<Wilco> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTCFCCR/results
Wilco: 2 topics, survey to go to CR
... Ann has some comments and Roman has comments
... sounds there is general agreement to move forward to the pull request
Shadi: suggest going through the survey comments first
Wilco: Do you recall better phrasing for this?
Shadi: Can we actually remove that sentence about satisfying accessibility requirement and is covered in the section about accessibility requirements
... will we loose anything by dropping
Wilco: alright lets make that change
Wilco: Ann's comment for line 340
... This relates to how we handle percentage for test target
... Should we make that explicit
Trevor: yes we should make that clear
<Wilco> "The page (test target) has a text alternative for 80% of all img elements"
Shadi: yes i think we should make that clear before CR even though it is editorial
... we should raise an issue as it needs more elaboration and can do after CR
Wilco: Shadi can you create an issue
Shadi: yes
Wilco: so lets move to Roman's comment
<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/328/files?utf8=%E2%9C%93&diff=split#r258686598
Wilco: why would a file name not be part of the identifier?
Wilco; anyone thinks we should look at this?
<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/328/files?utf8=%E2%9C%93&diff=split#r258686598
Wilco: OK there is Romain, he can explain
Romain: Not sure i understood the example, do we use organization as the file identifier?
Wilco: yes WCAG does that?
Romain: May be change the example to say based on the file name but not is the file name
<Wilco> ACT Rules can use file names as the basis of identifiers
Shadi: why is this important
... why are we trying to change the sentence in the example
<romain> "In this example, ACT rules have the following identifiers, which also happen to be the file names of the Rule documents" (?)
Shadi: We can circle back later
Wilco: Comment from Ken on line 217
Kathy: trying to understand how is the example different from technique 37
Wilco: it can do both, used as best practices or used as atomic rule in composite rules
Shadi: i think Kathy is right
Wilco: Yeah we need a different example
<shadi> https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/F88.html
Shadi: correction, fully justified text is a failure
Wilco: good point, i will make the change
<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/328/files?utf8=%E2%9C%93&diff=split#r257643229
<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/328/files?utf8=%E2%9C%93&diff=split#r258755896
Wilco: Yes, it is required as in the Input rules
... We want the outcome always to be there from applicability and expectations so rule is self explanatory
Romain: yes i see what you mean
<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/328/files?utf8=✓&diff=split#r25867059
Wilco: line 514, i agree with the suggestion
... if everyone agrees, we can make the change
Shadi: Can we have couple EPUB rules for CR?
Romain: Yes i will do my best
<maryjom> +1 Publish as CR!
Wilco: So should we go to CR?
... yes no one said we should not go to CR
... will address the editorials and we can go to CR
... We are on the agenda for next Tuesday for AG
... MJ have added the list of changes
... We will a draft for AG, any thing we need to do there
Shadi: No, cross fingers and hang tight
Wilco: Have made some updates, don;t think needs whole lot review
Shadi: how well are we doing with the rules to align with the exit criteria
Wilco: We have SVG, CSS in progress and we will have EPUB rule
... We need to write non WCAG rules as best practices
Shadi: i think may have some
... there some fairly easy to write
Wilco: well then we can wrap
Shadi: Congratulations folks, this is a big accomplishment