scribe, AnnAbbott
mck: contract with Bocoup ends
Oct 1
... will review that work on next week's call
... that will be this group's training call
... QA with Valerie on Oct 1
... calls for breaking examples to verify testing catches
... group should review documentation
<mck> Preview of Jon's repo with work on accordion:
mck: orig issue was to get rid of
dl, dd and dt
... for accordion panels
... hopes TPAC addresses being forced by validator
... jg also added some styling changes
... looking for feedback on changes
Evan: has looked at and generally likes changes except outline for FF still exists that displays extra fake focus outline
jg: will set outline: none
mck: doesn't understand first paragraph under Focus Styling - does heading look like button?
<mck> One way to provide keyboard only users information on the additional keyboard shortcuts available in the accordion pattern, is to highlight the accordion
<mck> container and the accordion buttons that the shortcuts can be used to navigate to.
jg: when any accordion button has
focus, it outlines accordion structure
... provides affordance to indicate something more than just
Evan: likes change - make it look like container has focus
siri: for button, aria-disabled=true?
mck: don't use if all sections
can be collalpsed
... treegrid has documentation for three different
... change data attribute and reload page
jg: will work on that
mck: need separate issue for
... wants to merge today so Valerie can write test tomorrow
siri: ensure focus indicator meets color contrast
mck: plan is to get rid of FF
... separate issue = allow users to choose the expand/collapse
behavior of accordion on example page
... jg - please restore comments about data attributes
jg: those comments were confusing because you can't do anything with them
mck: they are for those who want to modify code
jg: ok
mck: current example is pretty
... Issue #541 is to add other elements
... would like regression test to pass this week
<mck> New toolbar in progress in Jon's repo:
mck: asking group to review
... toolbar for edit field - styling, alignment, font size,
font selection
... would like addition of checkbox and link
... better if links don't point to external page
... existing buttons - alignment buttons are coded as toggle
buttons as off/on
... change to radio buttons instead but arrow nav is
... put in popup menu?
Evan: better to have as separate unit
bg: better to have separate menus?
mck: aria-disabled on currently selected toggle button
jn: separate into individual menu items
jg: common practice so need example
jn: agrees
mck: 1) leave as is 2) aria-disabled on pressed one, 3) break into 2 or 3
aa: prefer 1 - leave as is
<siri> 3
<jongund> 1 and then 3
siri: if 1, user instructions needed
mck: more concerned with
implementers using elements differently
... if pressed and activated again, doesn't change state
October 22 and 29: No meetings due to 2018 W3C TPAC
rrsagent: make minutes
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