XForms Users Community Group Teleconference

14 Feb 2018



Alain, Erik, Steven



XML Prague


Two XForms papers and a demo

Steven: Good fun, well attended.
... No XML London, so there is going to be a Markup UK instead.


Steven: Probably also an event in Amsterdam in the Autumn.

ACTION-2159: Add @appearance to <group>


Steven: Done

ACTION-2158: Make explicit that using @appearance can cause 4

different representations


Steven: Also done.

file: with PUT and GET


Steven: I think the spec should support saving to file.

Erik: We save to the server
... what's the situation with browsers?

Steven: Part of the HTML spec now, so it seems like we ought be able to match it.

Erik: I could go either way. OK with dialog box approach.
... as for SHOULD or MUST...
... either way
... no strong feelings.

Alain: Depends on browser versions. MUST may be too strong.
... OK with putting a note about dialog box.

<scribe> ACTION: Steven to add note about file: with PUT and GET using a dialog box.

<trackbot> Error creating an ACTION: could not connect to Tracker. Please mail <sysreq@w3.org> with details about what happened.

<scribe> ACTION: Steven to add note about file: with PUT and GET using a dialog box.

<trackbot> Error creating an ACTION: could not connect to Tracker. Please mail <sysreq@w3.org> with details about what happened.

inline vs inline-block


Steven: Since the online discussion, I am OK with the current spec definition.

Erik: OK

root element


Steven: Alain pointed out that the new XForms implementation doesn't have a host language.
... and so invented xf:form
... maybe as a service to the community we should also spec a root element for implementations that have no host language.
... I will talk to the people from Saxonica, and propose a suitable element.

<scribe> ACTION: Steven to contact Saxonica, and propose a suitable element for the root

<trackbot> Error creating an ACTION: could not connect to Tracker. Please mail <sysreq@w3.org> with details about what happened.

Test Suite 2.0


Steven: New version posted later this week.




Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Steven to add note about file: with PUT and GET using a dialog box.
[NEW] ACTION: Steven to contact Saxonica, and propose a suitable element for the root

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2018/02/14 14:23:44 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.152  of Date: 2017/02/06 11:04:15  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Present: Alain Erik Steven
Regrets: Philip
No ScribeNick specified.  Guessing ScribeNick: Steven
Inferring Scribes: Steven
Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xformsusers/2018Feb/0011
Found Date: 14 Feb 2018
People with action items: steven

WARNING: IRC log location not specified!  (You can ignore this 
warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain 
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[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]