<jeanne> scribe: jeanne
This is the personalization TF session on how personalization should be implemented
scribe: we will have some
examples of how it can be implemented
... we would like feedback on how it should be implemented or
what should be avoided.
Charles: This work came out of
the Cogitive Accessibility Task Force and it is part of
... users may need simplification to symbols
... others may need to be free from distraction
Examples: 9 out 10 people prefer coffee over tea
<AWK_> https://www.w3.org/TR/personalization-semantics-1.0/
Examples: the author may provide
the words nine or ten for those who cannot use numbers
... people who use symbols may be use an international
The three modules in addition to the Explainer document are: content, help and support, tools.
<Roy> https://www.w3.org/TR/personalization-semantics-content-1.0/
<Roy> https://www.w3.org/TR/personalization-semantics-help-1.0/
<Roy> https://www.w3.org/TR/personalization-semantics-tools-1.0/
JOhn: The approach is to develop
a taxonomy of terms and semantics around content
... actions, destinations, fields, destinations
... distracting content can be minimized
... personalized help and support for numbers-free ot
... most people would prefer a plain language, non-numbers
... "It's raining cats and dogs" could have an alternative
string text of "it's raining very heavily"
... some are proprietary, some are open source, but we don't
intend to that, we intend to provide the ability to use
... Token terms in from auto-complete was able to be included
into WCAG 2.1
... we welcome feedback to the taxonomy. How do we attach this
meta data at the element level?
... Options: RDFa, HTML Microdata, ARIA attributes and a long
... we considered a new HTML element
... we just got feedback this week to avoid a microsyntax
Shawn: Is the intent to express this to an assistive technology on the other side of the browser that would deliver it to the user?
John: we envision an extension
model or interpreter
... we have to establish the conditions
... starting with the semantics. We welcome the feedback from
the people with experience in semantics
Ivan: RDFa is wrong. ANother
possibility is to add another attribute
... but we have a proliferation of attributes
<AWK_> The only phone system for conferencing is near the speakers
Ivan: A single attribute where all the people who need additional attributes can use it. We are running it with DPub
John: We like the complexitiy of
a single attribute
... it gets into a microsyntax
Ivan: A class syntax?
John: We looked at class. There
are advantages and disadvantages to everything
... It has to be author-friendly, because it is being
implemented by authors, not just developers.
... we might end up with 3
Ivan: We need the solution in Publications
Lisa: When we come up with the
solution it can be used with different groups
... it don't want it to be limited
... in the Task Force, we wanted to do prefixes, which Web
Platform said no to.
... or just accept multiple terms
Mike: Is this an authoring
solution problem? The classic example of alt text, which is an
author responsibility. Everyone thinks this is a mess.
... When you look at what is a common usage, like "raining cats
and dogs" and have a certified W3C taxonomy of translation?
Couldn't that be automatically done and not have to rely on the
John: It's a chicken and egg problem
Mike: You need a synonym ring
Lisa: Even tagging it as
sarcastic would be helpful
... how are we putting this vocabulary into the page
... we need to zoom into how we put it into the pages
Charles: Today, we need to be able to do this for the Higher Education market. We could the route of the synonym ring, but not yet.
John: Web platform recommends a
single attribute or few multiple attributes
... we are concerned about collision and conflict
Charles: We are going to ask for a TAG review
LeonardR: There are two pieces --
first that authors aren't going to do this.
... A lot of content isn't created by authors. Example of the
NYTimes giving alternate translation options
... it's better not to require the author not to do the
John: A number of things would have to come from the author
[shows example of attaching the Metadata - using Autocomplete in Japanese
Lisa: Implementers are waiting
for us to make a decision about this.
... content is being made for people with cognitive
disabilities using symbol sets. THey are people who want to use
this standard. We aren't forcing people to use it.
... web annotation is still important
John: Where there are critical living functions that are being pushed to the web, then you will see this for clientele for their services.
<Zakim> raf, you wanted to comment on other languages
RAF: We can get rid of the author and get some of this to work automatically: for many languages we can't get it to work automatically.
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> +1 to raf
John gives an example of slang or colloquialisms helping translation
RAF: The author will be needed.
John: Some of it can be automated -- the lower level things like numbers and symbols.
Ivan: Slang that is true today but not tomorrow, so it is not a stable thing.
Avneesh: What are the key deliverables for the Task Force?
Charles: The Peronalization Semantics Explainer
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> the module 1 is a second working draft
JOhn: We have a working draft of the Personalization Semantics Explainer, and then Editor's drafts of the other three.
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> module 2 and 3 is first WD
JOhn: the mechanism to attach it
by is part of the explainer
... the beauty of TPAC is that we have a lot of groups
together. We need to be able to attach the taxonomy
Avneesh: It can come from @@, or
... the use cases depends on who is doing the work
... take up a set of attachment techniques you can use.
John: The working draft is very new. We are putting it out for wide comments. I encourage you to give feedback
Charles: We started looking at a number of ways to attach, but maybe we should be looking at multiple
<JF> https://www.w3.org/TR/personalization-semantics-1.0/
Charles: the Explainer document can show the possible routes
<JF> Personalization Semantics Content Module 1.0(https://w3c.github.io/personalization-semantics/content/index.html) Personalization Help and Support 1.0(https://w3c.github.io/personalization-semantics/help/index.html) Personalization Tools 1.0(https://w3c.github.io/personalization-semantics/tools/index.html) Personalization Semantics Explainer 1.0(https://www.w3.org/TR/personalization-semantics-1.0/)
Steve: If you can add the attribute and leave the values open
Shawn: This gets back to the earlier topic
<yatil> scribenick: yatil
<scribe> scribe: Eric
Nigel: When I see personalization I think of it as changing the presentation, but this is added to the semantic content. So you might need to consider the name of this.
<Avneesh> +1 Nigel, name personalization iw broad
Nigel: Some people in the
captions world worry about the change of subtitle text.
Different constituents have different views on how it should
work. It also has privacy impacts, in case of JavaScript access
to that type of personalization. Are those user choices in
... Many people will infer that when hearing the name.
Ivan: With my publication hat on I was also thinking about changing colors and fonts.
JF: We need to think about that and we need to chat about that…
Lisa: We do have a space for user
preferences to also have an interoperable way to implement
... This is the stage where authors can define the elements of
the site and then the other component is how users can change
the display.
Nigel: If it is on the roadmap, go ahead.
[Short discussion about if the name of the TF needs to be changed.]
stevelee: So, the user would be define his preferences and this is the way to make sure that authors put in the semantics to make that happen.
Lisa: As a user I would expect to define the help symbol that I recognize and then have that used consistently.
stevelee: So that makes two changes: The user can say make the font big and also translates the page depending on the marked up text.
JF: Yes, that’s what we hope to do.
[missed Lisa’s last comment]
JF: Yes, it is the first step.
Nigel: Is there any API work?
JF/Lisa: Not that we are aware of, but we don’t want to close the door on it.
Shawn: It might be good to single out different aspects.
JF: That is what we do with the different modules. The attachment mechanism is still open, we had an idea and have clarified that over TPAC. We need to better define the content taxonomy.
Shawn: This can clarify the discussion.
<Roy> public-personalization-tf@w3.org
clapierre: Thank you all for attending this breakout!
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