Silver Community Group Teleconference

18 Sep 2018


AngelaAccessForAll, Lauriat, jeanne, kirkwood, LuisG, KimD, JF, Jan
jeanne, LuisG


<jeanne> scribe: jeanne

Shawn: The discussion on the Cost of Silver is postponed to 2 October

Plain language

<AngelaAccessForAll> https://drive.google.com/open?id=10ZvjQXPc-l73oPPewOfGb44L8qJ6vO9JrZv-nBAkzn8

Jeanne: On Friday, a group of us finalized the the Experiment results into one document, and put the other versions into the Archive folder. We started updating the Prototype document. Shari and JohnK will help us write rest of the 3 WCAG SC into plain language.

Angela: I have been working on the Style guide

<Charles> URL for reference of this guideline / method concept?

<Charles> I think guidance is more important to direct to “what the result should be” versus “what should be done to get that result”

<Charles> and the result is just as testable as the method to get to it

<mikeCrabb> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CBk9qG5u5LGJa9pIvou5JsqxnZFiROyeuUN6fmhU3D8/edit?usp=sharing

Charles: Take something simple like "alt text". We have ways of testing if there is alt text in the code. But we don't know that the image needed alt text, That takes a human
... the focus is on the result rather than how to get there. We need tests

<LuisG> Sure thing

<LuisG> Jeanne: If we could have a method for testing to get to the results. It wouldn't really describe "how to do this."

<LuisG> Charles: Right. We would need to explicit that there are "implementation methods" and "test methods."

<LuisG> mikeCrabb: Should we call them something else.

<LuisG> JF: Yeah, like "expected functional outcome"

<JF> scribe: LuisG

Jeanne: And we need to keep in mind that we'll need plain language for the methods.
... We can address that in the style guide. We need to figure out where we're using plain language in the methods

Shawn: No reason to make it overly complicated in the methods. We can use domain-specific language and plain language.

JF: Maybe

Charles: The style guide accounts for deterministic measure of where jargon and domain-specific language needs to be explained

Information architecture

mikeCrabb: I have a deadline for the information architecture. Within a week or two, I should have a nice prototype in place to play around with.
... we can start to show people what we're thinking

Jeanne: That will work for time to integrate this with work on plain language.

mikeCrabb: I got an email and it was brought up in last call about having types of guidance.

Jeanne: I see those fitting into the guidelines. They should things that are component, process, etc. oriented.

mikeCrabb: Want anything in the architecture so we can sort by them?

Jeanne: Definitely

mikeCrabb: The tags only really apply to methods. So there'd be a different type of tagging to apply to the guidelines.
... If they're 1 to 1 they could go into the guidelines themselves

Jeanne: Do they not apply to the guidelines? Couldn't we filter for "all guidelines for blind folk?" etc?

mikeCrabb: If you have a method that's associated with visual accessibility, you'd be filtering for the guidelines by the methods.

Conformance & Testing

Shawn: We wanted to talk about narrowing this down in terms of how we want to move forward with the prototypes.

Jeanne: What we need most right now is examples of varieties of tests. It's taking us back a little, but we haven't really progressed on this. We really need some help with samples of the tests.
... should we start trying to figure out tests for the 4 success criterias for plain language, we're going to get binary tests that exist in WCAG techniques. We'd maybe want to show people some of the other ways things can be tested.
... like usability tests; rubrics..like for alt text example. The examples folder in the conformance folder...we need to flesh some of those out.

<jeanne> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1aBoQ1HDindVnFk_7Ljp-whpK3zAiqAdgJxsgpqsNpgU

Jeanne: I think we could get good tests done in 2-3 weeks that we can show people. That's the part that we need help with. Particularly the usability testing.
... for the conformance work, we should prioritize fleshing out this examples document. I think we have a good start there.
... anybody else have experience with usability testing that can help us how to write up usability tests? or at least describe them?
... Like for a usability test for "using alternative text on a website"

Charles: So the outcome of the test is the scale?

Jeanne: Well, how would we test it?
... like take any accessibility example and make a usability test for it. I think the "how to determine is an image has appropriate alt text" would be a good one.

Charles: Is this for guidance on how to conduct usability tests on teh criteria?

Shawn: building on the alt text example, we have different degrees of failure and success for that. Clear would be "image doesn't have alt text" Unclear "it has alt text, but it's 1234.jpg" so it's not useful. Then grey areas where it doesn't make sense within the context of the page.
... how do you describe to someone more used to doing usability testing how to test for alt text

<Charles> had to drop for another call

<Charles> Shawn, if you draft the invite, it may be something that I can help with

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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$Date: 2018/09/18 14:33:06 $

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Present: AngelaAccessForAll Lauriat jeanne kirkwood LuisG KimD JF Jan
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