Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

31 May 2018


Jim, JonAvila, AWK, Shawn, jon_avila, erich
Laura, JohnR, glenda


<jallan> note: Laura can live with the current wording, but trusts in the LVTF judgement with whatever is decided. JohnR concurs.

1.4.11 discuss current wording. Make resolution.

<jallan> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/1_4_11_intent/results

<jallan> CFC discussion for 1.4.11 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2018AprJun/0564.html

<jallan> follow the thread

Jim: Most of the active participants in LVTF have shared their perspective through the AG list or calls

<scribe> scribe: shawn

<jallan> What is a clickable area vs not a clickable area.

AWK: @@ clickable area vs not a clickable area
... main concern is that we've recieved comments taht confusing. interpretation - variation to that even now,. could increase with more perspectives. got some responses back. feel like people who commented are satisfied with the resolution that we're discusssing. CfC is for WG is satisfied that it represents what we ment for the SC to require. Better shoice of words

Erich: Agree. On Tue call, someone said: adds clarity without adding new requirements. Seems like a win!

AWK: Looking at all examples (17!), some still fail. yet some with most strict reading... would mean that some types of controls you have to have border around every single clickable thing {more on specific example] - if do the same for each item within an accordain -- don't think that's what we were intendeding.

JonA: Created Stylish that created border around evey interactive element, to see what it looked like. It cluttered the page. The exercise showed that it complicated things.
... XYZ would fail in increased contrast mode.
... don't have enough data to back it up.

JimA: This started with form controls. and graphic. then got into buttons & boundaries & inside color & outside color -- expanded quite a bit.
... concept of the gestalt - is there enough there for people to get "this is a clickable area". But hard to define.

JonA: (specific example)

JimA: ... it's now a manual check and you've got to think about it. and it's not black & white.

AWK: Sympathetic to wanting more programmtically testable. However, primary concern is not making easier for testing tools, but implementable, testable, and help people. though not perfect for any of those

JimA & AWK: Happier with current language.

Erich: Think so.

<jallan> (Level AA)

<jallan> The visual presentation of the following have a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 against adjacent color(s):

<jallan> User Interface Components

<jallan> Visual information used to indicate states and boundaries of user interface components, except for inactive components or where the appearance of the component is determined by the user agent and not modified by the author;

<jallan> Graphical Objects

<jallan> Parts of graphics required to understand the content, except when a particular presentation of graphics is essential to the information being conveyed.

JonA: Haven't officially registered my +1. Officially abstaining. Understand need to do, and am on board with it.

AWK: Jim if join call & say LVTF is OK with it, might not be heard. E-mail would be better.

JonA: Not going to be perfect. From gestalt viewpoint, this is best for now. Not ideal for all. Maybe more work on it in the future.
... not getting everying needed for low vision in 2.1. think said that in introduction

JimA: resolution and send email?

<AWK> Can we say that the view of the LVTF is that the SC as proposed did not intend to require boundaries on every UI Component and that the gestalt approach to identifying controls is recognized as a valid, even if imperfect, approach?


<erich> +1

<jallan> +1

<jon_avila_> +1

JimA: Will write e-mail with similar wording.

<jallan> trackbot: end meeting

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

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Default Present: Jim, JonAvila, AWK, Shawn, jon_avila, erich
Present: Jim JonAvila AWK Shawn jon_avila erich
Regrets: Laura JohnR glenda
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Found Date: 31 May 2018
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