Web & Networks TPAC Breakout

24 Oct 2018


DanD, MarkWatson, Mohammed_Orange, Didier_Nokia, Arnaud_Braud_Orange, Varun_Callstats, NHK, Tomoyuki_Shimizu, Shanghai_Comm, Kathrik, Mitsibushi, Frode_Telenor
Eric Siow



Eric: I'm Eric Siow from Intel
... I chaired the Web5G Workshop earlier this year in London
... some background on this breakout
... the work started by looking at what APIs W3C could develop to enhance 5G
... at the end of the workshop, we realized that 3GPP standards for cellular radio, and IETF for transport protols are well established
... we formed a task force to look at what W3C could contribute to this well developed ecosystem
... we don't want to devote lots of time from engineers to develop APIs that don't get adopted
... we took a step back to look at the ecosystem to figure out what role W3C could play
... look at whether operators would open up their networks, which traditionally have been under tight control from operators
... also needed to look at how we would work with other existing SDOs
... we worked in that task force with AT&T, Orange, Qualcomm, Nokia
... AT&T & Orange looked at it from the network operator perspective to identify what opportunities exist

Eric Siow: we're trying to get feedback on a specifci proposal for an Interest Group in this space
... the group would try to bring clarity and leadership on the work that needs to happen
... the IG wouldn't do the technical work, but do use cases, requirements and work with existing standards efforts

DanD: there are interesting developments happening on the network side of things, on the Web, in IETF
... it feels like a good mooment to sit back and evaluate requirements
... some of this (but not all of it) related to 5G
... the increase of encrypted traffic which limits the amount of inference that can be done in network management
... geeting out of the workshop we lacked clarity on a specific focus
... we've made progress, and we're looking for feedback and input for some possible new ideas
... we're looking for a dialogue - this isn't a call for review for a specific proposal
... [slide 2]
... the Web is fast growing, with always growing connectivity in devices
... the requirements that come along with that go into 2 directions: need for more security vs performance
... these requirements sometimes come into conflict
... [slide 3]
... as a content provider, I want cost-efficiency, reliability
... as a network provider, I want to optimize my network resources
... as a user, I want to be a control
... fulfilling all these wishes, sometimes create conflict
... what we think would be useful as an objective would be to reduce the MiTM risks
... while allowing the client and server to negotiation sharing, while improving security and privacy
... we think bidrectional exchanges between apps and networks would help, in the form of hints
... I'll come back to the notion of hints
... the idea is to exchange as minimum information as possible (to ensure privacy) while still allowing context awareness
... [slide 4] Why now?
... 5G is rolling out - beyond the hype
... 5G implies softwarisation and distribution
... and moving to a service-based architecture that allows exposure APIs with more consistency
... on the app side, lots of development on the transport side (e.G. QUIC) and in the Web space
... Ubiquitous encryption, which we all want to support and get done properly, moving away from implicit data gathering
... [slide 5] Dependencies
... if we want to do anything at the Web level, there needs to get support throughout the chain of dependencies
... you need the underlying protocols and functions- e.g. work done at IETF and 3GPP
... you also need to feature to be exposed at the OS level before it can find its way in browsers
... more subtly, unless you have some sort of mechanism to control cheating, it's very difficult to get things going - e.g. QoS encourages cheating and requires trust
... cheat-proof mechanisms are key
... the model of hints is part of the approach we're suggesting to work around that issue
... [Application hints and requests]
... here a couple of examples of information the application might pass to the network
... e.g. the ability for the application to choose between mptcp (ios), carrier aggregation, dual connectivity
... there is a trade-off for the app to use these features - e.g. dual connectivity eats battery
... likewise, for content classification - in WebRTC you can give different priorities to the streams under your control
... it would be good to expose similar characteristics more generally e.g. for media, to benefit from proper scheduling capabilities which would optimize resource allocation for a greater number of users
... the IETF LoLa proposal brings a 1-bit to switch between latency-sensitiveness vs bandwidth-intensiveness
... [slide 7] Network hints
... Mobile throughput guidance in IETF is a proposal to use IP options for the network to convey congestion information up to the app which it can use to adapt (e.g. codec selection)
... if there is an appetite to come to the table to discuss, it's worth having the dialog here, starting from requirements and working with network level technical work

Eric: we started this work looking at how do we enhance capabilities for 5G network, we realized it's not just 5G - also applicable to LTE, Wifi, etc

DanD: these are not new things - they have been discussed in other forms, but I think having the dialog in W3C allows for a larger group of stakeholders

Varun: this has been talked before in the IETF side
... has there been a study on how developers want to use this
... these are interesting things for a network engineer
... for an app developer, how many of these knobs do I really care about?

