Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

19 Apr 2018


Wilco, Romain, Anne, Trevor, Shadi, Kasper, SteinErik, Anthony, Alistair
MaryJo, Moe, Charu


Wilco: So we left off last week with a discussion on the manifest

<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/194

Wilco: I think the bit where we left off is whether we want to include test cases
... I was cautious about test cases
... Shadi was pro test cases

Define a format for rules and test cases #195

Wilco: We also talked about this one last week, but didn't come to a conclusion
... I think we have generally agreed that we need at least 4 things from an organisation when they submit a rule
... what we left in the middle of, is whether we want a structured format for the test cases

Shadi: what we concluded last week is that we need to find out which meta data we need for the test cases. Wilco suggested just the pass/fail information in the test case name. What I understand from Alistairs email is that we need much more data, e.g. on test environment
... It seems that we need to find a balance between not having to write up too much meta data versus being able to process things more automatically

Wilco: I think we should try to keep our test cases as simple as possible, not overcomplicating things before we know if we need it

<Kasper> We're having some network issues

Alistair: Level Access want to be open and provide our text cases to the world
... We need an interface, so others can hook up to our test cases. The only reason not to do it, is if we want to have a central repository instead, and we've seen how that approach works with the techniques
... if we put our html out but don't specify which browser we run it in, other people could test on the same stuff and get completely different results
... I have tried using your mold, shoehorning it in, since you guys have already started using it. I want to add some non-breaking changes to the format

Stein Erik: Reading this email, it seems that it will impact some of the other agenda items, so we might want to take it up now

Wilco: So you want to say which browser your test case will run successfully on?

Alistair: I just propose adding to the top of the test case some information about the environment it was run in

Wilco: Seems fine to me. Should this be required?

Alistair: If this is going to be something others are going to use, especially big organisations, even for large scale monitoring, this is something that we need

Wilco: I'm happy with the changes you propose, but I think it requires a more thorough look

Alistair: The ideal solution would be to just have an outcome box that displays an array
... these are the outcomes and these are the things we are testing
... then you would always have an outcome field that you would have to fill in
... I just want to get it out there. I proposed this in December, and it's now April, so I just want to get something out there as non-breaking changes.
... Will put it out on the wiki

Wilco: I think that was the only thing left to discuss on these formats

<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/195

Wilco: So the suggestion is to add test case meta data, which would be Jason. Issue is updated. I will put out a proposal for us to look at

Add implementation manifest #194

<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/194

Wilco: The idea behind the manifest is that implementors write one file, declaring for their implementation which rules and versions they support, and for each rule whether it's implemented as manual, semi-automated or automated.
... and the question is if we need more information from the implementors.

Shadi: I would add the test mode for each test case
... We can discuss if the test mode is for each rule or each test case

Wilco: I'm hesitant because then we have to add unique identifiers for each test case, whereas now we can just add a little snippet of code

Shadi: I think the URL could serve as an identifier

Wilco: Only partially, because pages can have more than one pass or fail on them

Stein Erik: Isn't the whole idea of test cases to show off how you parse them, to show that you have implemented the test correctly

Alistair: I agree, for every test we need test cases

Wilco: Do we need organisations to provide information on that they handled all test cases correctly
... then we would all have to create some kind of automation to create this manifest

Alistair: Having a manifest like this is the only way to know that all test cases are being looked at. Otherwise, there is a risk that you forget to look at something. I would recommend having a list that ensures that we have looked at everything

Stein Erik: To Siteimprove this is the central reason to participate in this work, and if our CEO asks why we are spending time on this, this would be one of the arguments

<shadi> +1 to SteinErik -- need to find the right balance

scribe: I think demonstrating the handling of test cases is one if the central points about this work

Wilco: I don't know if these records should live with the W3C, as part of the Rules repository

Shadi: The implementation is created and maintained by the vendors, and then linked to from the repository

Alistair: You could just update it automatically
... We would be willing to provide this to show off what our tool can do

Wilco: Do we want this website to start pulling in data from different sources?
... I was thinking that organisations write up this file, and then create a pull request to get the file into the repository
... If we just want to load this data on the fly, we would need another way to do it. If this is the way we go, it's probably easier to just do it test case by test case

Alistair: It sounds like a pain to have a file in your github that we have to update all the time, but you could just pull it in using an API call

Shadi: I'm just thinking about having a plain URL...
... that is easy to check for security, and in JSON

Alistair: This is the kind of thing that you would include in your VPAT

Stein Erik: I agree with Wilco that if this has to maintained through pull requests, having test cases in there is too much

scribe: this is all voluntary, so they can just choose not to share it

Shadi: What is the reason for doing it through pull request?

Wilco: Just for simplicity, to avoid caching etc. - and what if one is down?
... We need volunteers to build this...

Alistair: So you want a centralised set of test cases? That is a night mare to maintain...
... I think you will end up with a big blockage if you try to have a centralised set

Wilco: The idea is that we all have our own test cases, but that a rule has test rules that shows tests for basic implementations

Alistair: The techniques are a demonstration of what you get when you try to centralise it

Shadi: That's why we have taken it out of this group and put it out in the decentralised work in a community group, and then it can come back for approval

Alistair: you are not putting a lot of faith in voluntary work

Shadi: We hope that tool vendors will be interested in bringing forward their test cases to brag about what they can do

Alistair: The last few weeks we have corrected 10 test cases based on feedback. There's no way we can push that through an old-fashioned waterfall model

Wilco: You don't have to bring everything through

Wilco updated issue in Github

<Wilco> Conclusion: We want organisation to say what test cases they passed. We want organisations to manage their own manifest on a separate URL.

Romain: I have another question for the manifest: Do we want to have a manifest per tool or per checker engine?

Wilco: I'm interested in checker engines, not tools

Romain: Some tools could tweak the results from the checker engine. We should think about that. On one hand you will have very similar manifests, but you might miss some things if you just do it per engine

Shadi: My take is to leave it open. Some checkers will not modify the results of the engine, then they can just take the manifest from the engine. If you are modifying the results, you might want to create your own manifest

Wilco: The idea with the manifest was to prove that we have different implementation. I don't care if they run in different places, or even if they have been tweaked

Alistair: I would like to see reports on which tool is being used, not which engine

Stein Erik: There are tools that combine results of multiple engines

Romain: But as Wilco says, the ultimate goal is to show that there are enough implementations. It's rigging the game if we report that there are more implementations, but under the hood they are the same

Alistair: I suggest you include details about both engine and tools in the environment data

Stein Erik: Engine is the primary thing, tool as environment data

Alistair: WI would definitely add platform and browser too

Stein Erik: The discussion could also involve screen sizes etc.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/04/19 17:49:41 $