Silver Community Group Teleconference

20 Jul 2018


Charles, AngelaAccessForAll, LuisG, KimD, jeanne, Cybele, Lauriat, Jennison, shari, kirkwood, JemmaKu, kimpatch
Shawn, Jennison


<Charles> I finally registered for TPAC. See you there!

agenda item 1: TPAC registration early bird is due by the 31st

<Charles> Mon–Wed

TPAC reminder - early bird registration fee ends 31 July

We need people to register if even you can't pay yet. Otherwise we may have to give up our room if we don't have enough people registered.

<jeanne> Instructions for registration - https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-silver/2018Jun/0036.html

<Charles> Including Jeanne and Shawn, the Silver CG is now 107 people, so hopefully more than 3 or 4 of us are going.

socialize the invitation to submit prototypes

<jeanne> https://www.w3.org/community/silver/2018/07/19/invitation-contribute-ideas-to-silver/

<Charles> I have socialized this on the web-a11y.slack.com Slack team

please feel free to send this out and/or socialize it. Jeanne will tweet it out after today's meeting.

<jemma> https://mikecrabb.github.io/silver_flavor_prototype/

Updated Flavours of Silver prototype and IA doc from MIkeCrabb

<jemma> https://github.com/w3c/silver/tree/master/prototypes/FlavorPrototype

<jemma> https://mikecrabb.github.io/silver_flavor_prototype/

<jemma> jemma: I wonder about "development" category - It seem to me that "ARIA" does not belong there.

On Tuesday be reviewing more plain language information. Jeanne and Angela are looking at putting together a document with plain language examples that can be used for the prototypes.

<jemma> ARIA is technique, not technology specific like pdf or silverlight

<jemma> I create the issue as I was told. https://github.com/w3c/silver/issues/27

<jemma> scribe: shari

it may be a good idea to show people that plain language options as a way to get some user data.

@jemma- sure

we also need to start including some of the measurements in the prototypes.

in mike's prototype, jeanne would like to add another section for evaluation and have links to various measures, etc

<Charles> what if the plain language prototypes were in GitHub? this way they are closer to being ready for testing, as well as available to copy/paste.

<jemma> I like Jeanne's idea adding "testing" menu under the prototype.

the above document was created by mike. he drew up the current structure and also presented a potential new structure

he suggested 3 different types of tagging. it could be sorted by role or by project stage.

<Charles> the current structure diagram should match this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GniLcfhw1M37UkgBsewDfVWc3QlE741HzC3xpnryRjQ/edit?usp=sharing

please take the time to read through it and make comments

<kirkwood> Yes it does. You can go back in history

<kirkwood> Can change from editing to suggestions. and then others can accept. very powerful

<kirkwood> I think its important to be able to suggest

jeanne will talk with mike about changes the permissions on the document so that it restricts editing/commenting

<KimD> *thanks, John!

Feedback from AGWG on Silver Requirements

AGWG meeting- positive responses from the group about the direction silver is taking

<Charles> was there discussion on or a decision reached within the WG on a charter for 2.2?

no there was not a discussion or decision on 2.2

correction--there was discussion but no decision

<jeanne> List of WCAG 2.1 SC deferred to Silver https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XShLFX8fxHYYLn8A6avDwu37w9JfnZCGWvAKBpK9Xo4/edit#gid=264773938

this is the list of wcag 2.1 success critieria that were deferred to silver. it also provides the reasons why it was was deferred

<jemma> thanks!

Silver Basics explanation doc

<jeanne> Jeanne: KimD and I are working on an introductory document for new people and we will have something to show the group on Tuesday.

new Plain language responses from the CG list

<jeanne> jeanne: There are new Plain Language responses and we will be talking about them on Tuesday.

<jeanne> trackbot, end meeting

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/07/20 20:57:25 $

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Succeeded: s/told/was told/
Succeeded: s|https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oO2Wbrj7RRf5vigzVxe6tG5luI0f9oypcaJANBXTtlE/edit?usp=sharing||
Default Present: Charles, AngelaAccessForAll, LuisG, KimD, jeanne, Cybele, Lauriat, Jennison, shari, kirkwood, JemmaKu, kimpatch
Present: Charles AngelaAccessForAll LuisG KimD jeanne Cybele Lauriat Jennison shari kirkwood JemmaKu kimpatch
Regrets: Shawn Jennison
Found Scribe: shari
Inferring ScribeNick: shari
Found Date: 20 Jul 2018
People with action items: 

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