Automotive Working Group Teleconference

24 Jul 2018


PatrickL, Ted, Laurent, Adam


PatrickL: what we had in mind this week was summer homework from the convergence overview list


PatrickL: next three weeks are off
... addressing is one area I want to focus on. goal would be able to address signals even from a distributed service

Adam: different issuers

PatrickL: yes, previously you will need to address a data element somewhere in the vehicle network

Laurent: like someone wrote in email thread, ability to cross between VISS and ViWi services

PatrickL: not completely clear yet but we want to bring in more things from ViWi world into VISS

Laurent: Ulf makes some excellent points in his message
... not sure we can standardize on a tree yet

PatrickL: I think we can there is point versioning on the data model

Laurent: instead of adding another MQTT syntax I would be inclined to use
... notion of path handled as are wildcards. it has other advantages
... there is a very natural mapping between MQTT and VSS tree
... you can reuse the payload and to me it makes sense to stay close to something already defined
... so yes, let's focus on addressing :)

PatrickL: API version handling is something that should be worked on including how a service can handle multiple versions

<LaurentC> http://www.steves-internet-guide.com/understanding-mqtt-topics/

PatrickL: also registry

Laurent: that getMetaData

PatrickL: yes part of addressing
... we would want one style for the developer to be able to handle one protocol type

Laurent: how the registry is populated is prioprietary, all we we cover with scope of our work is defining how third party developers can find services

Ted: would OEM allow after market services to be added to their vehicles? agree with Laurent, we are more on the client end

PatrickL: I see adding a service as no different from adding an application, enabling functionality on vehicle

Laurent: there are security considerations
... media service is a good example but if it is not certified than there is no point, it won't be trusted

PatrickL: changing radio station and adding a service that brings in new media is no different

Laurent: we are close to allowing limited apps in car. this is feeling like quite a bit of work
... would it prevent OEM from their own proprietary registries?

PatrickL: registry, addressing and api versioning the three topics Laurent and I will look into the next three weeks and send to the list

Ted: I'll delve into addressing as well

PatrickL: adjourned, see everyone in four weeks

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/07/30 17:30:41 $