Permissions Workshop day 2, breakout room

27 Sep 2018


NellWaliczek, avadacatavra, Thomas, Ted, Primal, hta, xfq, plinss, Leonard, Hana, Martin, npdoty, hober, wseltzer, Alisa
wseltzer, xfq, weiler, christine_utz


<wseltzer> scribenick: wseltzer


[radioactive snakes]

NellWaliczek: Topics I'd love feedback on
... * to what degree do we need to worry about fingerprinting concerns at session setup?
... * directions to prior art, other specs that might have common mental models
... to support good consistency or avoiding bad examples
... * immersive mode
... as an exclusive mode, what that means for permissions
... We're pro progressive enhancement
... notion that you can embed 3D experience in a page
... when you click the "please use my hardware" button, XR becomes exclusive experience, like fullscreen
... a number of reasons, including how cameras work, how headsets work
... current thinking, our permissions and security model is wrapped around exclusive mode
... when you're inline, very restricted in data
... not even orientation without interaction
... but and no other info
... but once you consent to immersive,
... then think about what it means to bundle permissions, e.g. eye tracking, room geometry
... "AR permission"
... since once you have camera or geometry, lots of it is inferrable
... bundle it as a single "AR permission"
... experimental "AR lite" mode
... can we enable the hit-testing on a synthetic AR? @@
... making sure we've got the actual security model in-mind

hana: could you clarify orientation?

NellWaliczek: 3 degrees of freedom, vs 6 degrees of freedom
... pixels that come from the camera are never exposed to the website
... but in order to reposition objects, need hit testing
... a whole set of features unavailable in inline mode
... but inline mode is where you get the button

hta: We had a similar experience in WebRTC
... wanted to let users select the camera they wanted
... without exposing all the cameras
... "constrainable"
... Section 11 of the media capture main spec.

NellWaliczek: pass ordered list of constraints when you request access

<xfq> https://www.w3.org/TR/mediacapture-streams/#constrainable-interface

NellWaliczek: can specify whether your request is exact, range

hta: you get back a media stream with camera that fits what you asked for, or a failure if no fit

NellWaliczek: that's the pattern we're looking for, the only question is "do you support AR"?
... Support session: do you support? then Request session

hta: we generated device list, because if there's no camera, it makes no sense to request
... you just get a list of identifiers

NellWaliczek: we've chosen to remove names, because people were misusing them massively

npdoty_: re prior art, consider fullscreen, as well as webrtc
... fullscreen has lots of security issues, e.g. user deception and lack of context
... without URL bar, how do you know who's asking for permissions?

hta: latest change, if you get a popup for any reason, break out of fullscreen mode

NellWaliczek: that doesn't work for XR, so we'll need a different solution
... blur and focus; browsers talking about secure UI, and how they could make that mode something websites can't spoof
... it doesn't work well in e.g. bank websites
... how do you communicate secure contexts in XR?
... Navigation environment
... tunnel

npdoty_: who's asking for permission, how will data be used?

avadacatavra: people in immersive web community would like to be able to traverse links without exiting immersive mode

wseltzer: any talk of hardware channel for trusted UI?

Primal: opportunities for overlay, spoofing

NellWaliczek: the hardware can assure that the composition engine, browser has the last word

npdoty_: lots of attacks, "punch the clown"

avadacatavra: re trusted UI, mozilla has been talking about a sigil
... but making that non-spoofable opens up new problems
... e.g. getting a side-channel on the renderer to extract and spoof the sigil

NellWaliczek: I'll add clickjacking example to the considerations doc

npdoty_: does the user even know where they are when they're being asked these questions?

NellWaliczek: if we say XR is just one bundled permission, what does that mean for other capabilities that have been permissioned differently?
... e.g. geographic alignment.
... or if they're not granted at the start, how do you get them later?
... 2 things that come up a lot: Geolocation and Media Capture

<npdoty_> maybe a separation between compass orientation and geolocation

NellWaliczek: 1st round of XR won't have image recognition, so people will want to use the camera to polyfill
... Data streams
... enumerate everything; or say entering AR turns on all the sensors
... or something in between
... v1 won't have mesh data
... eye tracking, environmnetal meshes, object recognition, image recognition
... trying to structure flow so as to be extensible

Primal: some could be annoyances; some could raise real privacy concerns
... can we get default settings right?

