Verifiable Claims Working Group

17 Jul 2018



Adrian_Gropper, Allen_Brown, Bob_Burke, Chris_Webber, Clare_Nelson, Dan_Burnett, Dave_Longley, Ganesh_Annan, Joe_Andrieu, Manu_Sporny, Nathan_George, Rudy_Maxwell, Ted_Thibodeau, Tim_Tibbals, Tzviya_Siegman, Yancy_Ribbens, dezell
Liam_Quin, David_Chadwick, Benjamin_Young, Matt_Stone
Dan_Burnett, Matt_Stone


Agenda review, Introductions, Re-introductions

<manu> scribe: dlongley

burn: Any requests for changes to the agenda?

manu: I think I heard you say PR review but I'm not positive.

burn: I did.

manu: Just have a couple of inputs on the PRs.

burn: PR review/readiness of the data model spec for external review.

manu: Great, thanks.

burn: We have some people visiting for the first time today, Alex?

Alex: Alex Ortiz, very excited to be here. Zeno Labs, Building out Life ID, first WG we've joined, hoping to create a better world through this technology.

Rudy: Rudy Maxwell with Zeno Labs, work closely with Alex, I'm the CTO where we're building a decentralized identity solution on the blockchain.

burn: Welcome everyone, happy to have you here.
... No outstanding action items.

Assigning owners to unassigned issues

<burn> https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+no%3Aassignee

<Zakim> manu, you wanted to note they're not on IRC...

Readiness of the Data Model spec for external review

burn: Manu update?

manu: A couple of requests last week to add every open issue that we have ... I think I got all of them except for maybe Clare's. It was added after I did the review. The spec has a reference for every issue but Clare's now.
... Spec is ready for external review, the other PR won't make it this week. We are as ready as we can be for early review. That's where we are. I guess the next question, to the chairs, is there anything I can do before like a timestamped version or anything else to be cleaned up in the spec before sending it out.

burn: A timestamped version would help, we want to be able to send both links, current and timestamped so it isn't changing under the reviewers.

manu: Want me to prep that?

burn: Yes, please.

manu: Ok, I'll do it.

<manu> ACTION: Manu to create time-stamped version of VC Data Model spec for external review.

burn: Thanks, Manu.
... I think we're good, we already discussed last week who it's going to. I'll email directly if we have any other requests. I will try to get that out in the next day or two. Anything else on that topic?

<burn> https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pulls

Data Model PR Review

<burn> PR `99

<burn> PR 199


manu: There are at least two issues that are raised. Letting verifiers know how long to cache before having to check it again.
... There's a PR with a DSL to achieve the result, as features rolled in we've seen things get complex.
... Dave Longley has some thoughts, I'll stop there.

<manu> dlongley: I've put my thoughts into the PR... saw this coming across and I'm worried that we're getting too far ahead of this problem. I understand that people wanted caching, let's reuse technology to piggy back off of existing technology... that will create conflicts/complexities by doing that.

<manu> dlongley: The problem space may not be the same there, there is potentially wider scope that the language is designed to solve... lots of potential issues. We're getting ahead of ourselves... we haven't contacted the problem enough... we need to clearly dilineate use cases and requirements.

<manu> dlongley: We could spend a lot of time working on this, spending time on something we don't need to work on.

<manu> dlongley: let's see if we can solve this in a minimal way.

burn: I will echo what you said. Caching is not this group's expertise. Lots of people have spent a lot of time thinking about how caching should work. It would be nice to not have to treat it as a new problem.
... Manu, I know you were hoping to get comments from others and the two others that would be most likely to comment aren't here today.

manu: I have little faith that this PR will make it, the only thing that might make it is the refresh service. Just thinking about the implementation burden -- we're talking about a state machine for caching and it's crazy complicated.
... The issue that Matt Stone raised presumed the feature. We have other things that give you that capability, like expirationDate and revocation lists and status fields. The rules today are really simple -- you can cache the credential until it expires and you must check the status field. You must check it dependent on your business process.
... That addresses the driver's license use case that Matt put forward. My suggestion is to close the PR and create a new one for refresh service URL and say we aren't going to support TTL until there are more use cases and we can demonstrate that expirationDate and status field aren't adequate for the use cases.

burn: I think what you just said was clearer in terms of a recommendation for a path forward than what's in the PR -- could you add that to the PR as a suggestion?

manu: Sure.

burn: I believe we are still waiting on the other two PRs -- Terms Of Use and Subject != Holder. I'd ask David Chadwick for status but he's not here today.
... Any thoughts on those?

<Zakim> manu, you wanted to provide some thoughts.

manu: There's this concept of delegation that keeps coming up relentlessly. Should a VC be used to delegate or should OCAPs be used to delegate?
... We need Chris Webber to weigh in on the issue. We need other people in the group to weigh in because it's a fundamental design issue. What's holding things up is the concept of delegation and having one's credential to someone else.

cwebber2: I can review it today. I will comment on it.


manu: Specifically the delegation aspect.
... We might want to pull that into the group and have a time boxed discussion on it.

burn: I actually think that's a good idea because it's come up a variety of times.

