SVG Working Group Teleconference

19 Mar 2018


liam, AmeliaBR, dstorey, krit


<liam> https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/pull/376

Updating SVG to use WebIDL mixin syntax

<scribe> scribe: AmeliaBR

David: We want to update to the new WebIDL mixin syntax. The issue is in interfaces we're including from CSS and HTML.
... CSSOM has made their own updates, they just need to be published.
... For HTML, we are currently linking to 5.1, need to update that to latest draft, but we're also waiting on them to update their syntax.

Liam: By latest draft, do you still mean W3C?

David: I don't really care either way.

Liam: Because linking to WHATWG for normative could have issues later in the recommendation process.

David: I've asked whether it's possible to update our syntax before HTML updates theirs.
... Tobie suggested there needs to be a note in the spec.

<liam> [q. about timezones - i had no idea SVG used to stick on UTC, sorry]

Liam: So do we need a resolution, adding the note to SVG?

Amelia: I think he meant that a note was needed in WebIDL, since this is a question of how the old and new syntax play together.

David: The only other change that was requested was a changes appendix entry.

Liam: There's already note about changing to WebIDL, isn't this part of that?

Amelia: I think we want to be more explicit about changes since CR.

Dirk: Haven't we already agreed to switch to the mixin syntax

Liam: Yes, the question is only on how to handle the inter-spec issues.

Amelia: We could remove the HTML bits for now, push the rest.

Liam: What would the benefit be, versus waiting?

Amelia: Well, anyone waiting on us could move forward.
... For example, there's a proposal for an HTMLOrSVGElement mixin, to properly define shared features that we're currently re-defining on SVGElement and then linking in the prose back to HTML.

Liam: But isn't that a dependency on HTML, too?

Amelia: Yes, but the other HTML spec wants to move forward.

Liam: What if we accept the PR, but then add a note, and follow up with WebIDL / HTML specs?

Amelia: That makes sense. It's only an ED. So long as the other specs are fixed by the time we republish. Looks like the easiest/fastest fix will be to get WebIDL to make it clear that the old & new syntax are equivalent.

Liam: OK, so we can resolve to approve the PR, and request tobie to make the changes to WebIDL. We can file an issue on that spec.

Amelia: We still need a few changes to the PR. Need to update links to HTML interface to go to the latest published version, and need changes note.
... And you also wanted an editorial note about the WebIDL issues?

Liam: That seems the easiest, to put in the spec we control.

Amelia: But where would that go? After every interface that references HTML?

Dirk: Why don't we go with that, since it looks like Tobie is fairly responsive to making the changes.

<liam> [need to update HTML links, add to change log]

Proposed resolution: Accept PR, with edits to change log & HTML links, and follow up with WebIDL issue about syntax clarifications

scribe: and an edit to LinkStyle cross-reference

RESOLUTION: Accept PR, after edits to change log & HTML/CSS cross-references, and follow up by creating a WebIDL issue about syntax clarifications

Amelia: Do we have volunteers to make the changes?

David: If dirk has time to do it, it's his branch. Otherwise, I could.

Dirk: Time is limited. I should be able to do it in the next 8-9 days, though.

Amelia: And David, can you follow up with WebIDL issue?

David: Yes.

Dirk: And all the needed changes are described in the PR comments?

Amelia: Yes.

<dstorey> https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/pull/387

David: I have a number, related PR
... Previously, in WebIDL, you only added an "exposed" tag for exposure to WebWorkers, now you add it for exposed to Window global as well.
... I'm not sure if there's any build step that needs to be checked.

Amelia: The build will run automatically after a push. You can test it locally, but I don't expect there will be a problem here.

Bogdan: It says all checks have passed on the PR>

Amelia: I don't think our build test is integrated in GitHub that way.

krit: It's in the tools folder in the repo. You can check out and run it that way.
... Anything else we need here?

Amelia: Just resolve that it is good to merge.
... Only thing is there should be a changes note, but that can be part of the same note for the other PR, updating to latest WebIDL syntax.

RESOLUTION: Accept PR 387, Add [Exposed] to SVG interfaces


Amelia: I'm almost ready to request the updated WD, but still needs updates to the "Status of the Document" section


Amelia: We're switching from a joint publication with ARIA & the SVG A11y task force, to only SVG WG being responsible, so it needs updates to the wording. Liam, are you able to take a look?

Liam: Sure. Although if it's using ReSpec, the boilerplate should be inserted automatically.

Amelia: I don't think we're using that feature currently, but I can take a look.

Liam: Ask me if you can't figure it out.

Amelia: OK, I'll follow up and hope that we have something ready for a publication request for next week.

<dstorey> https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/315


Github: https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/315

David: SVG 2 has new attributes added, they are currently defined as being exposed using SVGAnimatedString.
... No browsers implement them that way, the suggestion is to implement them using the basic HTML form.
... It would be easier to implement if consistent with HTML.

Amelia: This issue was raised by Robert Longson, a Firefox implementer, so I suspect he also thinks it would be an easier implementation for them.

David: It's easy to make the change, since they're not implemented, except that Firefox exposes download, and does it as a basic DOMString, not an animated string.

<dstorey> sorry my call dropped

Liam: Are there any tests? Should we ask the person who proposed the change to provide tests?

Amelia: He's a volunteer, not sure if he's familiar with the test requirements.

Liam: Should they be marked at risk?

Amelia: Yes, since they're not implemented, but we still need to think about which version is more likely to get implementations.

Dirk: I would vote for changing to DOMString, and also marking as at-risk.

Related issue for consideration: https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/312

<dstorey> (doesn't seem like it wants to dial me back in)

Amelia: I think we're over time. Can we discuss more on GitHub? In particular, can implementers comment about whether you're likely to implement these properties at all, and if so whether you prefere DOMString versus SVGAnimatedString?

Dirk: I don't want to see any new properties with SVGAnimatedString.

Amelia: OK, so that's the kind of comments we should see.

github-bot, end topic

trackbot, who's here?

<trackbot> Sorry, AmeliaBR, I don't understand 'trackbot, who's here?'. Please refer to <http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc> for help.

trackbot, end telcon

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. Accept PR, after edits to change log & HTML/CSS cross-references, and follow up by creating a WebIDL issue about syntax clarifications
  2. Accept PR 387, Add [Exposed] to SVG interfaces
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/03/19 19:38:02 $

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Succeeded: s/Bogdan/krit/
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Default Present: liam, AmeliaBR, dstorey, krit
Present: liam AmeliaBR dstorey krit
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Found Date: 19 Mar 2018
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