NellWaliczek: eye tracking

avadacatavra: consider what kindle unlimited is doing with pageview tracking
... authors were paid based on pages read
... gaming ensued
... 1st, authors created 6-page pamphlets
... then when pageview tracked, they turned to massive tomes

[adversaries are infinitely creative]

NellWaliczek: we know there's lots of data, that's why we're restricting to immersive mode

Primal: when they approve a prompt, is it 1st party or 3d party?

wseltzer: in immersive mode, how many parties have access to your experience?

NellWaliczek: there are lots of different examples, some good, some questionable
... there will be third-party providers of 3D components

avadacatavra: ARlite, where page doesn't get the data
... while it's tempting to push consent onto the user, we shouldn't
... "do you consent to having your eyes tracked?"

<xfq> https://github.com/immersive-web/privacy-and-security

NellWaliczek: Thanks! We have a repo for webxr
... and will invite people to continue this conversation there
... We will be meeting at TPAC

ted: want to raise accessibility concerns before we leave
... if I'm blind, I want eye tracking to help read what I'm looking at
... if I'm deaf, I want access to stereoscopic microphones to know where sound is coming from

Leonard_: in prior art look at Niantic re Pokemon Go

npdoty_: that seems a counter-example, you had a black screen with "please grant all these permissions"

Context & IoT

<inserted> scribenick: xfq

Primal: do the users say "allow"
... prompt the users
... if you're an evil developer, how do you get the users approve your permissions?

<npdoty> wb: make permission required for the functionality that the user is looking for right now

Alisa: level of engagement, trust

wb: if i'm allowed to do this to you, then blah blah
... it can only be based on reputation etc.

nick: see what permissions the apps are using right now
... the puporse of the app is important

<npdoty> people can have a mental model of what the purpose is, if they see a map and are asked for their location, a purpose is clear to the end user (even if later it might be used differently)

?: formulating policies

scribe: servers define the policies

<inserted> scribenick: xfq

wb: the scope of time sounds good

<npdoty> to Alisa's point, asking people after the fact (asynchronous notice, or retrospective auditing) might help confirm the relevance of consent later on, because upfront duration is a challenge

wb: we talk about "in the internet, nobody knows you're a dog" kind of things
... but in Auto, people must have IDs

@@: when data can be processed and when it can't be

scribe: @@

wb: do you have a vocabulary for that?

@@: there's a rule processor

scribe: e.g., we're interested in the total mileage

ryo: what brand of devices you have
... temperature etc.
... easily fingerprintable
... mostly done with a web service
... the question is how you can trust the web service is using the data correctly

hober: here's an example for media
... on the tv, @@
... the way web apis works is @@
... it does not get the device list

alisa: to make things difficult, two questions
... 1) there might be conflict between different permissions
... 2) when it's a shared use, how to handle?
... e.g., coffee machine

gm: it's not always easy to identify shared use
... you don't even always have a UI
... you mean for IoT devices, you need a way to identify users?

Vocabularies, Martin Kurze

[Martin presenting Privacy and Transparency Interoperability, Standards and Vocabbularies]

<weiler> scribenick: weiler

<scribe> scribenick: christine_utz

mk: need a common language to enable communication between all of the different parties
... -> semantic stack
... previous work has focused on levels 2-4
... once we have a common vocabulary, we can proceed to do automatic compliance checking

@@@@@@@@@@ can this vocab be used by advertisers?

mk: interesting question [no idea how to sum up the answer, sorry]
... components of personal data processing. we need vocabulary / policies for all of these
... use case once we have a common vocabulary: regulatory compliance for big companies
... problem: purpose of data processing may be different for different departments. Deutsche Telekom's (big company) use case: keep track of user's consent
... smaller companies often lack privacy staff, need for a tool set to automatically check policies for compliance

<weiler> mk: goal is being able to automatically prove gdpr compliance.

mk: report about w3c workshop on data privacy controls and ?? (vienna)
... most important topic: taxonomy of regulatory privacy terms (including GDPR terms)
... another outcome: w3c community group -> collect use cases, existing vocabularies & aligning them
... points to use cases and vocabularies lists on slide
... use case: sharing of location data
... slide: use cases/vocabularies from SPECIAL example. sentence with multiple highlighted aspects
... call for ACTION: join group, it's open for everyone
... need to agree on a common language, the base of which is a common vocabulary

wendell: is your language rich enough to capture gdpr concepts and match it with a set of purposes?

mk: yes, the language is powerful enough. still working on how to do automatic consent checking
... currently consent can be presented to the user in transparency tool. policy check doesn't work yet

wendell: is there a way to combine two expressions and get the residual?

