT are being discussed
... I would hope those to be based on the same or similar data model
... I do not see a technical fork in the road at this point
... it becomes a group decision then and unless there is a disagreement, no need to fork

Magnus: I second that
... it is not good for us to be moving away from VSS but if we have a problem with the current arrangement then my suggestion would be some sort of proxy convention as you described
... it can be handled within the data task force or ordinary WG calls

Ted: in case you missed it, we wanted to go protocolless but were advised against doing so as SOAP/Web Services tried and failed. nonetheless we are try to avoid being too protocol specific to give implementers flexibility

Gunnar: I would make the opposite observation, you are not leveraging the protocol enough
... it doesn't necessarily mean you accept MQTT or need to specify it but be cognizant of it

Ted: agree we are working more to not preclude it. point being if/when GENIVI starts on MQTT, consider leveraging Gen2

Gunnar: second that, we are aiming for the same thing
... there may be more ways to do things than just MQTT and REST but they are still useful to define
... vehicle data can be used (and accessed) in many different ways

Ted: in summary, we will work with proxying conventions and if that is not sufficient we can consider fork and regular reconcilliation

Glenn: when working on an ANSI standard and reconciling in EU and NA. we had a liaison
... should we do similar here?

Ted: I feel we have that

Gunnar: we have an agreement (MoU) in fact and collaboration for years

Issues and pull requests

W3C Auto issues list

open pull requests

Filter - from query to filter

related wildcard usage

Ted: not much time to delve into issues and not the right people on the call. I encourage people to read and provide responses directly in github in the meantime

[need to wait for Ulf, Benjamin, Daniel on underlying VSS + Wildcards]

Gunnar: related to earlier non-REST approach, we need to separate these things
... perhaps some of these pull requests should be discussed before proposed

Laurent: pull request initiates a discussion

Ted: Ulf essentially does the same, helps to have something tangible


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/03/05 19:56:01 $