Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

21 Jun 2018


Romain, Wilco, Anne, MoeKraft, Shadi, Trevor, Jey, MaryJo

Wilco, MaryJo


Status update on the wide review draft of ACT Rules Format

wilco: we complete the draft on Monday, put it on the AG agenda on tuesday, then it'll be on the survey today

<scribe> … closed on the 28th, which means publication of the draft on July 2

UNKNOWN_SPEAKER: anything I missed?

maryjom: no

Rule Review Process - current proposal (Shadi) https://w3c.github.io/wcag-act-rules/review-process.html

shadi: basically we still have a few issues opened
... first is the so called "manifest" which is provided by the organisations implementing rules
... what level of details should we go down?
... we said we would go down to the level of individual test cases
... implementors woudl say if they implement it manually or automatically
... we repo owners only have a link to this manifest file and create a representation out of it
... that's what we call "manifest", we don't have to stick to this name
... but the file still has to be developed
... the other thing is the file format and naming convention
... in auto-wcag people create rule and it's all done
... how does that translate to w3c? do people just create a file, HTML, markdown? with a naming convention? directory structure?
... is there any metadata associated with these files?
... we need to document all this, the mechanics of this work
... from a process perspective, we can agree on the overall approach of this document

wilco: going through the steps…
... step 1 (ACT rule creation), is it done by the CG?

shadi: this assumes there has already been the pre-work in a CG, and links to auto-wcag as the default CG
... let's assume auto-wcag developed a rule and is staisfied
... the 1st step they do is submit a PR to our repo, to make it an ACT rule

wilco: basically we're gonna need a requirements document, in addition to this step by step process

shadi: exactly
... or in the same document, but yes we need to define the details

wilco: should we break the process into steps for creating a rule, and steps for pushing the rule to ACT?

shadi: step 6 is really what's taken up by the ACT TF
... I was thinking this is an overall process. we need links to the format or conventions details, but CG itself can have its microprocess
... auto-wcag for instance has its own instructions, more finer grained
... we deliberately don't want to go to that level of details, just clarify it more
... what the ACT TF does vs. what's done in the CG
... maybe add the info between brackets
... probably only steps 5 & 6 (although auto-wcag could do 5 as well)
... I'll take another pass at clarifying this, which group does what

wilco: are we at a point where we can start doing this?
... auto-wcag has completed one rule fully conforming, and a bunch of others are about to come
... can we follow this process?
... I can do a first try and see how it works

shadi: yes. I recall there was a discussion about the repo interface
... you assumed people would do a PR with this manifest file and that would trigger things
... I don't remember who was gonna work on what

wilco: I don't think we decided on that
... it's gonna be difficult to find resources to do this right now
... this will have to happen very slowly. What should be the next step?

<Wilco> https://auto-wcag.github.io/auto-wcag/pages/rules.html

shadi: do you have a link to that auto-wcag rule?
... interestingly, one of the example uses iframe; here's where directoy structures may come into play

jey: this is dynamically generated, the iframe content also gets dynamically generated
... changing the directory structure won't affect this

shadi: this is a very simple one, examples don't have images or video files
... the first step would be for our group to review this rule
... less from the content perspective, but its format
... individual tests are not visually enumerated or identifiable

wilco: every test case has a link "open in a new tab" that is a unique HTML page

shadi: ok good. Did you decide to insert this yourself, or is it specified somewhere that you need to put such a link?

wilco: the most straightforward way that we can do this is to copy what we put in auto-wcag
... we might even be able to fork the entire repository, and put it in the pages we have now

shadi: first I think we need to decide if the rule we have here is a valid one or not

wilco: what do you mean?

shadi: we need to define, somewhere, for instance whether the test cases need to have identifiers, if it needs to be a heading, a link, etc
... we also need to define if there's any common metadata we want
... I can think of a few other things, about definitions for instance
... like references to a common glossary

wilco: these definitions are also generated

shadi: so there's already some level of logic, and we need to document that
... how do you create a definition, how you include it in the rule file; same for test cases

wilco: I'm still struggling…

shadi: let's say someone says they want to create rules and submit to this TF
... what do you tell them, which resources do you point to?

wilco: you mean like a rule template?

shadi: yes, potentially

jey: auto-wcag also has rule design, rule templates, etc. It also uses github
... it might need improvements, but it's there
... what's missing is probably more documentation, like shadi said

shadi: yes, thanks for pointing this out. There is documentation in auto-wcag and now is time for the ACT TF to review it
... basically approve that, or link to that from our review process
... then we have a "contract" to auto-wcag that we'll accept rules in that format

wilco: so it's a matter of us copying the rule creation documentation from auto-wcag?

shadi: maybe not the detailed development process, but certainly the rule template and test case template
... I'm looking at the rule template. You have a naming convention defined implicitly in the template
... there's a little bit of metadata (pass/fail stuff)
... if there's a resource (image, audio) associated with the template, where do I put it?

wilco: I think we need to do a couple things
... auto-wcag members need to look at this documentation and udpate it
... at that point the ACT TF can take this work and put it in a survey, asking if this is something we want to adopt

shadi: exactly, it's a good process

wilco: any takers for this work?
... Anne, should we take a Monday morning meeting to work on this?

anne_thyme: yes, works for me

wilco: alright, good, we have a plan!

shadi: ok, and I'll take a pass on updating the review process
... and when we have these resources, we can point to them from the process document

wilco: the other thing we seem to agree on is that we're not updating our own example rules, but move the auto-wcag ones to our repo
... correct? can we get away with that?

romain: sounds good to me

wilco: alright. anything else on this?


Rule Review Process open issues review https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22review+process%22

wilco: was there only one open issue?

shadi: yes, but several comments within this

wilco: did we ever sent a response to him?

shadi: I believe we sent an email
... yes, I did ping him on May 8

wilco: OK, that covers item 3, and we may have covered item 4 and 5 as well
... I think we're done!
... ACT is meeting at TPAC, on Thursday and Friday
... there's also gonna be an auto-wcag in London on Monday-Tuesday the week after TPAC
... I sent out this message to auto-wcag and a couple other people
... the poll is closing tomorrow
... that's it!

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/06/22 15:40:29 $