<scribe> ACTION: Chairs to schedule a time to specifically discuss whether VCs will do delegation.

burn: Anything else?

<burn> https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-asc

burn: For those just joining today it's pretty rare that we'll get to the last item on the agenda, usually a stretch item... but we made it today.

Review Issues Updated Longest Ago


manu: So the refresh service will address this. So this is being actively addressed.

burn: I'll mark this one to say a PR exists.


<Zakim> manu, you wanted to note that if gkellogg doesn't work on it, it's unlikely to get done.

manu: If Gregg doesn't work on this one, I doubt anyone else in the group is going to -- I don't know of any production systems using SHACL as the constraint language, I do know that json-schema is being used.
... The CCG is doing their Bitcoin Hackathon for VCs and DIDs this week. The context was out of date and I updated the context by hand over the weekend. We don't have an open issue for aligning the context with the spec -- we should open an issue for that.
... And potentially publish it -- we didn't do that previously because there were things in production that we didn't want to mess with.

burn: This is one of those where we need someone to take it on or it won't happen.
... I'm going to do a mention to Reto as well to see if he has any suggestions -- if he's willing to take on trying to make progress here.

tzviya: Benjamin Young is on vacation now but we've done work with SHACL -- I can't volunteer his time and he can't do it himself but I suspect he'd be able to help out.

burn: I will mark this one as deferred until we hear otherwise.


burn: PR 72 is just waiting on this discussion.


<Zakim> manu, you wanted to suggest we do not support this in this version?

manu: I think we're hitting that time in the WG where we're just going to start dropping features very aggressively whether we think it's a good idea long term or not.
... I suggest we drop this one.
... It would be nice to have it there, JSON-LD 1.1 is currently happening, we have this new forced layout mechanism, developers will do this anyway -- they will have json-schema that validates input if they do validation at all, we don't have to modify the spec in any way to support that.
... I say we push that off to version 2 if we do it at all.

burn: I tend to agree and it would be good if you put those comments into the issue.
... I'd prefer you do a suggestion to defer.
... There was agreement from David that this should happen and then it went silent.
... It will probably effectively get deferred within a few weeks.


manu: It feels like the same issue.

burn: If you could put a reference to your comments in 129 in 128 that would be good.

manu: Ok.


<manu> dlongley: This is sort of a work in progress, I don't think we should have an issue... we're working on this problem right now, getting WebAuthn to work with Verifiable Presentations. We may put something in the spec, but may not put it in the spec. Nothing to say yet, it's being explored with implementations.

<manu> burn: Could we get ding'ed by another group when reviewing for this?

<manu> dlongley: Well, we have an issue marker in the spec... that should prevent that sort of behavior.

<manu> burn: My concern was not saying anything about it in the end.

<manu> dlongley: Let's mark it as an issue in the spec, see where we end up.

<manu> burn: Can you put the current plan regarding figuring this out, that would be good.


burn: We've had a lot of changes in the text in the spec and I think David needs to review this one again.


<manu> dlongley: If I remember correctly, David said that verifiers need to throw an error when they don't understand certain properties. I think we can close this issue.


burn: I'm going to ask Kim to take a look.

<Zakim> manu, you wanted to provide input on JOSE/JWT...

manu: I've got more information on this item. It will unfortunately complicate everything.
... We've been looking into WebAuthn -- and it has completely bypassed the JOSE stack and is using COSE/CBOR stuff. We have a spec coming out of W3C that has settled on CBOR for the low-level implementation, the data syntax and COSE, which is basically digital signatures on top of CBOR.
... This is a newer set of specifications than the JOSE stack. We're trying to integrate the WebAuthn stuff with the VC stuff and if they are fully built on top of COSE that raises a question as to whether or not the proof mechanisms should be as well.
... That adds another path forward, but it's pretty clear what the next gen specs are picking and it's COSE instead of JOSE.
... There has been a discussion on "why aren't we using JWS/JWT" that kind of stuff -- we have switched our implementations to use JWS and now the world may be moving on to COSE based signatures.

burn: That's a good update.
... In terms of closing issues, because that's what I like ... I think it might be good to put some of that commentary in the issue and flag Kim on this. I don't know, what do you think? Do we just need to wipe this and put in a new issue at this point?

manu: All this stuff is driven by implementors, it feels like the uPort folks are supporting JOSE but during the last call they were saying they were fine with whatever ... here's the issue, it will make the implementations more and more complex the more switches we do. We have an opportunity to leapfrog the old stuff and go to the new stuff.
... If the new stuff is COSE then we can completely skip JOSE and we don't have to pull that entire stack of libraries, which are non-trivial in their implementation burden, into our implementation.
... I would prefer that we skip it and just use COSE. We need to figure out how other people that do want to use JOSE and JWT feel about that.

