Automotive Working Group Teleconference

10 Apr 2018


Magnus, Paul, Ulf, Ted, Marty, Kevin, Guru, PatrickL, Hira


<magnus_melco> https://www.w3.org/auto/wg/wiki/Auto-f2f-april-2018#Agenda

Paul does roll call and presents prime topic, F2F next week

Magnus: as I recall we are missing an implementation report to move VISS forward toward REC

Paul: still an issue

Ted: Urata-san is working on his


[review of agenda]

[I will add some more granular items as I confirm presentations from participants]

Paul: anything else we should add?

Magnus: should we have a more detailed plan for RSI?

Ted: it is there but didn't read it off explicitly in my review
... under AOB I will give a summary of the Automotive Web Payments TF, need to envigorate it

Magnus: during TPAC we had some interactions with IoT, any more there?

Ted: WoT is interested in our upcoming data project and Wonsuk can provide a summary of work he, ETRI and Samsung have done in OCF

Magnus: please ask him to prepare a report

Ted: I will email him
... reminder to register and do note we are meeting in different locations on Thursday and Friday

Paul: INRIX office is about 5km walk, a 10EUR uber ride and I will have a car so can provide rides

Ted: also please encourage your AC reps to respond to the survey for our Auto WG recharter

Paul: any other business?

Marty: not sure if you have seen any alerts but this week Caruso and Geotab are coming on board
... Caruso will be at the F2F, tentative is Geotab

Paul: who is Geotab?

Marty: a spin off from the Tech Alliance in Germany, a number of partners including Bosch, Continental and BMW

Ted: they along with Bosch, BMW, Geotab, AAA, US DOT, Sensoris and others interested in data warehousing

Paul: my understanding is Sensoris is going to release their first report soon

Marty: there will be a few other observers from BMW, NEVS and others

Ulf: I hope we get into technical details of RSI during this F2F and not consume too much time with presentations

Paul: I agree, VISS and RSI convergence should be the main topic including completing VISS and launching RSI

Ted: Paul and I will ensure presentations are short and on-topic to ensure more technical discussions

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/04/10 13:45:11 $