DXWG DCAT subgroup teleconference

17 May 2018

Meeting Minutes

<SimonCox_> webex here https://‌csiro.webex.com/‌csiro/‌j.php?MTID=m90c9cd8d1e6b406fe4b68e5cf0c09d78

<NicholasCar> +1

<NicholasCar> Simon/Armin, can you please SMS me?

<NicholasCar> (can't scribe as may have to leave)

<SimonCox_> https://‌www.w3.org/‌2017/‌dxwg/‌wiki/‌Meetings:DCAT-Telecon2018.05.17

approve minutes of last meeting

<SimonCox_> https://‌www.w3.org/‌2018/‌05/‌02-dxwgdcat-minutes

<alejandra> +1

<SimonCox_> +1


<Stijn_Goedertier_AIV> +1

<DaveBrowning> +1

<riccardoAlbertoni> +1

<PWinstanley> +1

<SimonCox_> resolved minutes of last meeting approved

Resolved: minutes of last meeting approved

GitHub project for DCAT

<SimonCox_> https://‌www.w3.org/‌2018/‌05/‌02-dxwgdcat-minutes

<SimonCox_> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌projects/‌3

<PWinstanley> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌projects/‌3

report from f2f3

* please flag anything not in the minutes from F@F so I can scribe it - otherwsie refer to minutes

<PWinstanley> https://‌lists.w3.org/‌Archives/‌Public/‌public-dxwg-wg/‌2018May/‌0139.html

<AndreaPerego> Not from my side.

<DaveBrowning> Nothing from me

Proposed solution for Expanded scope of dcat:Catalog

<SimonCox_> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌wiki/‌Cataloguing-data-services#chosen-solution

f2f report covered in relevant minutes. no further discussion.

alejandra: can you resummarise what was covered in the F2F..

<SimonCox_> https://‌rawgit.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌dcat-service-simon/‌dcat/

<alejandra> I can't see the Fig 1 in that link

SimonCox_: "big issue" discussed was the superclass of Dataservice, Dataset - needed to capture current use of dct:hasPart

<riccardoAlbertoni> https://‌rawgit.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌dcat-service-simon/‌dcat/#vocabulary-overview

<alejandra> I can see it in the link that riccardoAlbertoni sent

<alejandra> thanks

AndreaPerego: looking at other standards ISO etc, have a generic notion of "resource" for catalogued item - maybe better aligned with other communities
… accessService - we need to discuss this - not sure this is same as dct:accessURL

SimonCox_: a pointer to a distribution, which is implemented in RDF as a URI, but this is implementation, not the conceptual model which should not state URL - its an objectproperty from a purist perspective.

AndreaPerego: need to distinguish difference between pointer to a Distribution, vs pointer to the service.

SimonCox_: accessURL does make sense for a parameterised URL as a property, (DatatypeProperty)

<SimonCox_> accessURL could be the actual parameterized query for a distribution

AndreaPerego: we can have a URI for a description of the service, c.f. an OGC Capabilities endpoint

<AndreaPerego> Example of WMS capabilities: http://‌gmis.jrc.ec.europa.eu/‌webservices/‌9km/‌wms/‌meris/?dataset=kd490

<alejandra> thanks - this is the generic link of OGC standars: http://‌www.opengeospatial.org/‌docs/‌is

SimonCox_: notes that Andrea is talking about a specific example where services deliver XML metadata as a default if a specific method is not invoked by parameters
… q to AndreaPerego about use of dc:type property

AndreaPerego: important to have this, placeholder because catalog can hold other types of things

roba: Makx's example showed DCAT-AP profile catalagues as a psuedo resource - which raises question if distribution property needs a super-property that the common superclass has.

PWinstanley: notes usage of AccessURL to point to "query instance" - whereas service perhaps points to a service description

<NicholasCar> Rob keyboard!

PWinstanley: examples like Swagger/OAS as well as OGC descriptions

PWinstanley: want to talk about left hand side of diagram.. if a catalogue is within a catalogue isnt it a catalgoued item

<SimonCox_> https://‌rawgit.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌dcat-service-simon/‌dcat/#vocabulary-overview

SimonCox_: there is a long snaky connect that in fact state this..

<alejandra> Still in the chosen solution, Catalog is a subclass of CatalogItem https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌dxwg/‌wiki/‌Cataloguing-data-services#chosen-solution

SimonCox_: via Dataset

<alejandra> We need to harmonise between American / British spelling of Catalog / Catalogue

PWinstanley: please update key diagram :-)

Stijn_Goedertier_AIV: Good solution to make DCAT more generic.

* sorry missed that point :-(

...implies superclass of Distribution

...example via may have multiple formats

<DaveBrowning> +1 on harmonisation, though W3C website has example of both catalogue and catalog (also harmonise/harmonize)

<AndreaPerego> I think the W3C rule is to use American English.

<SimonCox_> http://‌dublincore.org/‌documents/‌dcmi-terms/#section-7

<AndreaPerego> Therefore: "catalog", "harmonize", etc.

...also software - i.e. distribution can be used for other types (not just Dataset)

SimonCox_: takes point about extionsion point - not sure if agree with examples

<DaveBrowning> That may be the rule....the practice is a bit variable if you search the site.... But good point, we should be consistent.

<SimonCox_> Interpret dataset as 'work', or 'text'

<SimonCox_> FRBR would also allow for screenplay, video to be representations of a movie!

roba: notes that superclass of Distribution, multiple values of dct:format matches same pattern in profileDesc vocab

<Zakim> AndreaPerego, you wanted to say that the W3C Manual of Style is here: https://‌www.w3.org/‌2001/‌06/‌manual/

AndreaPerego: re chat conversation on English usage... rule is use of american english.

SimonCox_: as convener judgement is that this issue is important to make progress on other issues easier

<alejandra> I don't have comments on the model as it seems good to me - it would be useful to develop some examples / instances describing a real service catalogue

<riccardoAlbertoni> /me i am happy we are progressing, no objection from my side, I am waiting for a couple of resolution to vote ;)

<alejandra> one point that would be good to discuss is what subclasses we need

SimonCox_: requests that implementation suggestion in branch be reviewed (simon please add branch name)
… is the consensus that we wrap it an submit as PR so it appears in draft?

<riccardoAlbertoni> +1 to alejandra

roba" would like to see superclass of Distribution sooner rather than later

<PWinstanley> +1 to alejandra - we need to keep in mind links of all our work to use cases, requirements, and getting real-world illustrations

alejandra: would be good to have examples, particularly services. And how it would be queried (in terms of paths)

<SimonCox_> 1. lets see one of AndreaPerego 's examples modeled this way

<riccardoAlbertoni> s//me/\me

<SimonCox_> 2. lets see if it support sensible queries

Action: AndreaPerego to find example of catalogued service

<AndreaPerego> https://‌www.w3.org/‌2016/‌11/‌sdsvoc/‌SDSVoc16_paper_27#modelling-service-api-based-data-access

Action: SimonCox_ to convert example to proposed rdf

<riccardoAlbertoni> bye

<PWinstanley> bye

<arminhaller> bye

Summary of Action Items

  1. AndreaPerego to find example of catalogued service
  2. SimonCox_ to convert example to proposed rdf

Summary of Resolutions

  1. minutes of last meeting approved
Minutes formatted by Bert Bos's scribe.perl version 2.41 (2018/03/23 13:13:49), a reimplementation of David Booth's scribe.perl. See CVS log.


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