<scribe> scribe: jeanne
<Lauriat> Problem Statements: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Problem_Statements
<Lauriat> We'll move it over to the community group.
Jeanne: Once we have the google doc comments resolved, we will move the document to the Community Group and then edit the wiki page to link to the CG final location.
Charles: The first comment is trusted statistics. We usually use WHO statistics.
Shawn: The most recent report is the first report, therefore there is only one report.
<Lauriat> "The first ever World report on disability, produced jointly by WHO and the World Bank, suggests that more than a billion people in the world today experience disability." -WHO http://www.who.int/disabilities/world_report/2011/en/
Shawn: it's used all over the world as a reference, but it hasn't been updated.
Jeanne: We just need to link or footnote something.
Charles: We don't link to any
other report in the Problem Statements. We could put it in
Themes from Research section.
... "according to what we know from the WHO"
... "as statistics on disabilities are generalized and
Shari: We get disability reports
in the US every year from the Census Bureau and Department of
??. Other countries as well.
... a few weeks ago, Disabled World published statistics from
UNESCO, Global Education Monitoring Report, ??, ??.
... There are multiple reports and multiple definitions. We
don't all define disabilities in the same way.
Shawn: Maybe the problem is that, as an industry, that we don't keep up with the stats. We just quote WHO.
Charles: Then we need to rephrase the sentence. The problem is the opposite of what we thought.
Shari: I'll draft it in a few minutes.
Next comment:
Charles: Jeanne proposed renaming
a title Evolving Technologies
... 3.2 - Jeanne suggested striking the first sentence.
Jeanne: It isn't correct. W3C process has a lot of flexibility. I couldn't think of another way to write it, so I recommend striking it.
Shawn: It sounds good without it.
Jan: Rather than using "rigid", can we use "strict" and rather than "stifles innovation" use "may stifle innovcation"
Jeanne: I agree, I wish I had caught that. Charles: I updated it in the summary doc.
Charles: I updated it in the summary doc.
Next Comment:
Charles: There is another strikeout sentence that has harsh language that I agree should be deleted.
Jeanne: The W3C Process has a lot of flexibility, many groups have a more efficient implementation of the W3C Process. We want to look at how efficient groups are working and implement their ideas of how to use W3C Process.
Charles: We need to rework this so it is less political.
Jan: I'm working on it.
<JohnM> I have to run to another meeting. Have a good day!
Jeanne: I wanted to include a sentence about including all the proposed SC in the Editor Draft and then pulling them out created unmet expectations.
Shawn: I don't think that belongs here. It is a detail of the process and is not related to structure.
Charles: I agree.
[no sentence was added]
Shari: I put the proposed change into the draft document.
The group agrees on a new sentence. Shari updated the Summary document.
Shari: I'm still not satisfied with the final sentence.
Charles: We talk about the human impact in the first sentence, and don't include it in the last sentence.
Shawn: People attending this Design Sprint are often painfully aware of the human impact.
[added human impact]
Charles: This is ready for moving to the COmmunity Group.
Jeanne: I need help linking t o the research.
Charles: I sent an email about
ideas for What Comes After.
... I also sent the key findings for the Conformance
... Can we review the Conformance Survey data earlier in the
s|I agree, I wish I had caught that. Charles: I updated it in the summary doc.|I agree, I wish I had caught that.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.152 of Date: 2017/02/06 11:04:15 Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/ Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) FAILED: s/Charles: I updated it in the summary doc. // Succeeded: s|s/Charles: I updated it in the summary doc. //|| FAILED: s|I agree, I wish I had caught that. Charles: I updated it in the summary doc.|I agree, I wish I had caught that.| Present: Jan jeanne Shari Charles Shawn Imelda John Regrets: Jemma Found Scribe: jeanne Inferring ScribeNick: jeanne Found Date: 06 Mar 2018 People with action items: WARNING: IRC log location not specified! (You can ignore this warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain a link to the original IRC log.)[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]