Jan 14, 2019 Authoring Practices Task Force Meeting

14 Jan 2019



jongund, JemmaKu, matt_king, evan, CurtBellew, AnnAbbott, mark, BryanGaraventa
Matt King


<scribe> scribe:Jemma


Final Release 3 Prep

Monday Jan 14: Final reviews close; approved changes are merged to master, change logs are complete.

Monday Jan 14: Matt sends CFC request to James

Thursday Jan 17: Encourage reviews for CFC in ARIA WG meeting.

Monday Jan 21: CFC closes.

Tuesday Jan 22: Assuming WG consensus to publish, Michael Publishes on w3.org.

Revised radio pattern


are we comfortable with the merge?

no objection to the merge


Ann, Curt, Mark reviewed

the toolbar

mck: I tested with screen readers, JAWS and NVDA. There were some weired things but these are not related to tool bar code.
... We will merge this tool bar example with master branch.

Carousel pattern and example

carousel pattern: Pull Request #957

mck: tried not to overly presecriptive.


mck: brian, if you can look at the pattern, it will be great too.


mck: aria described by is contained by group element.

so aria-described by will be removed by jon

mck: it will be merged later today.

<scribe> New indexes of examples merged into master




mck: role description for Carousel was weired by the screen reader - announcement was wrong for previous/next button and so on - AT community group will help to solve these issues.

Release 4 plan


Targetted for completion in December 2018, the APG 1.1 release 3 milestone includes the following objectives.

mck: have some funding to meet the release deadline.
... working with Boucoup, working with Simon for release 4 plan

to close the gap for ARIA 1.1

mck: I would like to have dicussion about what we want to include for the release 4.

jon: my priorities will be datepicker, input assistance and validation states and properties, carousel example 2
... we can do carousel example 2 first, then date picker, and input assistant.

mck: stand up draft plan discussion will happen on Jan 21 meeting after Matt is working with Jemma

How the task force works

Look back: What has been working? what isn't working so well?

Look forward: discuss possible changes and improvements.

mck: wondering it may work the better if we assign the work as sub group(ex: three people with their own expertise)

so that we can merge things fater

mck: shortening 3-4 weeks work to one week review possibly.

jon: I will collaborate with Mark with date picker


Ann: I would like to be part of editorial training if that can happen during the meeting time.

jon: Mark will work on design pattern of date picker example.

Future meetings and other business

No meeting January 21 due to US Martin Luther King holiday.

Next meeting: January 28

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2019/01/14 18:58:59 $

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Succeeded: s/to not/not to/
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Present: jongund JemmaKu matt_king evan CurtBellew AnnAbbott mark BryanGaraventa
Found Scribe: Jemma
Inferring ScribeNick: jemma
Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/January-14%2C-2019-Meeting

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<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

People with action items: 

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