Verifiable Claims Working Group

20 Mar 2018



Dan_Burnett, David_Chadwick, Joe_Andrieu, Nathan_George, Richard_Varn, Tzviya_Siegman, David_Ezell, Kaliya_Young, Ted_Thibodeau
Richard_Varn, Dan_Burnett, Matt_Stone


<scribe> scribenick: burn

Agenda review, Introductions, Re-introductions

Kaliya(?) Young introduces herself

jandrieu: we can drop the use case time today and use it for something else if desired

varn: I have been reassigned to other time-intensive projects and will thus no longer be able to participate in the group.
... will not be able to participate in f2f either. Have been unable to come up with an alternate from ETS.

manu: (thanks Richard for his long and valuable service to the group)

<dezell> +1 to thanks to Richard

<dlongley> +1

F2F reminder and call for topics

varn: address was sent to list. Will get more logistics info out soon. Room is fully AV equipped. Let me know if we need two screens.
... ETS will contribute some towards food but will see if other sponsors are needed.
... need to know in advance who is attending to get you registered as visitor. Please let me know.

manu: DB will contribute towards food

varn: thanks, will work with you offline
... what topics would we like to have for the agenda for the f2f?

<Zakim> manu, you wanted to request that we spend almost all of the time on closing out issues...

<manu> burn: If you don't have issues today, please send them in to the list.

burn: please send topics to the list, not just during this call

manu: let's spend majority of the time closing out issues
... prioritize to cover those that require most discussion with a goal to close those issues

JoeAndrieu: want focal use cases on agenda. expect to have rev of the doc I've been working on with Matt soon.

Data model issues


<manu> https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/130

dlongley: no plans to add to spec, so can close.

issue 130 closed


<dlongley> https://github.com/Drabiv

varn: who is this?

DavidC: I can take this one.

<Zakim> manu, you wanted to note that JSON Schema is something we do have a lot of experience with

manu: DB has lots of experience here and would like to talk with you before any spec text is suggested.

DavidC: we do need more specific text in the document around this.

varn: is this related to https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/128

manu: basically the same thing

DavidC: agreed
... one way to verify is to have a reference implementation


No update since Gregg isn't here

DavidC: on issue 111, this is out of scope. Recommend closing


DavidC: haven't heard from Nate Otto on this one.

manu: it is out of scope, but part of this might be in scope. We should have at least one suggestion on how to dispute a credential.

DavidC: the dispute could be because of a revocation

manu: we can limit the scope to make it in scope

DavidC: if you have a cred and it gets revoked but you disagree, that could be a dispute.

varn: negative claim

davidC: or postal address is wrong. Many simple examples
... manu and I disagree about whether it's in scope
... if manu proposes text I'm good.

<Zakim> manu, you wanted to provide two updates.

manu: added myself to assignee list

JoeAndrieu: 118 is assigned to me but I still can't seem to get assigned.
... disputing credentials is far bigger than just referring to other credentials. i don't think we are limiting what people can say. we need an example of a credential about another cred. That could be what a profile is.

manu: yes

varn: is this an issue?

JoeAndrieu: think it will be covered by what manu does

<Zakim> manu, you wanted to provide two updates.

manu: yes
... we are missing a vocabulary for disputation
... we need an example in data model spec of disagreement

varn: Joe says this is merely one cred about another, but Manu you think this is specifically about a disagreement.

manu: yes. This is a very deep topic but we may not be able to provide a low level of granularity of disputation

JoeAndrieu: With profile as a graph, we have the full power to say anything about any claim anywhere else in graph. We may want a particular vocab that affects only certain statements.

Manu: mostly agree. will write spec text.
... have submitted PRs for two issues

<manu> Trust Model: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/131

Manu: one is trust model. DavidC suggested some that I tweaked into this PR.

<manu> Data retention: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/132

Manu: the other has to do with data retention. RigoW requested a way to specify data retention rules. I've added an example in this PR
... everyone please review so we can merge by next call

varn: any other updates?

JoeAndrieu: on 118, I wrote up what I thought was an appropriate response.
... Dave L suggested a new property in proof that explains why it was signed. We need to work on what the semantics of signing are. Too much variability will give ambiguity. All, please review and comment.

DavidC: trying to understand how to do cascaded PRs
... manu is helping me

Assign owners to older issues


manu: will propose some spec text. Issue is how to bundle creds.

JoeAndrieu: disagree on this solution

<Zakim> burn, you wanted to remind people we are assigning owners only, not discussing


varn: do we need this

dlongley: related to proof purpose discussion. about endorsing claim without being issuer. should link to 118
... might be able to solve using proof purpose

dlongley will link the two issues.

Still need owner

<DavidC> I am travelling and have very poor connectivity today

JoeAndrieu: I accept ownership

<DavidC> I just lost the last 5 minutes of the call

<manu> burn: We have linked the issue, then we should discuss both, if linked issues are handled, then we can close at that time.

<manu> +1 to burn

Ted: nice to have owner confirm okay to close.

<manu> dlongley: You could also close the issue and ask them to reopen if they disagree with the finding.

Ted: can set up a battle pattern. Disagree with this. Just post an @davux in the issue asking if they object to closing


manu: i can take this one. probably not as complex as the submitter thinks.


(missed what DavidC said)

varn: if we do our work correctly this may not need anything extra in order to resolve

DavidC: agreed

varn: let's leave unresolved for now.
... can someone please add a comment to that effect?

manu: I'm doing it right now

varn: anything else for today?

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/03/20 15:56:34 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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Succeeded: s/Kalia/Kaliya/
Succeeded: s/(crickets)//
Succeeded: s/, and who can take it?//
Present: Dan_Burnett David_Chadwick Joe_Andrieu Nathan_George Richard_Varn Tzviya_Siegman David_Ezell Kaliya_Young Ted_Thibodeau
Regrets: Gregg_Kellogg
Found ScribeNick: burn
Inferring Scribes: burn
Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-vc-wg/2018Mar/0006.html

WARNING: No date found!  Assuming today.  (Hint: Specify
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<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

People with action items: 

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