Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference

18 Jul 2018


janina, jasonjgw, scott_H, Judy



<scribe> scribe: janina

CAPTCHA document reorganization and revision.

jgw: Created a branch with suggested reorganization of Sec. 3

js: Suggests to all RQTF

[discussion of how to find the URI of a github branch]

<jasonjgw> https://rawgit.com/w3c/apa/document-organization/captcha/index.html

<MichaelC> Rawgit URIs: https://rawgit.com/<org>/<repo>/<branch>/<path>

<MichaelC> org is usually w3c, repo for us is apa

<MichaelC> path for captcha is captcha/index.html

<jasonjgw> Janina notes a considerable list of comments submitted on the document. There are blog comments as well that Janina hasn't been following up on yet.

<jasonjgw> Michael notes that many of the blog comments simply indicate that other people have created links to the post from their blogs.

<jasonjgw> Michael notes comments on GitHub issues and in the public comments list.

<jasonjgw> Janina also notes comments on wai-ig.

<jasonjgw> Janina notes consistent comments about Google Recaptcha.

<jasonjgw> Michael suggests opening issues in GitHub corresponding to wai-ig messages and providing a link to the original message in the issue.

js: Notes many (most?) comments pushing back on Recaptcha. We're far too complimentary to it.
... Also, apparently has regressed in past few months.

<jasonjgw> Janina notes that the fall-back to a "traditional" CAPTCHA in Google's implementation was stated in general terms (not specific to ReCAPTCHA) and may not have been clear to reviewers.

mc: Concerned about mentioning any brand

jb: Also concerned on turn around--if we name now? How long before the next update?

jgw: The approach seems to be unique to Recaptcha. We want to compliment the approach, not necessarily its implementation

sh: Agrees. Hard to find actual test evidence.

js: Some of our commentors express the hope that our doc will influence Google to fix Recaptcha fallback

sh: Agree to not draw attention to it in Abstract or Summary, and clearly lay out fallback problem in text.

js: Also mention dating, e.g. "as of this writing"

sh: Quick skim and like the reorg

jgw: We should clearly point out schemes that avoid captcha entirely
... This would help identify which ones still raise more a11y problems
... Can also do any suggested textual changes in the next week
... We should also identify any additional research that arrises out of comments

APA relationships - implications for RQTF research agenda.

jgw: Notes Diagram conversation on the expert handler topic--and I didn't raise it!

sh: Notes a collegue active in epub, might be interested in rqtf on this topic

mc: moving to some additional apa verticals
... Web Xr, Leonie has submitted workshop proposal

<MichaelC> WebVR Workshop Proposal

jgw: Our work would be highly relevant

js: aska mixed vs augmented

sh: aug is when specific info is shown on screen
... mix appears like the real thing
... mostly Microsoft delineation

<Zakim> Judy, you wanted to note that definitions, and branding, of these terms, are in flux

jb: boundaries for these terms are in flux; as well as branding for the use of these terms

sh: I'd say 90% of what I read don't differentiate

jgw: We can think in terms of a continuium

sh: We have a good bit to offer here, question on how to package it

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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