Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference

08 Nov 2018


janina, jamesn, melanierichards, Joanmarie_Diggs, HarrisSchneiderman, carmacleod, Bryan_Garaventa, matt_king
CurtBellew, MarkMcCarthy, StefanSchnabel


<janina> I will need to leave about a quarter of

<scribe> scribe: HarrisSchneiderman


MichaelC: official charter out hopefully soon

<janina> e-champaigne soon!

New Issues Triage

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+created%3A%3E%3D2018-10-11+

jamesn: anyone not agree with 826 in 1.2?

Investigate if we need to add URL to validator #831

When there are role errors where HTML in ARIA says certain roles are not allowed on HTML elements, need to investigate if we want to add a URL such that we can give extra information about the error

jamesn: where does this fit in our milestones? anyone have any vote?

joanie: how about 1.2 for now?

jamesn: I agree - we'll put it in 1.2 milestone
... done()

joanie: maybe we should investigate #832 in 1.2...if we can - otherwise it should get pushed back to 1.3

jamesn: I've added help wanted label to issue

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+created%3A%3E%3D2018-10-11+

jamesn: marked #35 with 1.2
... I've marked the rest with 1.2 as well
... To me, they all sound like they should be addressed in 1.2

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/core-aam/issues/28

joanie: #28 - 1.2
... 28 is basically becoming obsolete
... if needed, this would be a new issue in aria

carmacleod: assign it to me if we need a new issue

joanie: in the aria spec there is also content about the a11y tree, we don't know if it has anything about hidden in it

carmacleod: how about I comment on this ticket about moving this

Remove IDref attribute reflection properties

jamesn: any comments on this?

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/834


<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/833

jamesn: onto issue 833

Roles which don’t support names

jamesn: lets go over bg
... so we have new generic roles and other things in which the thought is - theres no reason to name these container elements (without any real meaningful role on them)
... generic roles, paragraph roles etc...why would we need label on these?
... initial proposal - prohibit naming of the roles listed in ticket

<jamesn> blockquote

<jamesn> caption

<jamesn> listitem

<jamesn> paragraph

<jamesn> presentation (already prohibited)

<jamesn> none (already prohibited)

mck: the problem is - when the screen reader is rendering the element (such a paragraph), the semantics aren't directly revealed (unless navigating by paragraph with AT), in the real world if the paragraph has a label, that label is a heading. AT would have to come up with a whole new paradigm for this (how do you associate a label with a paragraph if your a screen reader). A div w/o role is invisible to a screen reader.

joanie: if you have text that the user might want to read by line/word/char. if the AT speaks the label instead of content. Its confusing if the user can't traverse to text read out as accessible name. User might want to select the text

mck: VO renders labels on landmark regions
... heres an example of what we want to prevent: with a title on div, VO thinks this is a group with a label. so it renders (to VO user) a "start" and "end" of group. If title happens to be redundant user gets this in triplicate

HarrisSchneiderman: What about just using offscreen text?

mck: thats fine, AT knows how to render actual text in DOM
... If you label a table via caption - the screen reader tells you where the beginning and ending of the table is. It's how you know the bounds of the table.
... If you have a div, you would never render the beginning and ending of div. That'd be a nightmare - way too verbose for screen reader users. A div isn't a semantic thing so it doesn't make sense to render begin/end

jamesn: Carolyn brought up interesting proposal - "So maybe the easiest way to spec "prohibiting author naming certain roles" is to remove aria-label, aria-labelledby and aria-describedby from the list of global attributes, and then list them separately on all of the roles that don't prohibit their use?"

<janina> Need to go--bye, all!

mck: this might be the right way to approach this - these attributes aren't quite global
... we need to map out the potential side-effects

carmacleod: This is doable and it solves some problems

<joanie> The word "global" appears 3 times in the core-aam.

<joanie> one instance is "globally"

mck: making these non-global would bring some level of relief to developers of screen reader software

carmacleod: this should be a pre-req for the generic role

HarrisSchneiderman: What role / how should you label, a scrollable region?

mck: Does it have to be focusable? does the container have to be focusable?

jamesn: yea for keyboard users

mck: Whatever is inside of that scrollable area, the content within will affect what you choose as the containing element. We don't yet have aria semantics for pre and code. My gut tells me it should be a "code" (role?) element. Screen readers are going to get all of that content at once for free (without scrolling)

jamesn: we have better solutions than a div with a label. We can still cope with it today - even without the code role

mck: group or region could apply depending on what it is? What about labelling a block quote/code/pre element?
... Jaws / nvda / VO (maybe) currently notifies user that they are interacting with block quote. I'm wondering if you should be able to label these similar to how we label articles

jamesn: I'm hearing that we're all in favor of this


jamesn: we might as well not cover our last item based on above

<Zakim> joanie, you wanted to mention text/caret navigation

Generic Role

<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/699

carmacleod: in one of the later comments, someone had a suggestion for me. I had said that for aria-textseparation, I thought I'd like to have a 2-item token list for the before/after separation...I've played with that and its weird (to describe and use)...BUT we still need to address the before and after space (avoid too many tokens). My next suggestion is to split it into 2 properties (possible name: aria-textseparation before/after).
... if one property is not present default to whatever the style is
... I don't know what the potential misuse of this could be - we could specify documentation on how to avoid misuse
... is it ok to split this into 2 attributes?

mck: I started playing around with the 2 token idea. I found 2 token approach really simple to explain. I think having 2 properties could be quite messy
... I separately propose that we have a token of "string" and in subset/separate property specify what the token is
... specifying these things without actual tokens would be difficule

carmacleod: I thought that these would be ok as non-tokens

jamesn: could we use html entities for this?

html entity for break: &#13;

in css we can use \A for line break

carmacleod: what to do if only 1 token?

mck: I was pretty simplistic in my notes to freedom scientific, I can dive deeper

akim, bye

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/11/08 19:04:34 $

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Default Present: janina, jamesn, melanierichards, Joanmarie_Diggs, HarrisSchneiderman, carmacleod, Bryan_Garaventa, matt_king
Present: janina jamesn melanierichards Joanmarie_Diggs HarrisSchneiderman carmacleod Bryan_Garaventa matt_king
Regrets: CurtBellew MarkMcCarthy StefanSchnabel
Found Scribe: HarrisSchneiderman
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<dbooth> Chair: dbooth

Found Date: 08 Nov 2018
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