Web Payments Visual Identity

02 Aug 2018


Ian, Eiji, Peter, Heath



* Review problem statement regarding user adoption:

<scribe> - New user experience

- Not a payment button in the same sense as "corresponds to a payment method";

rather a user experience enabled by the browser. Furthermore, the user

experience will look slightly different across browsers.

- Merchant sites look different.

- Minor: Browsers are not the only mediators (cf Facebook).

* Review Goals

- Foster user comfort with and understanding of the UX associated with

Payment Request API.

* Review Objectives

- Develop a visual identity for the Web payments experience that works

across merchant sites and browsers.

* Review Deliverables

- A logo that may be used with a butotn designed by the merchant.

- A Web payments button (using the logo) for reuse by some merchants.

- Ausage guide for the logo and button, with examples and any

policies (e.g., copyright).

- A plan to socialize the other deliverables (e.g., at TPAC but also

with key communities, working with Members' comms teams to help

disseminate, etc.).

* Review Timeline

- Up to TPAC (TBD)

- Review at TPAC

- Executing plan to socialize, etc.

* Review design brief


* Operations

- Where will we work? Does everyone have write access?

* Next meeting: 16 August.


Problem statement

Proposed Goal: Foster user comfort with and understanding of the UX associated with

Payment Request API.

Eiji: I think having a logo is something I have been wanting
... for me the first motivation is to have a shared identity
... of the topic we are discussing
... I've been writing a document
... it's helpful to have the same logo on pages that refers to web payments
... putting the same logo on a payment button might be slightly different
... one thing that I have raised previously is that we might want to come up with a special name for the button
... or "Pay with Browser" or "Pay with Chrome" or "Pay with Firefox"
... so we may want a string in addition to the logo

PeterOS_: It sounds as though the main priority is to have something that is recognizable and will help customers understand what this is.
... if we have an identity that works with shoppers, then hopefully we can also use it to share with developers and merchants

Eiji: Good point - our target audiences are broad, merchants, users, payment app providers, etc.
... my hope is that all these stakeholders become familiar with the logo and are willing to put it on their site/product

IJ: There's a difference in behavior between "I click this button and go elsewhere" v. "I click this and something happens here in the browser"

Peter: Turning it into a "Pay" button may not be useful because there are many of these
... so making it more about the feature makes sense.

Heath: The RSS logo is solid
... there are a lot of points about this being global
... what represents a world scope
... e.g., if there were a "World's Fair" what might it look like.

IJ: We may want to be very conscious of "this browser thing will happen"

Heath: I think of this is as a transaction. I also gravitate towards trust.

Peter: It may make sense that if we have an identity that works with a button, it could be a good opportunity to address an issue
... where the user is surprised that a sheet will pop up
... helping them to understand that something will happen

IJ: Could we do more given that browser knows the info?
... e.g., overlay the first time the user has seen this API?
... or showing recently used payment method on hover?
... how far do we want to go in education?

Peter: With PWA, we did a logo.
... there was a PWA community on slack
... the organizer put out a challenge to create a logo
... my colleague submitted one and there was a kind of voting on GitHub


(IJ notes that the logo is used next to other logos)

scribe: two things that might be worth communicating:

- getting community buy-in

- one thing that was very deliberate was that it is very open to customization

scribe: color can be adapted to different uses
... I think we need that flexibility

<Zakim> Ian, you wanted to distinguish this use case


IJ: Your post raises a good point - should we expect the logo to play well with browser logos to better convey "This is browser behavior!"

Peter: I think that people don't know what "browser" means but they do know what "Chrome" and "Firefox" are.

IJ: Is there any precedent for in-page browser controls?
... if so, what did people learn from designing that user experience

Eiji: Basic auth shows a popup
... also credential management API shows a pop up

IJ: Alerts are similar
... they are very consciously distinguishing themselves from the page
... what if you just used the browser logo?


22-23 October FTF meeting

IJ: Will that work for people?

Heath: Definitely
... also +1 to testing it up front

IJ: We can get feedback from various fora:

- Merchants (MAG, eg.)



(Eiji, Peter: What are your GitHub ids?)

<PeterOS_> Mine is poshaughnessy

<scribe> ACTION: Heath to begin work on a design brief

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Heath to begin work on a design brief

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/08/08 16:51:47 $