DanD: these things would not necessarily be exposed from a network semantic perspective
... the hint provided by the app developer would guide the network connectivity, not express a strict control
... looking at proposals we need to look at things whether it's cheat-proof, simple, a win for both sides

Varun: I implemented MPTCP and brought it to the market, but we found it was pretty hard for developers to take advantage of it
... I love this as a network engineer, but I'm curious how this would be perceived by app developer

DanD: I use the priority example in WebRTC - the browser gets the hint from the app, and it's used in multiple ways
... congestion control, DSCP markings

Varun: good example, but we're still missing operational experience on that particular feature

Mohammed: as operators we know what we need, but we need the developers community - that's the point of having the conversation here

Mark: we've had previous discussions in this space (e.g. Marnew)
... the key point of being win-win, of saving resources in a detectable way
... e.g. ongoing randomized trial to measure the actual benefits
... only path forward to avoid business arrangemnets

DanD: there are already plenty of trust enforcement mechanisms in the industry, but that's not scalable for interop
... integrity is a more important than authentication

mark: if you have hints that can be ignore but whose mutual benefits can be measured, you don't need any specific trust enforcemnet
... in terms of what app developers want, we don't really know what's available
... but the first obvious thing is latency vs bandwidth
... but this should not be a flow based decision, it's a request-based one
... e.g. when video buffering

DanD: what would you prefer: hint to the network or vice versa?

MarkW: as an app developer, if I could hint to the network that my requests are latency sensitive, that'd a great fit

DanD: on our side, this would imply putting the flows in different radio schedulers
... having different template of traffic patterns while avoid deep packet inspection, this would optimize resources
... I understand your point on flows vs requests

Frode: I looked at my notes from TPAC 2013 - what has changed? why would it work this time?

DanD: we've had more and broader dialogs
... since then, ubiquitous encryption has also changed the dynamics
... that combined with developments in the protocols, IETF transport
... also, we haven't brought them to the table in a long time

Mark: +1
... these discussions go back a long time and different approaches were explored

DanD: re ubiquitous encryption, we now have a lot more operational experience on what works and what doesn't
... we're trying to deal with the traffic without implicit hints

Frode: you should probably look into TAPS

Varun: TAPS is looking at abstracting the socket protocol for various transports
... but it's not looking at the hint level
... this has failed before for sure
... lots of contention on the spin bit in QUIC
... lots of these things assume the issue is between the app and the device, but the network path is much longer
... e.g. in P2P situations, you have to take into account the other side of the network

DanD: what we learned from all these other things that failed is what I was alluding as checkpoints
... is it cheat-proof? win-win? implementable?
... these should be the litmus test of anything worth exploring
... the whole point of setting up something as an IG is to enable these analysis

Dom: we may not succeed, but last time it failed, it dind't even go to the starting point
... I think the circumstances may have changed enough that we can at least get started
... I would suggest we try to start with a short term charter to evaluate how likely to succeed we would be

DanD: I would want to focus on requirements as a starting point

Frode: I'm all for us to succeed - but we need to understand why it didn't work before

DanD: we've been multiple examples of past failures turning into later success
... e.g. getUserMedia, widgets vs Web packaging

Eric: it's also a matter of managing expectations

Mark: I agree that we need to understand what these things failed
... I think we know that complexity and trust-requirement have been obstacles
... and the principles DanD identified should help in that regard

Frode: in the previous Mobile IG, interest on the topic fell rapidly
... what do we think will help bring the right participants

Varun: in ICE, there has been extensions made to express network cost (battery, power, metering, money)
... to figure which network to use
... there has been interest in the WG to use
... we ourselves want to collect data on this to correlate call quality with network characteristics
... I can see a need for APIs and interest, given that ICE has done this on the browser (implemented in Chrome)
... netinfo is another example - these are super important to us

Eric: would there be any objection on an IG to look at this?


Eric: support?

[13 hands up]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/11/06 07:59:13 $