<scribe> Scribe: AWK
SL: Presentation on silver prototypes and goals
Shawn Lauriat and Jeanne Spellman
<Lauriat> http://goo.gl/skBX3F
Slide 1 goals for silver
two areas:
content and process/structure
(details on slides)
High priority is easy to update and clear update path
(slide 2) Milestones to date
did research for ~16 months
Design sprint based on research
Drafting requirements document
now working on prototype development and user testing
slide 3 proposed timeline to Rec
possible to reach rec in Q4 2021
slide 4 What are we working on?
contributors use a variety of tools
silver wiki links to everything
<Lauriat> Silver wiki main page, a good starting point for finding information: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/
including requirements, IA, plain language, conformance, and meaningful involvement
meaningful involvement relates to PWD being involved.
slide 5 Revolutionary Structure, evolutionary content
People love WCAG and the advice but the structure is more of a problem
slide 6 prototypes
slide 7 - Info Architecture
goals around usability and maintenance
(details on slide)
slide 8 Info arch continued
not losing content, restructuring
flattening structure to guidelines and methods
slide 9 tags and methods
info for standard is contained in a database, intend to have an API
structure of database not finalized
graphic on slide demonstrates tagging options that may be applied to different guidelines and methods
Slide 10 How WCAG content moves to Silver
principals become tags
guidelines and technology neutral SC become guidelines
technology specific SC and techniques become methods
no more A/AA/AAA levels
SC numbers are deleted - guidelines known by unique handles
Clapierre: How will it work if the levels for different SC are removed?
SL: relates to overall conformance, more details in a bit
clapierre: will there be a scale?
Jeanne: flexibility is a goal, so there will be a scale but not rigid
slide 11 EXample of principles becoming tags
slide 12 Example of SC moving to Silve
Language of page - the human language of the environment can be identified by assistive technology
Parsing SC - becomes a method because it is technology specific
Slide 13 - what this could look like in action
Prototype can't have >1 person using at a time
first prototype is focused on the information architecture
shows guideline 1 - checkboxes allow related methods to be shown
slide 14 - plain language prototype
usability is main goal
Most of WCAG 2.1 just needs to be rewritten in plain language
data needs to be organized in small snippits for easier remixing
slide 15 plain language
experiment with 4 WCAG SC's - asked experts to rewrite
developing style guide also
slide 15 plain language example
used 4.1.2
translated as "make interface semantics and actions accessible for assistive technology" (this is not final language)
slide 16 plain language prototype
demo at https://w3c.github.io/silver/prototypes/PlainLanguage2
SL: Reason for different tabs is to break the concepts down into easier parts. It is still possible to have more technical information but it is not in the default view
JS: Easy example "Section
... includes planning responsibilities to help people
understand how to include accessibility in the process
... May be able to include other assets like video into how to
... Development tab - includes link to EO resources
... Testing and auditing - links to lots of resources. Includes
links to methods
in the prototype links to existing techniques
from WCAG 2.1, but will need new ones
One of the challenges for WCAG 2.1 in getting more tests for cognitive accessibility is the pass/fail model for SC
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