HTML meeting

10 Apr 2018


Terence, Léonie, Scott, Chaals, Shwetank, xiaoqian
Bruce, Patricia


Milestone progress

<shwetank> im trying to connect, will take me a couple of minutes

<scribe> scribe: Léonie

<shwetank> im in

Milestone progress


LW: 48% complete.

CMN: #1285 has no-one asigned

LW: Started discussing it with Alastair yesterday, will pick it up.

CMN: #1296 is assigned to me.

LW: Assign it to me.

CMN: #1215 working on it.
... #906 Sangwhan has a PR in need of review.

LW: Did his latest commits resolve your comments Chaals?

CMN: Haven't checked.

SD: I can take a look.

CMN: #830

LW: Should punt to HTML.next.

CMN: #291 assigned to Xiaoqian.

XW: Working on tests.

CMN: #262 is a security issue.
... I understand the issue and know the solution, but will take me a day to do.
... It's next on my list.
... #227
... Have a PR but someone requested that Microsoft review it.
... I think it's right.
... #132 assigned to me
... Small changes to make.
... Will make security changes and push the rest out to the next milestone.
... #794 my proposal is to we have implementations.
... It's never been implemented in browsers, though there is a new proposal being discussed by the WHATWG.

LW: What do we do with the PR?
... I need to look at it again.
... But think we take it and merge because it doesn't change anything, or we put it into a bug for later.
... This milestone?

CMN: Yes.
... #564 focus API
... Assigned to Sangwhan.
... #1229 Merge Custom Elements.
... Have the bulk of the merge in PR.
... Xiaoqian did you get a chance to look at it yet?

XW: Havent finished yet, but yes.

<xiaoqian> chaals++

CMN: #1101 covered by existing PR from Sangwhan.

Custom Elements

See above.

Web Workers

CMN: Would be good to get this in.

XW: I will try to help if I can.
... Sangwhan said it was a bikeshed problem holding things up.

CMN: Expect to send the spec out for wide review, with a note to explain we expect Web Workers to be added later.

Implementation report

CMn: We have one.

<Scott_O> i can take on some of the custom element examples

CMn: Has anyone looked at it?

LW: Yes

CMN: It's a table, but it's a bit strange.
... We include things like the rev attribute, which doesn't have browser implementations because it isn't a browser thing.
... We put this into the notes column.
... Would be good to fill this out earlier rather than later.

F2F meeting

CMN: Hope to meet on 19 - 21 June, in Amsterdam.
... Who can make it?

TE: Can make dates, need to find budget.

SOH: Think I can make it, providing I can manage current client expectations.

CMN: Sangwhan and Bruce expect to be able to go.

XW: Have budget, need visa though.

LW: Will chase that.

SD: May be able to go. Will need a visa invitation.

LW: Ok, let me know your info and I'll get that sorted too.

CMN: As part of the meeting we still expect to talk to the Uni students during the time there.

HTML5.2 Erata

CMN: We have some reported erata.
... If we can make the updates without losing time on 5.3, we should do it.

LW: If we wait until 5.3 is in CR it might be easier.

CMN: If we wait until then there'll be no point.
... If it takes us time I'm inclined not to do it, if we can it would be good though.

XW: I think the table at least needs fixing.
... But we don't need to rush.

CMN: The erata will take one minute to fix.

LW: What about the other issues Xiaoqian listed?

CMN: What issues?

XWW: In email.

CMN: I would like you to prioritise Web Workers etc.

XW: Can try next week.

CMN: Focus on Web Workers first.

XW: Agreed.

CMN: We should fix the links during the next milestone, so we stop them getting in the way.
... My proposal is that we put this to CFC by the end of the week.
... by the time that closes in another week Web Workers will have been merged because that is higher priority.
... What do people think?
... To clarify, we won't do the erata work until Web Workers has been merged into 5.3, but we can get the CFC out in the meantime.
... Is there anyone with no issues who would like some?
... Hearing none.
... Meeting adjourned.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/04/10 11:36:41 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.152  of Date: 2017/02/06 11:04:15  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/... Haven't finished yet, but yes./XW: Havent finished yet, but yes./
Succeeded: s/assigned to/covered by existing PR from/
Succeeded: s/By then/by the time that closes in another week/
Succeeded: s/hopefully/because that is higher priority/
Present: Terence Léonie Scott Chaals Shwetank xiaoqian
Regrets: Bruce Patricia
No ScribeNick specified.  Guessing ScribeNick: tink
Found Scribe: Léonie

WARNING: No date found!  Assuming today.  (Hint: Specify
the W3C IRC log URL, and the date will be determined from that.)
Or specify the date like this:
<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

People with action items: 

WARNING: IRC log location not specified!  (You can ignore this 
warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain 
a link to the original IRC log.)

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]