<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki
<thaddeus> +present
<scribe> scribe:clapierre
<thaddeus> Branch: vocab-implementation-M https://rawgit.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/vocab-implementations-MC/explainer.html#rdfa
Becky: Charles pulled in in my microdata but I can't find it
<MichaelC> https://w3c.github.io/personalization-semantics/
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-personalization-tf/2018Mar/0000.html
MichaelC; this is the official location, if it is not there I may need to update it.
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> https://rawgit.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/vocab-implementations-MC/explainer.html#rdfa
Lisa: put the link for Thaddeus / Michaels work on RDFa
Michael: I made a pull request which affexts microdata and RDFa, just want to warn people of that.
Thaddeus: does this fix this
issue? I was never clear on what I was to do.
... , the original one talked about a 1:1 mapping or if the
context changes with your work.
Michael: maybe we need to close your action. and may need a new action … I am already planning on looking at this section.
Becky, the build got turned off, it will take a few minutes and your change will go live, and you can close your action.
Lisa: I will mark Thaddeus action
as done and open a new one for Michael
... , Social has not been done. maybe allow inverted
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki/actions
Lisa: , looking at action items
... , marking Thaddeus section as done. Then he was to handle a
"Move" request, but we are handling it with the additional
properties so we have addressed the move thing but what is left
is "social". I will take out the move and write this up.
... , Sharron is going to the the editoreal review.
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-personalization-tf/2018Mar/0003.html
Lisa: , Next item "Definition
... , Next week I wont be here then the next week is CSUN
Thaddeus: I don't understand what I am to do with Social/Move issue
Lisa: from the conversation with Aryhi? "can be used with" left/right… YOu had other comments.
Thaddeus: with those comments we can close that… but what about social do you have ideas there?
Lisa: someone could add comments with commas.
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-personalization-tf/2018Mar/0003.html
Thaddeus: I can add some comments tonight to this social issue.
Lisa: adding "New" to
destination, I think we should remove this. Objections?
... , <none>
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> Add to destination: New - remove this sugestion
Lisa: Esc / Release (to me sounds similar) to close/cancel.
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> Add to ACTION: Escape or Release
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> Changes the focus of the item location to the last position of the focus, or to the next logical position of the focus, or to another logical position of a focus
Lisa: , changes focus to the next logical position, I don't know if we also need both. Does anyone see this separately?
Thaddeus: esc, full screen you
are reducing the size you are not closing.
... , not sure about the definition but escape is valid full
screen vs. not full screen.
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> Changes the focus of the item location to the last position of the focus, or to the next logical position of the focus. An example is escaping the full screen view
Thaddeus: , there is something unique about escape in some situations.
<thaddeus> teh esc
<thaddeus> key
Lisa: Esc vs Release?
<thaddeus> he esc key
Thaddeus: I would say Esc,
<thaddeus> (frequently labeled Esc) found on most computer keyboards and used for any of various functions, as to interrupt or cancel the current process or running program, or to close a pop-up window. Expand. Also called Escape, Esc key.
Lisa: any objections to this
... Sort (by name, color, size) aria need to look at, or should
we enable sort and have a vocabulary … we could do something
Michael: if AIRA is going to have something then we should table this for now and look into how we can work with their proposal later
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> Adds voice commands:
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> Lisa: activate or deactivate voice commands. Often used with pressed [true ]for on or pressed [false] for off
Michael: the next is Voice
... aria is used with it "pressed"
... , not sure if this is perfect but will ask the ARIA TF what
they think.
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> Connect (for any voice communication needs)
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> Lisa : connect to a communication channel, such as an FTP server or Voice over IP channel. Often used with pressed [true ]for on or pressed [false] for off
Michael: , this maybe is
aria-pressed not just pressed
... , we are adding to the vocabulary "actions"
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> drag (in case the button needs
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> enables a dragged and dropped capabilities Often used with [aria-pressed =true] for on or [aria-pressed =false] for off
<MichaelC> https://rawgit.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/master/explainer.html
Michael: , drag was added same thing.
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> Confirmation notification
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> Dialog that requires confirmation of a notification by the user
Lisa: I don't think we have this
... , Here I have it on the dialog not the button
Becky: I don't get the use-case here
<thaddeus> modal button
Lisa: you have a dialog with this thing with an Ok to confirm something vs. cancel
<thaddeus> https://www.jquery-az.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/2.3-Bootstrap-modal-buttons.png
Becky: we have close.
Lisa: where is the OK
... I just am not sure where I would use this "Confirm" has a
very clear purpose.
... Ok I think we have this and this may be redundant. We have
a "Confirm" button
Tool Tip for cognative
Becky: how is this different than Help?