mk: yes, there is a combination operator

wendell: are there tools for enforcement yet?

mk: it's on the roadmap. tools are mainly written by one industry partner + university partners. this is a long-term EU project
... tool is not stable enough yet to give it to the general public

primal: how do you intend to deal with purpose?

mk: service provider must provide purpose. "use the data" / "making business" is too general. "providing personalized ad" is concrete enough. it's still up to the humans to provide valid purposes

brad: there has already been work on a classification of purposes (IAB etc.)
... legal framework: no bundling of purposes; suggests joining forces to work on this

wendell: these were developed by industry in an emergency situation (looming GDPR deadline). there still is room for improvement and the industry is open to improving their frameworks / taxonomy

robin: IAB is aware of their framework being not very good and there's lots of room for improvement, will be happy for support

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@gmandyam: could include consent vocabulary into requests for ads

wendell: clarification what IAB is (there are 3 different IABs)
... each region has their own IAB
... ex: IAB EU

gmandyam: has been wondering whether streaming media should require a different set of permissions

wendell: there's video-oriented standards for this (ads in videos???). consent will happen outside of the video on the page
... industry has to continue operation despite new legal requirements. is open to improvements to short-term solutions
... don't want consent info to show up in the middle of a video
... need to figure out when to best ask for consent without interrupting user experience
... standards need to find out what they wanna do and figure out how to do it in the minimally intrusive way

mk: wraps up session

scary permissions, Thomas N.

<weiler> scribenick: weiler

thomas: risks: 1) fingerprinting, 2) malicious actors

leonard: these options give tremendous access to the device/content. very scary. should we give these?
... what are we giving up?

thomas: some of these might not be very explainable.
... camera might be. clipboard might not be explainable.

weiler: and we might not understand them either

thomas: we're looking at engagement scores.
... e.g. fonts. exposing list of fonts behind an engagement check

nick: maybe we can do something in capabilites rather than resources.
... if we're explicit about process, we might find similarities.
... maybe users undertsnd re: filesystems.
... maybe this will allow persistent rtacking... describe the capabilities, not the resource.

sarah: ping has talked about this as worse-case scenarios. if you're giving access to files... "this is your tax return". "your family's health info".
... try to explain worst case.

primal: there was a study re: android re: how to frame the text. worst case scenario will push people away.

weiler: i worry that we won't get it right - e.g. vehicle case.

thomas: malicious actors and good actors that act badly/wrongly fingerprinting is feasible with just allowed permissions. e.g. fonts. users can't reason about that.
... a news site has no need for that. but they could use it for fingerprinting since it passes the engagement check.

nick: i'm less willing to give up on fingerprinting. for fingerpritnting... we're thinking re: mitigations, not solutions...
... need to think about whether it's available in a drive-by scenario. if anyone can get it, 99% case it will be used for f-p.

nell: we've been thinking about it in terms of permissions... does average person think about it in terms of "do I trust the site"?

sarah: just because I go to site often doesn't mean I want to give them more ability to track me.


nell: can I just have a "i trust this site"?
... do we wind up designing systems that fit the model of the privacy conscious and not the rest?

Alisa: why should we expect them to care? we expect a product to not kill us.
... I would love it if permissions died in 10 years; if we didn't have to ask.

sarah: as an individual, I want to be able to right software. so I don't want a gatekeeper on who can write software.

thomas: [intro to progressive web apps - installing an app]
... ceremony of installing

plinss: they expect that an app store has vetted it. and an "install" link doesn't give them that.

sarah: ultimate indicator is :have I already told this site who I am?

primal: bigger Q: do they have different mental models for apps and websites?

nick: danger in "trusting the site" model. @@ this doesn't capture the concerns I hear.

tess: when I navigate to an article sent to me, and they want location... I trust them for reading article, but why would they need to know geolocation?

thomas: I wonder if there are capabilities that could not be misused by good actors.
... take-away: different permissions can be misused differently.

nick: danger on "good site" model: perverse incentives ... anti-competitive practice... if a site becomes well-known, now it's easier for them to get scarier permissions.

plinss: 'crowd deny' might be more useful than 'crowd allow'

ryo: if doing dangerous site model, should be transparent. might lead to wrong optimization [scribe: gaming?] .

nell: might end up with too many sites marked bad

tess: well, if most are bad.

plinss: I get that UA's need to protect users from malicious sites.. if you get put in the same bucket and have to fight to get capability...

sarah: this is why transparency is important.