burn: Thank you for reminding me of something -- which is something I haven't officially announced to the group yet. I forgot to mention that I am now representing Consensys in this working group.
... I can't believe I hadn't mentioned that yet in this group. The uPort folks probably have an opinion on that and I have to get up to speed to do that.
... I do want to make sure the group is aware that I have obligations to Consensys.
... Ok, I'm not sure where to go -- we really do need to get proper input on this. It may be that the world is going in one particular direction and everyone perhaps needs to get ready to go that way, I don't know yet.

manu: This isn't critical path other than if the uPort folks want to express VCs as JWTs. The last time Pelle was talking to the group it seemed like the direction they wanted to go -- Nathan, I think you're on the call today, I don't know if the Sovrin/Evernym implementations are interested in using JWTs for this. We've mentioned multiple times some big downsides to doing that. This adds concerns.

<Zakim> nage, you wanted to comment on JWE

nage: My understanding is that there has been some talk of doing some JWE for agent to agent/identity to identity messaging. That's more in the scope of what the CCG has been working on. I can't say anything has been settled. Lots of controversy around that -- do we even need one standard as long as it's pluggable. Discussion should continue there, also discussion in DIF. I'll reach out to Kyle Hartog and if we can find out where uPort is we can be in a

good spot.

<manu> q_

agropper: I think our project on the Self-Sovereign tech stack has a horse in this race, but since I'm not doing the coding I'm not sure what to say about it. The issue -- it's come up for a year now -- in the SST stack we allow both DID and VC as well as OpenIDConnect as the authentication and credential bearing mechanism into the UMA server.
... We enable the individual to whitelist an ID provider or to set policies relative to the VCs being presented. For a year and a half now at every IIW I try to get these two communities together OpenIDConnect, JOSE folks, and W3C. It sounds to me like this issue belongs squarely in that discussion which I'd like to have more broadly.
... This is an obvious use case to deal with as implementors and what we do here.

manu: I agree with Adrian -- I think the problem here is that the conversation is not happening. We're not getting engagement from the people that want to use JWTs. The WG will end and it won't be done. Fundamentally someone has to step up that wants to do JWTs. The door is closing. Digital Bazaar is not interested in using JWTs as a mechanisms for VCs -- if you do want to use a JWT you can shove a VC into a JWT as is. We don't see this as an issue. If

you know someone who really wants to use JWTs (not just encapsulating it) but throwing out the encoding we have in the VC spec today and using something else -- please let them know they are running out of time.

<Zakim> burn, you wanted to suggest we schedule a call specifically for this and invite many participants

manu: To write that spec and do the implementation and get it into the group.

<nage> Link to JW* efforts https://github.com/sovrin-foundation/ssi-protocol/pull/2

manu: So, Dan, you may need to let uPort know that.

burn: I recommend we schedule a call for this and send invitations. I hear you -- we're quite a ways down the road here as well. We don't need things blowing up. We do have to make one more attempt to let a variety of groups know that they need to put up or shut up at this point.
... And uPort is one of those groups but it sounds like they aren't the only group.
... I don't want to touch issue #93 right now.

agropper: I will reach out to the folks w/UMA and OpenIdConnect if we do that call.

burn: Thank you. Whether or not they can come on that date is not the critical issue -- letting them know that this is their last chance to suggest a major direction change in the spec.

agropper: Can we decide today if we want to invite them? Someone can write a paragraph that I will send to them -- I'm not technical enough to write that paragraph. I'll work with somebody on the call today that can do that and forward it.

burn: I'll include you on the discuss on this in terms of scheduling.

agropper: Thank you.

burn: We're out of time -- anything else for today?
... Thanks to those that are visiting and to everyone who sat through listening to review of old issues, talk to you next week!

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Chairs to schedule a time to specifically discuss whether VCs will do delegation.
[NEW] ACTION: Manu to create time-stamped version of VC Data Model spec for external review.

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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$Date: 2018/07/17 15:59:28 $

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Succeeded: s/late, dialing in, sorry//
Succeeded: s/manu/burn/
Present: Adrian_Gropper Allen_Brown Bob_Burke Chris_Webber Clare_Nelson Dan_Burnett Dave_Longley Ganesh_Annan Joe_Andrieu Manu_Sporny Nathan_George Rudy_Maxwell Ted_Thibodeau Tim_Tibbals Tzviya_Siegman Yancy_Ribbens dezell
Regrets: Liam_Quin David_Chadwick Benjamin_Young Matt_Stone
Found Scribe: dlongley
Inferring ScribeNick: dlongley
Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-vc-wg/2018Jul/0006.html

WARNING: No date found!  Assuming today.  (Hint: Specify
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<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

People with action items: chairs manu

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