<thaddeus> I think so
Thaddeus: help could go to a new location, but tooltip would be inline.
Becky: is it a separate button
Lisa: this is an action I think and Help is like a destination which makes it different.
tooltip to help people give more content.
small ? marks that has a popup with more info.
Becky: Help "Opens" a help … is it a help on tooltip
Lisa: Redundant with HELP and
postpone for now. it iwll need more discussion
... Rearrange we should postone
... Resize can be ready with increase/decrease
... and a useful feature
... any problems?
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> RE-SIZE
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> Lisa: Increase or decrease font size Often used with increase or decrease
Lisa: request for layers… Ready?
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> Add values for LAYERS - ORDER, SEND BACK , SEND FORWARDS
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> Changes of the selected item position Often used with left, right, increase (forward) decrease (back) frist and end First, Layer-Back, Layer-Forward, Layer-Last) within list items, while each item in the list has a layer position
<thaddeus> I had commented on that thread - typically it is send to back, send to front
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> Changes of the selected item position within list items, while each item in the list has a layer position Often used with left, right, increase (forward) decrease (back) frist and end
<Becka11y> this is more about z ordering; left and right imply x y movement
Thaddeus: I responded sendto Front / Back not sure if we want to do it or not.. often used with applications.
Lisa: we could add an editors note.
Thaddeus: lot of software on the cloud graphics even powerpoint has these terms and is in the cloud.
Lisa: will label as "At Risk" due to 2 implementations.
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> Plays the flow, presentation or a movie over and over again, once or without stopping. Often used with pressed [true ]for on or pressed [false] for off
Lisa: Loop I did a defintion
... Rewind to change position like a slider. maybe this is the
wrong word for it.
Thaddeus: called a "scrub bar"?
<thaddeus> Video position bar (video scrub)
<Becka11y> reposition?
<thaddeus> reddit: It's known as a scrubber.
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> mediaPosition
Lisa: need a definition for it
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> Changes the position of the multimedi
<thaddeus> The act of moving the playhead left or right
<Becka11y> adjust the current playback postion in the current media
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> volume :
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> adjust the volume of a multi media component. Often used with increase or decrease but is sometimes used alone as a menu name or item
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> channel
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> adjust the channel of a multi media component. Often used with increase or decrease but is sometimes used alone as a menu name or item
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> time start 1
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> Set the start time
Lisa: Start/end time for which you are setting
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> Set the start time or the time of an event
<Becka11y> some things have end time - but agree just need time
<thaddeus> +1
same for start date end date?
<janina> How is start time denoted?
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> timeDateStart
<janina> I'm suggesting following ISO would be best
<janina> Best of interoperability of calendars, e.g. Google, Apple, etc., etc
<janina> Strong +1 to Michael. Let's not reinvent the wheel
Michael: we need to look at existing definitions we should not reinvent anything
<janina> Reason for including needs to be crystal clear. What is it achieving?
Lisa: add an Editors Note possibly here
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> keyword
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> identifies keyword(s) related to content for search
Roy: Republishing FPWD there is a sentence is "Not Normative"
<MichaelC> https://www.w3.org/TR/personalization-semantics-content-1.0/#content
Roy: That is incorrect and we need to update the working draft we want to quick publication.
<Roy> https://rawgit.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/FPWD-Content/snapshot/WD-content.html
Michael: this section defines the properties and should be included because this is a patant policy change.
Lisa: That is fine.
Roy: this is the new version with this change with that sentence removed.
Michael: I will get this today so you can publish tomorrow Roy.
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> keyword identifies keyword(s) in the content
Lisa: one more field:
... not sure if its an action, destination, field…
Charles: I think we should postpone this
Lisa: I will send it to the list.
<LisaSeemanKestenbaum> https://rawgit.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/vocab-implementations-MC/content/index.html#values
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.152 of Date: 2017/02/06 11:04:15 Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/ Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/Lisa/Becky/ Present: Roy clapierre Becka11y janina MichaelC thaddeus LisaSeemanKestenbaum Regrets: sharron john Found Scribe: clapierre Inferring ScribeNick: clapierre WARNING: No "Topic:" lines found. WARNING: No meeting title found! You should specify the meeting title like this: <dbooth> Meeting: Weekly Baking Club Meeting WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth WARNING: No date found! Assuming today. (Hint: Specify the W3C IRC log URL, and the date will be determined from that.) Or specify the date like this: <dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002 People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option. WARNING: No "Topic: ..." lines found! Resulting HTML may have an empty (invalid) <ol>...</ol>. Explanation: "Topic: ..." lines are used to indicate the start of new discussion topics or agenda items, such as: <dbooth> Topic: Review of Amy's report WARNING: IRC log location not specified! (You can ignore this warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain a link to the original IRC log.)[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]