Card Payment Security Task Force

06 Feb 2019



Ian Jacobs (W3C), Cheryl Mish (Discover), Dean Ezra (Barclays), Ramesh Gorintla (Discover), Jalpesh Chitalia (Visa), Matt Detert (MAG), Jonathan Grossar (Mastercard), Brian Piel (Mastercard), Ken Mealey (Amex), MichaelHorne (Amex), Manoj Kannembath (Visa)
Laura Townsend (MAG)


Review flow diagrams

Previous minutes

IJ: Now we want to fill in blanks between flows and tokenization/3DS
... What is status of conversation about EMVCo using FIDO data as input to 3DS?

Jalpesh: We can call out where risk analysis can be done


Jalpesh: WebAuthn can be input
... step 7 of transaction can include cardholder verification information
... can also include 3DS data input

IJ: what about in enrollment

Brian: First question was - FIDO dataset as part of EMVCo; that's a work in progress.
... regarding SRC...3DS can be input to SRC

Jalpesh: Regarding transaction step 7...you are correct...3DS input can also include cardholder verification (which might include Web Authn)
... but in general, that information can be used without 3DS.

IJ: SRC CheckoutRequest, carries cardholder verification information (e.g., 3DS or other)

Jonathan: +1

Jalpesh: +1

IJ: SRC CheckoutResponse, carries token info and optional verification results

Jalpesh: Add add an optional step-up flow that looks like the enrollment step-up flow after 8 and before 9

Brian: In the scenario with step-up...would that be part of the SRC response?

Jalpesh: Step 8 response data would include a step-up instructions

Jonathan: That's when SRC is doing risk analysis, but the risk analysis could be done by the merchant.
... three options from a merchant perspective:

- No 3DS

- merchant will do 3DS

- SRC will do 3DS

Jalpesh: Maybe we need to remove the part about 3DS and just talk about SRC transactions

Jonathan: As soon as we put some content on the different flows, I'd like to have 3DS data mentioned somewhere, and we understand the data is going from one flow to the other
... I don't think we should separate the 3DS part
... it's fine if it's optional

IJ: +1 to a note to clarify different ways to do 3DS.

Jalpesh: We will want merchant to be able to say (1) want 3DS ... and step 7 includes 3DS data (2) no 3DS ... and step 7 does not include 3DS data and (3) merchant handles 3DS
... Let's call it "assurance data" in steps 7 and 8 (that's the SRC term)
... It also seems to me that what happens between DCF and SRC is less important to detail; that's covered by SRC protocols

IJ: We still need to know what flags to support as request

Jonathan: 3DS data may go through the system without, for example, FIDO authentication.

IJ: I am hearing "don't put all the things in an SRC spec"

Jalpesh: 3DS has merchant provided data. SRC will perform risk analysis regardless of merchant request. SRC system needs to support assurance data regardless of whether risk analysis is performed on that transaction.

IJ: Feels to me like SRC spec would have an "assurance slot" for various assurance data blobs



Data about the merchant / transaction

scribe: that would be request data to a 3DS assurance module

Jalpesh: So that makes sense .... if merchant requests 3DS, step 1 has to support that data


Jalpesh: Tokenization and definliely 3DS will have distinct objects that go all the way from 1 to 7

BrianPiel: It's part of merchant request (in 1)

Jalpesh: we can simplify diagram to clean up 1, 2, 7, 8 to have no 3DS
... and create a second copy where the flow is labeled "Merchant requests 3DS" and we add the bits to those flow arrows.


IJ: I don't understand the dependencies fully between tokenization and 3DS; so don't know if the objects are entirely distinct.

Jonathan: I don't see high value in 2 diagrams; I think we can just say "3DS can go here optionally"
... we can have separate discussion about 3 flavors of 3DS

Jalpesh: then I'm ok to call 3dS Optional in step 1 and conditional in steps 6 and 7

<scribe> ACTION: Ian will update the diagrams to capture more clearly 3DS data in steps 1, 6, and 7

<trackbot> 'Ian' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., IFSF-EFT-WG-Lead, ijacobs).

Jalpesh: 3DS would be optional in step 1. In step 6 3DS explicitly mentioned as well. In step 7 can have abstraction of "assurance data" (where 3DS is one option)

Jonathan: +1

BrianPiel: I think that assurance data is optional according to SRC

(IJ: I will label assurance data as optional)

IJ: Should we also call out in 1 the token preference?

Jalpesh: I don't think that's as relevant from SRC perspective


IJ: Should we pull the ECI out of the token spec?

Jalpesh: I think it's card processing data, which applies to 3DS and non-3DS transactions

April FTF meeting

IJ: What should we do by then?

- SRC spec draft?

- Prototyping?

Jalpesh: I'd like to help

IJ: I'd suggest we start with URL-based payment method to get started. I will reach out to Jalpesh after the call.

Jalpesh: One question I have on the spec
... Adrian opened an issue on the flow altogether


Next meeting

[We will take up AHB's issue then]

Proposed 13 Feb instead of 20 Feb

IJ: Any objections?

RESOLUTION: Next call is 13 February and no call on 20 February

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Ian will update the diagrams to capture more clearly 3DS data in steps 1, 6, and 7

Summary of Resolutions

  1. Next call is 13 February and no call on 20 February
[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/02/06 18:36:50 $