<clapierre> scribe: Sharon
<Zakim> janina, you wanted to say p13n is welcome in APA--and might benefit from that locus
Charles: ARIA WG didn't think Personalization TF should be ARIA. It should be added to APA.
Janina: APA call discussed comfort in hosting Personalization. They felt strongly they would. APA would give Personalization for any direction that they felt useful.
Lisa: Issues with proposal
... We haven't worked on integration with ARIA. We have
additional landmark roles.
... Do we have to remove these sections if we are part of
Janina: Stated the opposite.
Lisa: May be perceived as leaving
... Or rejected by ARIA.
Michael: Personalization that fit
in ARIA, we could add roles from a different WG. There is a
procedure for that. Not sure what features are potential ARIA
... Does not think moving the work will not be interpreted as a
rejection. Its an organizational thing, not a problem.
Lisa: Some roles were removed
that were already landmark roles. Additional landmarks that are
cognitive but also for blind and other disabilities.
... On a WCAG call discussing ARIA rejections and their are
concerns of how its perceived and lose credibility. People may
feel its less important.
<Zakim> joanie, you wanted to say that we can add roles within WAI-ARIA on an as needed basis.
Joanie: If there is something you
need in ARIA, it can be added to ARIA. A separate deliverable
is not needed.
... Not trying to reject cognitive needs. ARIA has evolved into
a specific technology and accept roles that benefit
<Zakim> MichaelC, you wanted to say pull request to do what? and was intended to obtain tf discussion and to say difference between WG rejecting feature and rejecting deliverable
Charles: Regarding a pull-request, mentioned it in an email thread.
Michael: Filed an issue to get review. Issue and pull request is for task force review.
Lisa: To Joanie's point, when we were originally for ARIA. It was voted against due to feature creep. Thought it would make the spec to big. Asked to change the pre-fix and move to a separate module.
<Zakim> MichaelC, you wanted to say we can´t make technical decisions based on what somebody else misunderstood 3 years ago and to say there´s been evolution of how we envision p13n
Michael: We can't make decisions based on misunderstandings 3 years ago.
<janina> Don't think there was ARIA or APA working groups three years ago. It was all PF
Michael: We have been evolving
p13n and proposed ARIA. It wasn't working, so we changed the
pre-fix. Further when we started viewing it as a vocabulary.
Its in an incubation phase.
... We are still collectively holding true to work on
personalization technology. Make the technologies work
optimally for what they do.
<Zakim> joanie, you wanted to say we're going to have a ton of roles thanks to role parity. We can probably sneak a couple more in. :)
Joanie: Have to have role parity.
We are going to be adding a lot of roles.
... Can not promise the group will accept something. Thinks we
have a chance to get in 1 or 2 roles that are needed and
Lisa: We have 60 values that belong as ARIA roles.
<clapierre> https://w3c.github.io/personalization-semantics/content/index.html#action-explanation
Lisa: Reviewed what are in the
personalization semantics and how they relate to ARIA
... Like child roles that are inherited by an ARIA role.
... Is there a cost if we lose the ARIA relationship?
... Wants to get people from ARIA to reach a consensus on how
this will work.
... We said always use native mark-up. People use <div>
when they should have used something else, such as a
Charles: Misuse is a concern.
Joanie: Would like to work with
use in a difference venue.
... Envisions that if an extension change text to inject the
value. Build on top of ARIA.
<Zakim> janina, you wanted to talk a little about history going back to 2002
Janina: Revisit history, she said
there has only been an ARIA and APA WG for 3 years. We thought
APA would not have normative deliverables.
... This was in that wide range PF approach. There is no block
on working with ARIA or having an impact on ARIA.
Lisa: Double work to add an ARIA
role and aui role.
... A lot of these should be seen as a part of the ARIA
... A more cohesive technology solution, rather then have them
Becky: Task to define help. Help does not fit in this category. Help could be a link, button, field, etc. How does it work when we go across roles.
Lisa: The user preference should interplay with how things are being mapped.
Charles: Would like to figure out what the next steps are.
<Zakim> joanie, you wanted to ask how the reading needs get handled
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> stay n aria
<Becka11y> mostly neutral - slight pref for apa
pref apa
<janina> Believe APA is better fit for now
<clapierre> Slight pref for apa myself as well, although i see some advantages to ARIA
<joanie> believe APA is a better fit for now, but ARIA will support as possible
Joanie: Would it make sense to do a survey for a consensus?
Lisa: People shoudn't vote that have not heard both sides.
Michael: We shouldn't be blocking votes.
Lisa: ARIA WG should hear why it might be better to keep the two together.
<Zakim> joanie, you wanted to ask when Lisa is available during the Thursday ARIA call
Joanie: When can you be available?
Lisa: Thursday this week should
be fine.
... Next Thursday like wise.
Joanie: Wants to be sure who can be present for the call. Should have a better feeling by Tuesday, if Thursday will work.
Michael: There was no intent to exclude anyones voice.
ok, I'll remember that
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