Automotive Working Group Teleconference

19 Feb 2019


PatrickL, Ulf, Harjot, Benjamin, Ted, Magnus, Laurent, Glenn


Open issues on Github


PatrickL: [summarizes issue 299]

Ulf: we do have a section on chapter metadata, to have authorization here is a bit confusing
... we do have a header type to prompt for authorization. i think within methods section there should be a description of this message


PatrickL: coming from HTTP, I typically compare to it first
... there I need to check authentication for each method request
... the communication in itself must have all the descriptions necessary, having to do sequential requests breaks the RESTful nature of HTTP

Ulf: in HTTP it does follow well but from the web socket view it doesn't fit so well
... we can perhaps figure out a compromise
... I do not have a good proposal offhand but will give it some further thought given your view
... there are also cases where there would be unrestricted requests

PatrickL: I tried to give thoughts for web sockets cf VISS, HTTP and MQTT

Laurent: in HTTP you can think of authentication more as metadata
... are we trying to create an auth mechanism across protocols
... or we can stay protocol dependent

PatrickL: Laurent wanted to know what the requirements are server side

Laurent: I see several MUST and SHOULD on client side but not on server side

PatrickL: a service may not need authorization

Laurent: as a client vendor when I see MAY I don't implement the feature
... we should have something there for basis of discussion and see where we want to go

Ulf: I think if a service requires access restriction, the only mechanism should be the token we describe here

PatrickL: I will write that into the description, thoughts on how to phrase?
... "if the execution of a method on a service needs authorization, the service MUST use the authorization key/value pair"
... regarding schema compliant, that is not defined

Laurent nods

PatrickL: all ok with the pull request associated with issue 299?

Ulf & Laurent: ok with me


PatrickL: yes, I abandoned wildcard usage but left it in examples as I wanted to see how people feel about removing them from path level filtering

Ulf: we need to be consistent for sake of those not in the group
... I would be ok with removing wildcard functionality provided we can handle same things with query capability
... there is a discussion on VSS about modifying it to be able to be able to handle more types of searches
... we should perhaps wait for VSS to mature before representing it here

Laurent: I take word path as the literal path in URI

Ulf: technically you can with %encoding...

Laurent: yeah but is that standardized in W3C?

Ulf: no but legit with respect to URL RFC and characters

Laurent: XPath model with filter makes sense

Ulf: fine with removing wildcards in URL provided we have adequate search capability

Laurent: we may want to select a node or group of them based on location in the tree

PatrickL: we set off to find a solution incorportating VSS and ViWi. starting from VSS side makes sense

Ulf: I think we have attention of the VSS crowd with Rudi previously and now Daniel and Benjamin
... they are receptive to our ideas
... we wouldn't want to fork their model for our needs but try to stay in line

Laurent: I would like us to be independent so we can stand on our own in case there is later deviation
... we do not want to be bound to subsequent changes in VSS
... having one source of truth based on previous experiences makes sense to me

Ulf: for me that would be VSS
... I would rather start the discussion then about this group owning that specification given the dependency

Magnus: I am not so keen on branching off on our own data model either
... I have seen attempts to standardize on data models before
... VSS has more attention than others I've seen which speaks for keeping VSS but do note Laurent's concerns are valid about the dependence
... if we start to deviate, then it might prompt others to as well in choosing different data models underneath

Laurent: if we need something strongly in VSS we need to put in lobbying effort elsewhere
... we can fork it and see if they follow our lead instead of us chasing them

PatrickL: what we put into our charter and working on is common pattern for in-vehicle services

<PatrickLue> https://github.com/w3c/automotive/blob/gh-pages/charter-2018.html

PatrickL: I hope others share that common understanding

Ulf: yes but we have influenced VSS as well which we are dependent on
... it is possible to interpret the charter in slightly different ways

Magnus: I think it was Adam who wrote in VISS that VSS 1 was to be used as a model
... it worked based on how the request methods look
... as we add REST requests we have new challenges

Ted: I am always torn on how much effort to put into solving potential future problems versus avoiding them. given attention on VSS and VSSo dependence on it, overlap of GENIVI VSS and W3C people I think we should not consider forking until an irreconcilable issue arises. for VISS we agreed to snapshot a version and should for gen2 too

PatrickL: if they ever officially disagree we will try to work with that

Ulf: if we have a strong view and unable to influence them then we end up in a situation where we would consider forking
... I would prefer we go together with them

PatrickL: following that logic, would it be ok to accept this pull request and revisit as more is known about wildcard handling based on VSS evolution?

Ulf: I have further questions on this pull request and ask time to review

PatrickL: ok, please put comments in-line and we will look at it
... that impacts our ability to discuss 298


PatrickL: I modified my language based on Gunnar's comment
... I started with a simplification of the data model, reducing types from 6 to 2
... branches and values
... addressing we already had. I reduced the number of value data types
... of course I am aware a real implementation has to be behind it
... start with default restrictions on numbers, you need to know what to expect for memory etc
... strings similarly have to be restricted as well
... .the third thing I introduced is type for a branch to set expectation for structure
... I wanted to allow for additional branch types eg media. I added remote branch idea which can point to a different service
... this is an overview to help for your review

Ulf: I appreciate the work and see the merits but want to stay with VSS

Ted: I do like the remote branch concept

Ulf: we have the basic capability already in VSS

PatrickL: yes, I wanted to apply schema for how a branch can look like
... schema can describe how to get to a remote branch
... it was influenced by your (Ulf's) previous presentation
... I wanted to bring together the basic ideas of VISS and RSI without alot of adaptation

Ulf: if that is not possible with current state of VSS we should point that out clearly and seek modifications in VSS instead of having our own view

Laurent: I wanted to fact check if VSS can do this and discuss differences on capabilities

Ulf: pointing out the differences would be a good start to see what is missing in one or the other

PatrickL: I will prepare something for next week to make clearer the differences with VSS
... please review this PR and issue. we will do a comparison next week


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/02/19 19:32:53 $