weiler: I wonder if these trust issues would be better addressed through policy, contracts, whitelisting rather than automated technical enforcement

mt: the mere existence of these features has already eroded trust in the web. geolocation...

thomas: we should discuss whether we should be doing things. web v. native.

leonard: how do you treat a chromebook.

thomas: these are now interesting because they're running android.
... I worry about this [walled gardens and applications] happening to entire web

tess: i think in the rush to add capabilities, we're destroying the village in order to save it.

nell: I think there's unique value of the web that aren't in native platform. I don't want to install every hotel's app to view their room in VR.
... we do ourselves a disservice by not enabling features. and leaving this to only native.

plinss: PWA have blown native apps out of the water.

jo: an easier to implement

nick: we have safe browsing. you can go to a website and not be afraid.

tess: I can go to a website and not fear.

nick: maybe this will happen in native?

mt: this is starting to happen in native.

[discussion of Microsoft]

mt: web/casual... can just go to any site. maybe there's a way to download a VR file SAFELY. it's not "VR web" - it's "web as transport for VR"

nell: imperative v. declarative API.
... both tool sets need to exist on the web.

mt: disagree.

OAUTH, Sarah Squire

[Thomas doing take-aways]

sarah: oath enables massive data sharing. dhhs project to an app store
... they wanted non-gov't to build these apps, and allowing anyone to build an app, and let medicare patients import data into app.
... then cambridge analytica happened. app had used oath to connect to fb. users had given some data. data was sold and used to target them for ads.
... news called this a 'breach'. identity community said 'they got consent to get the info they got'.

thomas: it was data OF YOUR FRIENDS

sarah: identity community trying to grapple with this mismatch of user expectations. how to make it clearer; make better decisions; prevent them from doing this. (I don't support the latter - treating them as children. I think you should do as
... much informed consent as you can. but not let them share re: others. by law or tech.)
... q: how do we prevent this mismatch of expectations given how hard it is to get people to understand what they're sharing?
... how do we prevent cambridge analytica w/o treating people as children.

frauke: as an academic, i would think that when I tell users I'm doing academic research, I'm not allowed to sell data.

sarah: as FB implemented it, they were allowed to sell.
... 'academic' was self-identified.

frauke: who owns the problem?

sarah: do we want to allow academics more latitude?

tom: problem is that you can't determine in advance who will misuse data.
... would be good to criminalize it. attach legal penalties.
... user of data can make promise...
... to data subjects

weiler: distinguish this from other consent prompts?

sarah: more powerful. can act as the user.
... can be hard to explain the application. ex: an app that pretended to be google drive.
... consent fatigue.
... was actually malicious. got access to mail, and spread to contacts that way.

weiler: oauth allows constrained tokens.

tom: if I get a token from you, does oauth allow me to communicate about me? or my purposes?
... could do slick UI things.

sarah: that string does not exist in the protocol.
... we have connflated login/sign in with "act on my behalf". it was designed for the latter, but used for the former.

ryo: is there a way to communicate the purpose? no human readable text?

sarah: no/right.

tom: maybe do standards work to communicate promises and

sarah: might be hard because .e.g they're a bank that does MANY things.

tom: list the worst things that can happen.

dlieberman: no standardized vocabulary?

<ryo-k> OpenID's standard vocabulary about profile information https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#StandardClaims

sarah: there is a standard vocab for application permissions but not to DESCRIBE, as user string.

weiler: [medical consent as context]

<ryo-k> (as far as I know, there is no vocabulary that specifies what a bearer token does, because the capability depends on what API the service has

thomas: @3

sarah: [OIDC]. if there is a secure key store, device can act as a yubikey... site doesn't know anything about user. CTAP & WebAuthn.
... [this was a 'what can browsers do' answer]
... we try to avoid going through the browser as much as we can.

thomas: can the browser tell when someone is logged in?

sarah: logout is another issue.
... is it about breaking the link, or logging out from the identity provider, or.....
... half of US shares devices.

plinss: if I use FB to log into fitbit, if I log out of FB....

sarah: you stay logged into fitbit

ryo: so single sign-on, but not sign-out?

sarah: yes.
... take-away: should attach a human readable string to the scope

dlieberman: should/could also be machine parseable.

<wseltzer> Meeting: Permissions Workshop day 2, breakout room

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.154 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/09/27 22:26:43 $

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Present: NellWaliczek avadacatavra Thomas Ted Primal hta xfq plinss Leonard Hana Martin npdoty hober wseltzer Alisa
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<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

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