Web of Things main call
25 Jul 2018


Takeshi_Sano, Taki_Kamiya, Toru_Kawaguchi, Daniel_Peintner, Dave_Raggett, Michael_Koster, Graeme_Coleman, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Matthias_Kovatsch, Michael_Lagally, Barry_Leiba


<scribe> scribenick: dsr

<scribe> scribe: Dave

Matthias introduces the agenda and asks if there are any agenda requests? [no]

<mkovatsc_> TPAC registration https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35125/TPAC2018/

TPAC2018 is close and the earlybird registration deadline is the end of this month. Please register and pay.

We will soon start to plan our engagement for the Web of Things at TPAC.

Korea F2F Recap

<mkovatsc_> F2F Meeting Minutes https://www.w3.org/2018/06/30-0705-wot-minutes.html

Please take a look at the minutes and send any corrections to Kaz, we will then approve the minutes when Kaz is next available.

McCool: I have some input on next steps

Matthias displays a slide for the TD Task Force

Taki provides a summary of the status for the task force

We expect a new draft at the end of July - mainly bug fixes

Taki: also JSON schema for validation

McCool: regarding PSK scheme, I can help

Matthias explains how it is expected to work

McCool: I will make a pull request …

Matthias then talks about the section of the slide on next step for TD

We’ve decided to extend the event model to be able to pass info through the subscribe step, e.g. to filter events

We’re also discussing read/write on multiple properties where there are some interdependencies

Some updates to the TD vocabulary, e.g. new security terms, protocol terms, link relation types for things etc.

Taki: we need to talk with Wendy Seltzer about how to standardise protocol vocabulary terms for RDF

Matthias: we want to extend a broader subset of JSON Schema

McCool: we should scope our testing to cover HTTP, MQTT and CoAP

Matthias talks about the terms for thing relations

An outstanding question on “name” vs “title” and how to reach concensus

Some questions around expressing mediatypes and parameters as part of TD

This will be discussed in the binding calls

McCool: I have a proposal for the security update …

This is still under discussion

<McCool> https://github.com/w3c/wot-security/blob/master/presentations/W3C%20WoT%20Security%20Metadata%20Proposal.pdf

We plan to meet with the I18N WG at TPAC to talk about internationalisation of human-readable fields (names)

Some interest in templating/@include and simular mechanisms

We turn to the binding task force

a new WG Note planned for the end of July that aligns with the new TD spec and includes new patterns

mjkoster: summarises the patterns of interest

<barryleiba> present?

Multiplexing of things, including web hooks that can handle multiple things

we need some queueing where events accumulate and can be batched in messages

We plan to register application/wot+json as a media type

mjkoster asks for volunteers to help write the proposals

At the IETF meeting we had some discussion on URIs for MQTT

McCool: where do URI templates show up?

we seriously need these …

mjkoster: that’s on my list for the next release

we turn to the scripting API task force

We want to releaase a new WD in mid August

<mjkoster> https://github.com/w3c/wot-binding-templates/issues/44

<mjkoster> URI template strawman

Aligned with the last plugfest and for now with WebIDL.

Zoltan likes TypeScript as it has fewer issues compared to WebIDL

Daniel: we plan to work on eventing for the next release

Likewise we expect to work on dependencies between properties where you may want to update several different properties together

Matthias: properties can be grouped into a single type object

Some house keeping stuff - quite a lot of issues to close, normative languages, algorithms, external dictionaries etc.

We turn to the security task force

McCool: we want to release a security considerations WG Note at the end of July

We have a new privacy section ready to go

But we’re still missing a section on requirements for industrial use cases

Validation has been moved out to the testing document

It would make sense to eventually move the best practices out to a new document, but for now it is retained as a section in the main document

This will allow us to publish the WG Note immediately

We have further work for future releases on the security metadata

<mkovatsc_> Security proposal https://github.com/w3c/wot-security/blob/master/presentations/W3C%20WoT%20Security%20Definitions%20Proposal.pdf

McCool: inviting suggestions for other specs than PSK for the next plugfest

<McCool> https://github.com/mmccool/wot/blob/test-plan/testing/plan.md

McCool: link to work on testing

we will talk more on testing in the call immediately following this one

Matthias talks about the planned dates for the online plugfest - these need to be pinned down

some info on collaboration meetings during TPAC

any other business for today? [no]

scribe: end of meeting …

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/07/26 04:24:08 $